
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Appreciation to an Honest Gay Black Man

In my quest to understand this Down Low "phenomenon" (which, by the way is really nothing new. Men have been on the down low since forever, some of us have just been going through life with our eyes wide shut!)I read this on "The Sraight Up Truth about the Down Low" after I posted a story there. I thank him for his honesty and think this is worth sharing.

Name: A Soul that cares.

WOW! As an Black Man I was hesitant to post any comments at first, but after watching the film "COVER", I feel that it is okay to lend some insight to this forum. I am not involved, with any women sexually, and I do not wear any labels to define my sexuality. I refer to my same sex attractions and behavior as Homo-erotic."I don't want to make this post about me and what the causalities of my behavior stem from. I just want to say that I feel a sigh of relief knowing that women, especially Black women have taken off the blinders with regards to men on the down low.And are now empowering themselves against this covert lifestyle, that their so called life partners, have, burdened them with.

It is just not fair and it, and it just ain't right. Black women have been the driving force that has sustained the Black Family for untold centuries, here in this Western society, and we would not have made it this far without you. My Dear Mothers, sisters daughters, and all females in here that have been dissed and abused by the down low brothers, DON'T TAKE THAT NONSENSE.No not for another second. "You deserve to know the truth, and it will set you free.

These men out here that are carrying on with other men, while hiding behind the illusion of marriage, are the ones that have some very deep and lasting scars and baggage that has nothing to do with you. And the same game that they run on women,just to get some sex or whatever their selfish needs may be, they also perpetrate on the men that they deal with.So never take your confused mans behavior personally or as measure as you worth or desirability as a woman. " God Bless You all" Always have your bags ready in any case scenario.And if need be "Just leave", God will always make a way out of no way for you...If you can trust nothing else, TRUST God and your good common sense. with Love
A native Son.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If you don't stand for something...

You know the rest. "You'll fall for anything."

Sometimes you will stand alone. That's one of the lessons that I've learned this year. And guess what? I learned that I don't mind standing alone, as long as my decision sits well with MY soul - that's all that matters.

Now don't get me wrong, I've fallen for the "okey doke" on more occassions than I care to remember, but thankfully I think I've learned from my past mistakes.

There have been some pretty tempting opportunities presented to me this year. Opportunities that could have sky-rocketed my popularity and my finances. But the opportunities just didn't sit well with my soul.

I've been told that this is my M.O. anyway - to be invited to the king's (or queen's) table and decline the invitation. lol. And more often than not - they get offended that a pion such as I would dare decline their invitation - or worse yet come to the party, but leave midstream.

What they don't realize is that I serve the KING of kings and would rather be a pion in his court, than a queen or princess where his presence is stifled or not apparent. And no matter what, like Maya Angelou...I will still rise...

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

May Angelou

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Breaking up IS hard to do

I've been dating these two guys for about 4 months now. That's a record for me these days. I really like both of them. They both comfort me almost every night, we watch movies together and we spend alot of quality time together.

But this morning while I was getting dressed I realized that they had taken over my hips, thighs and butt! I decided to break of my realationship with Ben AND Jerry! lolololol.

As much as I love them, I gotta break it off. And your friends Hagan Daas, Edy's, Turkey Hill AND Bryers can forget it too!

"Tis the Season to watch what I eat.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I keep seeing city officials establish "commissions" and "committees" for various things - and you see the same people in the mix - and you are getting the same results - NOTHING.

Now they have this comission or whatever to create jobs in Philadelphia because the "President is bringing people together in Washington to talk, but we need jobs right here". Yeah, we been needing jobs here since way before this current so-called "recession". So, what if the President didn't make the call for a group to come together, because it is now a national crises? It has always been a local crisis right here in Philly. And they have the same old people on these commissions saying the same old thing they been saying for the last 30 years. Then they will all agree that "we need to do a study" so they find money to pay some of their friends to do a study to find out what we already know. It is a viscious cycle - a circus if you will.

Cecil B. Morre would be appalled at what little progress has been made after all his hard work. He, Leon Sullivan and David P. Richardson.

Stevie Wonder said it best:

"You Haven't Done Nothing"

We are amazed but not amused
By all the things you say that you'll do
Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you

But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!

It's not too cool to be ridiculed
But you brought this upon yourself
The world is tired of pacifiers
We want the truth and nothing else

And we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!

We would not care to wake up to the nightmare
That's becoming real life
But when mislead who knows a person's mind
Can turn as cold as ice un hum

Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Forgiving people has been soothing for me. Whether I am forgiving them for something they actually did or said to me or for something that I thought they did or said (smile) - it has given me a comfort that I can't describe.

But forgiving someone doesn't mean that you have re-establish a relationship or that you even have to talk to them. You don't have to subject yourself to those same people that have hurt you because chances are that although you may have changed - they haven't. I wouldn't put myself in any position that may open old wounds. I am glad to know that my heart has forgiven and that I will move on and live my life.

As this Thanksgiving approaches, my feelings are bittersweet. Things will never be as they were in the past, but the future looks bright and I am blessed to have been invited several places for Thanksgiving Dinner.

So Happy Thanksgiving to All Of You and if you haven't yet -
Forgive Somebody.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Michael Jackson is STILL The Man!

On Saturday as I entered into a crowded Produce Store - I mean so crowded that the check out line started almost at the door where you enter. Very little room to move around and pick up items that I came for - then on the radio youhear the melody of "You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin" by Michael Jackson. The funniest thing happened - almost EVERYBODY stopped in their tracks and started singing! Some started dancing! I was cracking up laughing! One older lady put it all in a nutshell - "Michael Jackson still bringing unity."

Rest In Peace Michael Jackson!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Roots

"Only Faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that, at present, remain unseen. It was for faith that our ancestors were commended."
Hebrews 11:1 The Jerusalem Bible, Reader's Edition

Wow. I have known that I had some pretty interesting family roots. But guess what? Most of what I've learned in the last four years can be attributed to Mr. Noah Lewis who portrays and is now in the process of writing an autobiography on Ned Hector, who is one of my ancestors! He was interested enough in my family's history to bring it to life. For that I thank him! Here is just some of what I've learned from him

Ned Hector Free Black Colonial Soldier, Wagoneer, Respected Patriot, Hero. Hectors Street in Conshohocken is named after him.

Leah (Fisher) Hector - Widow of Albanus Fisher Sr. Remarried son of Ned Hector. Became a widow for a second time. Owned a store and several properties in the Norristown and Conshohocken areas.. She grew her own herbs and specialized in herbal remedies. She lived to be 113 years old.

Albanus C. Fisher
Son of Leah Fisher. Served in the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, This is the Black Volunteer Regiment depicted in the Movie GLORY. There are copies of handwritten letters that he wrote in the Gettysburg College Museum.

Ambrose C. Fisher
My great-grandfather. He was politically active and a registered republican. He worked as a janitor for the Norristown High School for many years before his retirement.
I remember he walked with a limp. My grandmother said he only had half a foot, but I don't remember what happened.

Catherine Fisher-Massey
My grandmother. The oldest of 5 sisters and 3 brothers born to Ambrose C. and Leah Fisher (Mom-mom and Pop-pop) In 1978, she and her siblings started the "Fisher Sunshine Club" in memory of their parents. The groups mission was to organize family events and trips. I remember all family members wearing red t-shirts that read "Body by Fisher". I didn't know what that meant, but I remember that we weren't allowed to use that slogan. So from then on we just wore red t-shirts. They also started a scholarship fund for students at the Norristown High School in memory of their father, Ambrose C. Fisher.

I'm am excited because I talked to Noah today and he has even MORE DETAILED INFORMATION to share with me!!!!!!

Stay tuned....

Peace and Love.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Quite simply the reason why I vote is because my mommy said I should. Period.

My mom was ALWAYS a political activist, ever since I can remember she worked the polls as minority leader, majority leader and was on the ballot for Judge of Elections before her untimely death in 2005. Undoubtedly she would have won. I remember I was in the 8th grade telling my classmates about voting NO for the charter change - a change that would allow Rizzo to run again and extend the term limits of the mayor. And some of my classmates at St. Therese actually listened to me. lolol. I remember Leon Hosendorf and I were like two old people discussing politics. (RIP Leon) (Leon also believed me when I told him Issac Hayes was my uncle so....)

So like it or not, I've always been around politics. This Tuesday will be no exception as I cast my vote for Seth Williams for D.A., I will be a part of history in the making. Philadelphia NEEDS to VOTE FOR SETH WILLIAMS FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I can say it enough.

Yes there are other offices that are up for grabs including City Controller. I've heard some otherwise intellegent people declare that they will vote for the incumbent Alan Butkovitz because he supports black businesses. So what if he does and how has that helped any black business that you know?! That's not his job as City Controller. The City controller is primarily responsible for auditing municipal government. Period. What is the track record here? Who is his opponent and what is his track record? Do you even know? People WAKE UP, GET INVOLVED and HOLD ALL YOU ELECTED OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT THEY ARE COMMISIONED TO DO BY THE CITY HOME RULE CHARTER.

I vote becasue my conscience tells me to. I've been taught to learn about people who are running and to make an intelligent decision about who I am voting for. I'm trying to teach my children the same ethic but right now they look to me (or their father) for who to vote for. I'll be glad when the day comes when they can tell me who I should vote for and why.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Did anyone watch FRONTLINE last night? I did and I was relieved to find out that some of my "crazy" thoughts are NOT crazy at all. I was also proud to learn about Brooksley Born - a lady who attended law school in the 60's when it wasn't very popular for women to attend law school. Faced with discrimination on all levels not only did she excel, she went on the be the lone wolf who gave warning to the government about non-regulation and "derivatives". But again she was faced with discrimination, not only because she was a woman, but she was not politically connected either - but she stood her ground - her warning went unheeded and here we are today. She warns again that the situation WILL NOT improve until REAL change is made.

So, I learned that my suspicions of the banking crisis being much more than meets the eye were pretty accurate and I learned the details of my suspicions.

It's times like this when I miss my cousin Robert "Kim" Massey the most. 28 years and I still miss him. He would have turned 54 on Oct. 19th. He is one of the few people who would not only entertain my "crazy" thoughts, he would encourage them. If Kim were still here I would have probably known the details before now...and I would probably be a lawyer by now.

Anyhow, you can watch it at

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Great articel and "kudos" to Dr. Ackerman!!!!

I dreamed I stood in a studio and
Watched two sculptors there:
The clay they used was a young child's mind
As they fasioned it with care.

One was a teacher, the tools she used
Were books and music and art.
The other sculptor was a parent
With a gentle and loving heart.

Day after day, the teacher toiled
With a touch that was deft and sure;
While the parent labored by her side
To polish and smoothe the child o'er.

But each agreed they would have failed
If they had worked alone
For behind the parent stood the school
And behind the teach, the home.

Author Unknown

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I love Barack Obama. I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt ever since his election. But now, I think the honeymoon is over.

Believe me, I understand fully the mess that he inherited and the courage that it takes for him to try to clean it up. Most of all, I understand the ugle world of politics.

All I'm gonna say is that if he seriously wants a shot at anohter term, he better start acting like he know black people count.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Matrix

OK. Most of you who know me know that when it comes to electronics, movies and other propaganda I'm a little slow. If you REALLY know me then you know that I have no type of pay tv - comcast, fios, direct tv - nothing. But I did breakdown and get the DTV box - against my better judgment. I JUST watched the Matrix reloaded and am convinced that we live in a world of carefully scripted propaganda. I don't even watch the news much anymore. I view the news as a major brainwashing tool. I hate the news.


When I had cable and watched Fox, CNN BCC, and other news stations, my blood pressure was ALWAYS high! I was always fussing back at the tv - it was just ridiculous. Now, my pressure remains stable because I just watch the local stupid news for weahter and traffic. I no longer watch the media outlets that are controlled by politicians and CEO's of the major companies that control the economy.

Politicians lying,
everybody trying -
to make a dollar -
it make me wanna holler -
'they way they do my life
the way they do my life'...
No more racism,
no pollution,
the solution -
(Kirk Franklin)

Keep an open mind and a watchful eye of the News the TV Doesn't Tell You!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Local Organization Resurfaces; Renews Old Vision


Local Organization Resurfaces; Renews Old Vision
Fundraising initiatives in place for renovations of Historical Site

Philadelphia, PA September 1, 2009 – In 1931, The Wharton Centre was created and used as a catalyst for many social, youth, and housing programs/agencies in North Philadelphia and throughout the city. Activities are noted in the book The Philadelphia Negro by W.E.B. Dubois and documented at the Urban Archives @ Temple University.

The Wharton Centre was responsible in part, if not in whole, for the creation of the Philadelphia Housing Authority, Redevelopment Authority, The Y.M.C.A. of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Recreatio n Department and co untless other agencies and programs.

Motivated by social, political, educational and economical concerns of our communities that often go unheard, if not ignored all together, The Wharton Centre and United Minorities of Philadelphia .Association of .Contractors have combined forces to not only bring these concerns to light, but to bring forth resolutions.

Even though the organization receives no funding, it remains, true to it’s legacy. This summer they provided an affordable summer day camp program to approximately 30 chi ldren. These children learned math skills, gymnastics, martial arts and etymology (the study of the origin of words). The parents learned that there are some good people out there who actually care a bout their kids. If they couldn’t pay the fees, they didn’t have to worry about it. If they needed transportation for their children to and from camp, it was provided…all at no cost.

“Next year we want to be able to expand the program. We need to get renovations done to our gym so that we can provide activities for the kids all year long” stated Lewis Harris, Chairman of the Board of the Wharton Center. "We don’t want to ever see our children subject to the being discriminated against like they were this summer at the Valley Swim Club. We want to create a safe place for our children to come and enjoy.”

Founder and CEO of United MPAC, Robert Kirby stresses the need for support of their various fundraising initiatives. “We d on’t get any funding from outside agencies, We need to do this for us and by us. That’s why we’re having a Splash Party fundraiser this Saturday September 5th and we are also raffling off this brand new 2009 Ford truck. We NEED support.”

For additional information or to support fundraising initiatives, visit

About Th e Wharton Centre’s United MPAC
The Wharton Centre Inc., A 501(c)3 non profit founded in 1931 created
United M.P.A.C (United Minorities of Philadelphia Association of Contractors) as a subsidiary to address certain social, political, educational and economical concerns go unheard, if not ignored all together, especially in more economically depressed areas of the city. Our goal is to not only bring these concerns to light, but to bring resolution. Leveraging will be one of the vital tools used to achieve our objectives. We came together initially because our minority contractors are being denied jobs right here in our own city.

Currently there are two programs in place that have helped achieve some of the aggressive initiatives of the organization.

The T.T.L. (Take The Lead) Initiative Program was developed for several reasons. Gentrification is a serious problem in some of our neighborhoods and we would like to help20prevent some of the problems that lead to decay and neighborhood ruin. We also wanted to create our own jobs and provide work for our minority contractors. While meeting this goal we are also providing excellent services from qualified contractors to property owners. This is an affordable service pro viding maintenance, consultant and construction services for any residential or commercial property. An assessment team will help you determine your needs and together you will be able to decide what needs to be addressed immediately and in the long term.

The United M.P.A.C. Business Members Program was created to help business owners, companies, and/or those individuals who receive 1099's. The association greatly benefits those who have non-verifiable income and are responsible for paying their own taxes, especially tradesmen and women, sub-contractors, barbers, hair=2 0stylists, vendors, independent / freelance consultants and sales associates, mechanics, etc. The program provides many services and promotes a kinship for members to network, do business together, enjoy healthcare discounts, payroll services, LLC creation services, etc. Designed for those individuals who are in20business for themselves, but don't want to feel that they're BY themselves.

Using their own formula that backs our theory: I + M = L p
Translation: Information + The Masses = Leverage to a higher power.

The Wharton Centre and United M.P.A.C. are on the move

Annie Havey, Director of Communications
The Wharton Center/United MPAC


Saturday, August 22, 2009


If Obama had been likened more to Malcolm X than to Dr. King, would he have gotten elected President of the US? HELL NO!


Since Enon's church picnic was rained out, my crew is coming here. I'm watching Malcolm X on WHYY as I'm preparing some food (on the menu...bbq chicken wings. beef ribs, fresh string beans and red potatoes, pasta salad w/broccolli, all colored peppers and carrots, potatoe salad, deviled eggs and fruit salad. and oh yeah...homemade sangria since its at my place!)

This is the movie Denzel should have won the oscar for. My mom used to have this joke that he played that part so well that when they show clips of the real Malcolm X she wondered who he was.. WHERE ARE OUR 10,000 BLACK MEN?

The best part of the movies is when Malcom realizes that he put too much faith in the man/messenger (Elijah Muhammad) and knows that God or Allah or whatever you call your creator IS The Real Answer.

On of my mom's favorite quotes comes to mind:


Is this really 2009 or am I in a time warp?

Friday, August 14, 2009



I am totally not a football fan, but I do love a good Superbowl party. I will watch the Eagles'vs the Cowboys games as well.

Even though I'm not really a fan, I do follow the news and am not at all surprised that he signed on with the Eagles. I kinda thought he would when a few weeks ago when they were considering allowing him to play in the league again, Andy Reid said then that "We'd take him".

I think that as a result of the problems that his son's recently had with the law, Andy Reid has developed a sense of compassion and learned that everyone deserves a second chance.

Interestingly enough, in my opinion, a lot of naysayers are the same ones who can't wait until hunting season comes around so that they can go shoot some innocent animals.

This whole thing with Mr. Vick has bothered me from the beginning. When Art Fennel read my response to a question he asked on his show one time, I was so excited! Did anybody see it? Anyway what I said then, I still say now...This is nonsense and news that you shouldn't be wasting your time and talent on. It is ridiculous that this man was stripped of his job AND sent to prison. He should do some community service at a dog resue place or something and call it a day.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On a NINA SIMONE trip today

Ok. So today I am on a Nina Simone trip. I just was watching CANVAS on WHYY and they showed a musical Jazz tribute to Father Paul Washington...then I pulled out my Nina Simone cds. As the sun started coming out, I put on "Here comes the Sun".

One of my favorite childhoods songs is "The Little Brown Girl" which isn't on any of the cds that I have, but thanks to this new modern technology I found it on UTube! If you care to it is.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Leader or Opportunist

There's a thin line between the two.

The more I look at most of our so-called leaders...the more I think about it...they aren't really leaders at all. They are but opportunists who say and do whatever is necessary to move them to the next level.

The thin line can easily disappear and one can become confused as to whether they are a leader or just an opportunist posing as a leader.

I guess that's called a merger. That's the way business is done.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alan Butkovitz is doing a great job!

FINALLY! Somebody dug into the Parking Authority! And just MAYBE the Philadelphia School District will get the money they were promised.

Read the story here in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've lived in Germantown all my life. Let me clarify that because I've lived in EMAN WMAN WOL and EOL, but I consider all of that Germantown.

Well now I really live in Germantown, Rubicam Street to be exact. There's a black tennis club right in the back of where I live and I often watch the players play. During my travel home, I'd pass by yet another black tennis club. So a friend of mine likes to play tennis, so we decided to ride around there and check it out.

Well, we met Mr. Scott, whose son (Franklyn Scott)is the President of the club By the time I finished talking with Mr. Scott, I not only knew the history of the club (he's gonna write an article about it for my next newsletter.), I'd also had a mini sermon, history lesson, philosophy lesson and a brief lesson in the latin language. By him also being a retired Dean of Students at Bartram, I got a whole other lecture about education, teaching and what's wrong with the educational system today. We had a very interesting and stimulating conversation - with him doing most of the talking! But the most interesting part of our conversation was this.

He asked where I lived and I said Rubicam Street He said "Oh you live on the Rubicon huh? I said "no Rubicam". He said "yeah Rubicon. Do you know what that means'? Of course I didn't know what that meant and I was beginning to feel pretty stupid. Anyway, he went on to tell me (and I'm paraphrasing) how when Ceasar left Rome and crossed the Rubicam - there was no turning back. True or not true I like that. Keep on walking don't look back. Yes!

Peace and Love.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


What the hell is that all about? The first time I heard that nonsense, I was a little offended. I'm fine, I live in Philly, but my voice is definitely not baratone. I sent an email to expressing my distain with that statement. Now, Clearchannel aka WDASFM 105.3 is broadcasting that statement like a commercial or something.

The more I hear it, what I'm hearing that "All the fine women in Philly have deep voices and therefore are not women at all" So now I am deeply offended.

I don't know about you, but I don't want the city where I grew up and still reside to be labeled as the city where all the fine women are really men.

Now that's some fraggernackle BS!

I said that I was gonna call a boycott on the show, but most of my people don't even listen to WDAS, they listen to 107.9, 103.9 or some other station anyway and have no idea of what I'm whining about now. I was the die hard Philly DAS fan out my bunch.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I friend of mine who has been laid off for over a year called me today to tell me that she started a new the Department of Welfare. You know what that means, she gets to work, but doesn't get paid! The state is hiring but cannot even pay the worker's they already have on payroll.

This is one of those things that make you go hmmmmm.


The word is that there are plans to form State Chambers of Commerce for African Americans. I like that...More to come on this!

Friday, July 17, 2009



Although blurbs are written about Ryan Howard hitting his 200th home run of his careerand that this milestone was "reached quicker than any other player in major-league history" This story is not in the headlines of any major Philadelphia newspaper.


And another thing - was anybody concerned enough to campaign for Ryan to be on the "All Star" team last year - when he rightfully deserved it? Was the man who calls himself running this city out there :campaigning" for Ryan like he did for one of the players this year?

Well, I'm glad he made it this year or I mighta had to start a protest or something. LOL - and Ryan Howard could probably care less - how much does he make again?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We've Got To Do Something To Save The Children

I tried to wait until I cooled down a bit before writing about the racist b-------s in Huntingdon Valley. It is a sin and a shame that in 2009, the year of the first Black President of these United States of America, our babies are slapped in the face with outright, blatant racism.

Now, what I am about to say may not be very popular, but here it goes...

Why the hell would we even want to take our children to Huntingdon Valley? It is obvious that they don't want to be around blacks that's why they live Huntingdon Valley in their secluded little lifestyles. I'll tell you why, because the city closed their pools and the babies needed someplace to swim this summer. I salute the day care providers for their efforts to provide the children with the opportunity to swim, but could they have found a black swim club to partner with?

This should serve as a wake-up call to the man who calls himself running the city. I personally hold him responsible. That's all I'm gonna say about that because I am still really angry!

This incident brought back to memory my own personal encounter with racism with the Huntingdon Valley racists.

I was working in Huntingdon Valley in the engineering department of a very large company. Engineering itself had over 300 employees and I was one of three black employees. The people were so nice and I never had any problems with the employees. My boss was the best. He was an English man and I loved his accent and as I said, he nor any of the other employees treated me with anything other than kindness and respect. None of them were actually from Huntingdon Valley either. I almost forgot that I was black and they were white. Then we had the department Christmas party. It was held in some country club out in Huntingson Valley. Well, I was sitting at the table with my boss, his direct secretary and some other higher ups in the department. (By the way, the two other black gentlemen did not attend the Christmas Party) Anyway, we're sitting there have a good time; then the food begins to be served. Everyone was served except for me. I think soup was first and then salad. Well, after I didn't get the salad, my boss was furious and asked to speak with whomever was in charge. Well at that point, it didn't matter - I had been slapped in the face by racism in the 90's. Once my boss made a big deal, I thanked him and I left.

So, we need to guard our children and not put them in a situation where this could happen.

By the way, when we had our office christmas party a few days later, I received lots of nice gifts and money. I guess everyone heard about what happened, but it wasn't them - not all white people are racist bigs.

Friday, July 10, 2009

One Ex-Offender's Plight

This is a letter that my baby sister sent to MORE in February of this year...

My name is Adriene Berry. I am an ex-offender living in Philadelphia. I just wanted to take a moment to express to you the difficulty I have encountered in trying to obtain employment. I am sure my situation is not uncommon but that does not make it any less frustrating. I was convicted in 2005, placed on house arrest and served out my probation. Tell me, why I am I still paying that same debt. If I sound bitter, please forgive me. I was a first time offender and I consider myself to be collateral damage in this so called war on drugs. I also realize that I made a decision that I now know will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have been trying to get back to a productive life but that seems nearly impossible. I have registered with every agency in the city. I even have some that send me out on menial jobs that no one else will take only to receive notice by mail, no less, stating that they cannot retain me because of my criminal record. I'd just like for someone to tell me what am I supposed to do to take care of my family. Do I embrace a life of crime since society has turned its back or do I become another able bodied adult trying to live off of the scraps you receive from public assistance? I don't want to do either. I just want a chance to work and support my family. It seems like the government along with corporate America wants to keep me from my rights promised me by the Constitution of the United States of America. It seems that the government is only interested in driving ex- offenders further underground. A lot of people don't want to sell drugs and steal and rob. But you know what, a lot of them do. I'm just wondering what are the options for those of us who want to live a decent life? I look through the re-entry web sites, call the numbers but I don't qualify for most of the programs. They offer training but what happens after that? If there is no one to hire you what good is the training? I can't get any federal assistance to go back to school and if I could what would I study? No federal assistance for student loans or housing. I have to try and pay rent with welfare and child support. I am not receiving welfare at this time but I guess I soon will be. Maybe we don't matter to you. Maybe we get what we deserve. Maybe we don't deserve second chances. I don't know. But I do know that I am not a bank exec who squandered away millions of dollars that did not belong to me or sell high risk loans that I knew would never see serious returns. I know I am not a big oil company who held the whole country hostage while I raked in record breaking profits. Nor am I an auto industry exec who is writing this letter from my summer home in Milan asking for assistance. I am just a simple person trying to live. Where do I fit in? If there is any assistance you may be able to offer me or even if you have a direction to point me in, please do not hesitate. I'm open to feedback, suggestions and anything else helpful. I have been in contact with Ms. Carolyn Harper who is the Director of The Mayor’s Reentry program for ex offenders. Here is a copy of her response to me sent on March 2nd. I still have not heard from anyone in that department yet.

Their response...

Ms. Berry,

Thank you for your letter. You are correct that it is very difficult once you have been labeled as an offender to take advantage of what society offers to non-offenders. I am pleased to see that you understand the consequences of your choices and appear to be ready to make a change. The Mayor's Office for the Reentry of Ex-offenders is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated persons successfully reenter into society, however it is a process.

I am copying Ms. Mines, Deputy Director for Reintegration Services on this email. She can provide you with additional information on our program.

I wish you continued success in your endeavors. Have a great day.

Carolyn C. Harper
Chief of Staff
Mayor's Office for Reentry of Ex-Offenders

So now I am challenging all my Civil servants to step up to the plate. I know where you are when it’s time for re-election. Making a whole bunch of empty promises. How about this new administration? If we want to successfully integrate ex offenders into society, we must provide them with fair opportunities. There is a lot of talk but we need action.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson

I was devastated. That's all I can say...

We all know he was troubled and had issues. Who doesn"t?

With all of the hoopla about the drugs, the allegations and whether or not the kids are really his (did you ever believe they were?) let's not forget that MJ was not ONLY an entertainer...he was a brilliant businessman.

Watch the video of his speech on Sony.

He says he writes about 100 songs for an album - the album produces about 15. If that's true we can be sure that we will be hearing new songs from MJ for years to come.

My friend reminded me that I was just talking about MJ to her on last Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't remember. I always talked about MJ. He is BAD!!!

I must admit that I started drifting from his newer music - after the major face transformation. I think the last album - um CD I purchased was "Remember the Time."

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today is the last day for teachers in the Philadelphia School District and ends my first year with the school district. It's been interesting.

I always thought that teaching was a fun and easy job, but it's not. Most of my teachers always made it look that way because they loved what they do. You gotta love teaching to be effective. On that note, I would like to acknowledge most of the teachers at Randolph. You are effective and do a wonderful job. I have to make some special acknowledgements to the teachers that I have actually observed in action:

Mrs. Silverman - the English teacher was the first teacher to impress me. During my first week here I had to detain a male student because of his behaviour. He was so upset, and begged if he could just come back for detention after school because HE HAD TO GET TO MRS. SILVERMAN'S CLASS and he couldn't be late!!! As time went on, I could see why he was so anxious to get to her class. SHE MAKES LEARNING ENGLISH FUN. I often have the urge to go sit in on her class when I pass by.

Mr. Moore (Autobody) and Mr. Young (Automechanics) both act as role models for the boys and have a great repoire with their students. And, "they don't take no tea for the fever" as my mother used to say. They teach them how to be respectful and responsible citizens.

Lt. Stallings and Mr. Davis (Fire Academy) OMG. When you see their kids in the hallway or another class, they might be off the chain, but when they are in class with either or both of these two teachers, sometimes I don't even recognize them. So, I learned that when they are out of control, I can just say, "OK, Im gonna tell Lt. Stallings or Mr. Davis" and they're like "Ok Ms. Hayes I'm sorry, I'm going to class right now." Not only that, they incorporate valuable life skills in their curriculum.

Like I said, these are teachers that I am constantly in contact with and observe because we are in the same area of the building. Just because I may not have mentioned you here, doesn't mean that I think you are not a great teacher. Although personally I may think one out of the bunch is absolutely a horrible teacher, all in all this is a good bunch.

Peace and Love!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I finally finished reading it - I mean really reading it - and I actually enjoyed the book and found it to be quite enlightening. I remember my ex keeping this book away from me. I still would read through it periodically but it simply didn't hold my interest as I hated the politics of life anyway - still do. Good thing too because if I wanted to practice this philosophy I would probably be very good at it. Had I continued on my course to become a lawyer or if I aspired to achieve success as defined by much of society, I would definitely follow the snake-like principals outlined by Machiavelli. Fortunately, there is still a softness to me that won't permit me to do that. If I had to make a choice, I'd rather swim with sharks than slither with snakes.

It still amazes how people really take these instructions to heart. From politicians to gangsters some proudly proclaim that they made the "ultimate Machiavellian move" - like that's something to be proud of. Since when is lying, scheming, and being amoral something to be proud of?

I remember that famous line from the book "Is it better to be loved or feared or feared than loved?" stated by Sonny in "A Bronx Tale" - one of my favorite movies. My only question is WWJD?

Monday, June 8, 2009


"Thank you Mr. Charlie for giving us po black folk the opportunity to allow us to spend our dollars with you. Thank you for finally coming into our neighborhood, now that our neighborhoods are undergoing major gentrification. Now the LaSalle College students and the suburbanites who have come back to the city can not only enjoy being close to the parks, theatres and airport, they also have the convenience of being able to shop for healthy food. Thank you for giving us a job so that we can put our money right back into your pockets. Thank you for allowing us not to grow and sell our own vegetables in our own neighborhood."

Now, with all the said, let it be known that I am actually a big fan of Brown's Shop Rite and have shopped at their store on Ridge Avenue when they only had the one store. I might be dating myself, but I can recall my oldest daughter, who was 4 or 5 at the time, always excited to go the "Brown's Shop Rite". Maybe it was because she liked to eat and would always get a sample lunch meat and cheese rollup from the lunch meat deli. They were ahead of the game and offered a variety of turkey lunch meat products. It was always clean and had quality produce and other nutritious foods. At that time, they even had some type of partnership with my church in which members purchased vouchers and part of the money went to our building fund.

But as I listened to WURD this past Saturday, as they "celebrated" the great transformation of that community I was not happy at all. They were praising Mr. Charlie (aka Jeff Brown) for transforming their neighborhood and providing jobs and quality foods. They praised his dedication to the community and acted like he was the great white hope for our black neighborhoods. Shoot, that ain't community dedication - that's just good business!

They were ecstatic as the white manager told all of the things that they can do with a sweet potato. Since when can a white person tell us about all the recipes where a sweet potato is the main ingredient. Oh, but the person who cooks all of this delicious food is what? You guessed it! BLACK! They will never be able to tell us anything about cooking. Remember, it was a black woman took the guts of a hog; scraps given to her by her master as a mean and cruel joke and told her to feed her family. She transformed those scraps into a delicacy that still kills blacks today.

While I think it's a wonderful thing that the West Philadelphia residents now have the opportunity to purchase quality produce and foods at the new one year-old Brown's Shoprite, I couldn't help but notice and be disappointed that there are NO BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES IN THAT SHOPPING CENTER. When they brought on a guest who has some type of energy drink that is now being offered at the store, I got a little excited, but that excitement quickly diminished when I realized that he too was not of African descent.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I love black musice and am glad that we have a month to celebrate it. I've always enjoyed the culmination of this monthly celebration at the WOL Jazz Festival.

Can somebody please tell my why this month has also been deemed Pride month. Pride meaning LGBT or whatever the acronym is. Is there a Heterosexual Pride month? There needs to be because it seems like we are the minority now.

It kinda feels like that episode from the old "Twilight Zone". You know the one where they are trying to "fix" the deformed lady's face but the operation was not successful. When they finally show the people's faces, we see that all the "normal" people are deformed and the deformed lady is normal. She is then sent away to a place where she'll be happy - with people who are "deformed" like her.

That's what was on my mind this morning.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I am not one to condone violence and I know that vengeance is the Lord's, however, sometimes the Lord uses people to do his will.

When I heard about that little girl being raped, tears formed in my eyes. But when I saw the news last night and watched a community come together and capture the perpetrator, I actually clapped. I think we might need a little more street justice in our communities! I'm sure he will also experience some jail justice too!

Speaking of taking it to the streets, why is it 2009 and black people are still protesting and marching and looking for a handout? We still marching down to Washington DC for education rights, and picketing to get a few crumbs from major construction projects. The recent court decision to "allow" protesters to protest at the convention center, provided they adhere to rules that will allow the contractors to continue business as usual sounds like a scene described by Malcolm X in his message to the grassroots. Yeah ok, you all can picket and protest and waste your time begging for crumbs. I ithought the whole idea of a protest was to interrupt business. Forty years later we still don't understand the concept of unifying ourselves and making things happen for our own race. I don't see no Latinos or Asians protesting anywhere for anything. No, they, along with the Asians, promote unity amongst themselves and they come into our neighborhoods and open businesses that strive on our dollars.

I don't have anything against protesting; it is protesting that gained blacks the right to vote again, and brought about desegregation - supposedly. I think it's time to take the black movement to the next level. I don't know exactly what that level is, but maybe we can get some pointers from the latinos and asians

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


You know what? I am so tired of seeing so many black men who are gay - openly or closeted. I hope I don't appear to be judgmental, but I don't know which bothers me most: black men who are flamboyantly gay or those who are secretly gay or bi-sexual.

The flamboyant guy is at least true to himself, but can he tone it down a bit? He is not a woman, a girlfriend or a "fish".

The closeted guy is just a down-low low-down coward who is afraid or ashamed to be himself. He lies to himself and his family and he is often either married to a woman or in a relationship with a woman, but he's always on the prowl for men as well. He often is abusive (mentally, physically and or verbally) to the woman in his life because he doesn't really love her at all.

Not that this is anything new. Men (and women too) have been like this for centuries and all over the world. I guess I'm more bothered by the men because men are my preference. So, I've decided that it's time to explore a more diverse dating pool and consider people of all nationalities. I'm gonna stop rejecting the Arabs, Greeks and men of other nationalities who offer to take me to dinner and a show or something. These are the only offers I get! Oh, no, that's not true - I also get offers from young men who are under 30! I just can't see myself going out with someone my daughter might date! Plus, they might be looking for a suga' momma and I ain't her!

Yeah, I think it's time. Wish me luck!

Peace and Love!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sharp or Shoddy

I never really considered myself to be superficial - I never judged a person by their outward appearance - whether shoddy or sharp. It has been my experience that the person who is sharpest on the outside is shoddy in the inside and vice versa.

Yesterday, one of our black male students was scheduled to attend a luncheon and receive an award from the Penn State. The invitation instructed him to "come dressed professionally in a suit and tie". Well, not only did this well-deserving student not have a suit and tie, he had no parental support and didn't want to attend.

Well, once we got past the lack of parental support (which was no easy task - he was deeply hurt that his mother didn't make a big deal about this major achievement), we had to deal with the issue of his outer appearance. We all told him he looked fine. He was in uniform, which included high top converse sneakers, but hey, he looked good to us because we knew his character. After we all scampered around, making phone calls and pulling our resources together to try and get him the type of outfit he wanted, he finally decided that he looked fine.

I escorted him to the luncheon which was a wonderfully inspirational experience for him - and for me. When we left, he finally admitted that after all that, he really was glad that he came.

So, when I got home and looked at my little measly paycheck, I smiled. Knowing that I made a difference in someone's life is priceless.

Peace and Love.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I often receive an anonymous text saying "THIS INFORMATION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT TYPE." So I thought I'd finally put some use to it and use it as a title.

Someone recently asked me if I had ever practiced any religion other than Christianity. I've always been pretty open-minded. Even in my quest for a religious experience, I've studied "all kinds of cult sciences, astrology, mysticism, world religion and so forth ya dig? And like ah, coming from a hip place all these things help because they give you an insight to your inner self - have mercy." LOL - Some of you may catch on to that one.

But seriously though, during my quest for spirituality, I've tried Catholicism, AME, SDA - but still felt that empty void in my life. It wasn't until recently that I tried JESUS! Now I understand what my grandmother and the songwriter meant when they said "Can't nobody do you like Jesus!!!

Now, like I said in the title of this post: THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT TYPE. You may not believe in Jesus or you may be a buddhist or and atheist or whatever, so at this point maybe you should just stop reading.

So, as I was saying. To some degree I've followed religious traditions and doctrine practically all my life. But when I personally experienced the love of Jesus, it's just indescribable - because it's truly incomprehensible for us to fully understand, but I do understand that it is real!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Some students have asked me why I write this blog. I told them - because I can. Sometimes I think that if I don't write, I might just whither away. I also enjoy exercising my right to freedom of speech and living out my fantasies of being a real journalist.

And contrary to what some have said, blogs are not a reliable source of news and information - blogs are simply one person's view on the news - not to be confused with professional journalism.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Teachers efforts often go unnoticed and unappreciated. I am proud to write that two of the teachers at Randolph have been recognized for their teaching methods.

Laura Jacklin one of Randolph's English teachers, plays a critical role at the school, in and out of the classroom. She allows her English students the freedom to learn in the style that suits them best and instills in them the discipline they need to develop lifelong skills to succeed. On Saturdays she works with the Rising Stars organization, which helps basketball players develop their academic skills.

Click on her name to link to a very insightful paper that she wrote entitled "Looking Through Others’ Eyes-Literature and the Double Self in the 20th Century".

Dwayne E. Frazier, a teacher in the Fire Academy, was honored last month as the "Outstanding New Career and Technical Education Teacher". This honor was bestowed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education during their annual Career and Technical Education Week in Harrisburg. Randolph was among one of four schools, STATEWIDE, singled out at an "Outstanding Career and Technical Education High School.

Mr. Frazier if the founder of the Philadelphia Legacy League, an organization that incorporates black history lessons with basketball.

Although these were the only two teacher who were honored, Randolph has many great teachers and role models.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The older I get, the more I never want to ask anybody to do anything for me. I'm like James Brown "I don't want nobody to give me nothin' - open up the door, I'll get myself." I forget what song that lyric comes from, but that's how I LOL

Now, just last night I felt like I wanted somebody to just come rescue me and take me away - you know - like in the fairytales. And that's where that thought stayed - in the fairy tale.

Now, that youngest daughter of mine really keeps me on my toes. She said to me the other day "you don't let nobody help you. People offer but you don't want nobody to do anything for you. You don't even let people get close to you." I said before that she scares me, well that statement just really got on my nerves. All I could say was "Who do you think you're talking to." Because I was mad that she was right and telling me about myself. And she's so diplomatic - so she says "Well, that's just my opinion." She knows that I've always told them that their opinion is valuable even if I don't agree with it.

Hmmm. I couldn't even say anything. So I turned up the music and began to sing. She definitely gave me something to think usual.


Election time. And for the first time in a very long time, I am undecided about who to vote for and am actually contemplating sitting this one out. My mother would cuss me out if she heard me say that, but I'm serious. Does it really even matter?

I'm leaning towards Seth Williams for DA, but I'm not fully comfortable with his views. I know him from working at the African American Chamber of Commerce and he was always very supportive of our efforts and community outreach, but there seems to be something different about him now. The fact that he has the support of the FOP is not at all appealing in my view.

The only Judge I know vaguely is John Irvine. He presides over Truancy Court at Roosevelt so I interact with him when I go to support students who are summoned for truancy. He has always proven to be fair in his decisions and is a welcome role model for the male students who are semi-troubled. They look up to him and take his advise seriously.

Now, I really like Brett Mandel. I also met him while working at the African American Chamber of Commerce/Tax Reform Commission. The one thing I know is that he is definitely an independent thinker and will not be swayed by bureaucracy and/or politics. However I find that he may be a little detached from my realities.

Alan Butkovitz hasn't done a bad job, but I was just a little turned off by views on students and septa crimes. But then again, he openly opposes genocide in Darfur - something that he didn't have to do, but it was the humane thing to do. But it has nothing to do with his role as city controller.

This was one of the discussions that I had with my three daughters on Mother's Day.

It was amazing, sitting back and watching each of these separate and distinct personalities that developed from the babies that I birthed.

Anyway, that youngest one - the one who isn't old enough to vote - is the one who had the most opinion on the matter. She scares me. She is so opinionated and passionate about her opinions! She's leaning towards her father's views, even to the point of calling somebody a "handkerchief-head nigga". I was outdone. She attended a forum with her father, but the only candidate speaking was Mr. Williams, so she didn't hear anyone else's views.

So, she and I are going to attend some candidate event somewhere where ALL CANDIDATES are present and able to share their position so that she and I can make an intelligent decision. The other two will just vote for who we decide; they are busy working, going to college, passing exams and writing papers and becoming responsible young adults.

Motherhood is the greatest, most challenging job I've ever had!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kendalls View Has Moved...

I've changed the name. Since I just can't seem to bite my tongue, I've changed the name to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Same Stuff...Different Day

Diversity in business still eludes us.

As I said before, I have a quite a bit of knowledge about the lack of diversity in the construction industry. So, what was the purpose of the mayor appointing a Construction Diversity Commission? And, what was the outcome of his acceptance of their report.

The data on the percentage of minorities in the trade unions was incomplete. The Electricians local 98 simply did not comply at all with the request to submit their information as did many of the other trade unions.

Well, "I say and I say again, you been had, hoodwinked, bamboozled, runamuck." some things never change. Minorities are still not gonna get a piece of the big construction pie. The good ole boys are obviously not concerned with anything the politicians say, or even with any Executive Order that is put in place. Nobody's gonna touch these guys.

Now, with that being said, it has been brought to my attention that some people are "bothered" by some of the tings I've said on this issue. To them I say simply this: If you have evidence or even an opinion that disputes anything I've said on MY blog, then put it in the comments sections provided. My observations will not change because someone told me that "Driscoll is upset." Please. I am not easily intimidated and I believe L.F. Driscoll has alot more to be concerned about. But I will say this - Driscoll is one of the few construction companies that did reach out to minority contractors. OK, I'll also throw some kudos out to Shoemaker. The are SOME good guys in the "Good Ole Boy" network, but not enough. And, they don't run the trade unions. That's another animal entirely in and of itself.


Monday, April 20, 2009


The School District's plans to close William Penn High School is very disturbing to me. I too wonder what Ruth Wright Hare would say about that.

My thoughts are simply this - watch the money. The location is in the center of the city - prime real estate. Your new SRC Chairman - a real estate attorney. Look closely at whatever paperwork they are passing out, especially the numbers for supporting their decision to close the school. We've seen how they double-dip the numbers when they closed Ada Lewis. We also watched them put in numbers for structural engineering services with a footnote stating that no walk through was performed. They don't expect us to actually be able to understand or dig into the information they provide.

Follow the money.

Philadelphia stands to gain about 100 million from the stimulus plan. Where's it gonna go? Do we have any input into deciding how the money will be spent? More than likely, the pie has already been sliced, even before it got here, and a few crumbs may actually be sprinkled to benefit the students.

It looks like we're about to be hoodwinked... again, as business proceeds as usual. What are we gonna do about it? Are we gonna continue to be divided? Are those who are "in the know" gonna continue to look the other way once they get what they want out of the deal? Will those who we the people have given political powers continue to sell us out? And who suffers the most? The children and youth. I said it before and I'll say it again...I'm sick of it.

I hope I'm wouldn't be the first time and I'm always quick to admit when I am wrong. I really hope I'm wrong. In the meantime open your eyes and FOLLOW THE MONEY AND THE REAL ESTATE.

Peace and Love

Friday, April 17, 2009


Grandmothers are gifts from God.

Man, I sure miss mine. Every time I hear "Family Reunion" I still cry! That was the one and only album my grandmother had in her house! And she loved to plan our annual family reunions, along with her 5 brothers and sisters, also known as the Fisher Sunshine Club.

I lived with my grandmother from age 14 until 23 and some family members claim that I was her favorite. I don't think that I was her favorite - she loved all of her grands equally and I would hear her praying for each of us every night. Not just for us, but for her entire family. But I was really spoiled. I mean, all those years, I would wake up to breakfast, come home to a hot meal everyday and if I was late, my plate would be warming on the stove over a pot of hot water. She made my bed for me on most days, because I was always rushing out in the morning. I did wash my own clothes though.

My grandmother's birthday just passed (March 27th) and I celebrated with memories that I usually keep to myself, but this year when my youngest daughter said "Today is mom's birthday", i shared some stories with her. We laughed and we cried as we remembered Catherine Massey.

Our lives are parallel in some ways i.e.: She had three daughters and so do I. She left a bad marriage and never looked back and so did I; She got her college degree when she was in her 40's, and so will I; She was a hell of a lady and so am I!!

She never re-married because she believed that the bible told her that she could not re-marry until her husband died. I think she was wrong about that, but never the less, that is what she believed. Well by the time he died, she was in a nursing home, bed ridden from Lou Garret's disease and could no longer speak or even write anymore. She made her daughters video tape his funeral so that she could watch it! I thought that was hilarious! When I asked her if she was gonna get married now, she just laughed so hard she began choking.

She used to say stuff like "You'll understand it better by and by". I would be thinking "What the hell is she talking about? Can't she just answer my question?" Well, "By and By" is now, because I do understand a lot of things better.

Just sharing some memories today.

Peace and Love!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today I learned that, although I stay to myself, minding my own business as I lick my wounds, (self-inflicted as well as wounds inflicted by others) I am STILL the object of unsubstantiated rumors. I'm tired this petty mess. I am quiet and as I said, keep to myself, but remember, still waters run deep.

If you are reading this and you are one of those low-lifes who need to get a life, understand your mindset as a rumor starter.

The type of people who start rumors are, for the most part, are

1. Insecure about themselves,
2. Trying to divert attention from their own mess by focusing people's attention on someone else; and are
3. Evil, diabolical and malicious

If you are one of those people who call yourself talking about me, understand this...YOU DON'T KNOW ME. You may think you know me because you may be a relative or friend of a relative, or so-called, self proclaimed friend of mine, or past fling or whatever, but you have no idea who I am. You don't know the old me or the new me. Very few people really know me, I mean maybe 3 people really know me for real and not one of them are a relative or family member.

For those of you who feed on rumors, carrying them like a dog carries a bone, understand that rumors are:

1. Outright, intentional lies.
2. A nugget of truth misunderstood or misrepresented to the point of falsity,
3. Half-truths purposely exaggerated,
4. Opinions represented as facts,
5. Unverified statements

If you are a weak minded rumor starter or a carrier, please stop it because in the long run, you are only hurting yourself. Life is a circle in which everything you do comes back to you. Be very careful about who you talk about and what you say.

If I had the type of character it takes to start rumors, best believe that I would have my information verified and backed up by numerous sources. And believe me, I could start a whole lot of conversation about a whole lot of people and all information would be based on verified facts and statements, but I don't have the need or desire to talk about or share other people's dirty laundry - I am way above that type of pettiness. The only motivation I would have to waste my time and energy on such nonsense would be to make some money from it.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Randolph's Future Looks Bright

Randolph Career Academy has had some pretty prominent visitors in the last two weeks. Last Friday, Dr. Ackerman, Sandra Dungee-Glenn, Curtis Jones and a few other heavy hitters did a walk thru along with TV cameras. Yesterday, another entourage of visitors flowed through the hallways and classrooms. On Monday, April 6, 7 representative from China visited the Randolph Technical Academy. With the use translators, the dialog proved to be very interesting. span>

The most interesting thing to me was that in China, when their students complete High School and receive their certificate of completion, they are equipped and ready to go straight into their profession. Nursing students go straight to the hospitals and trade students go straight to work builing up China's infrastructure.

Now, I wonder, out of all the students who elect to take electrical shops in Philadelphia school system, how many go on to get a job in their field or their Electrician union card? Anybody got the stats on that?

I don't know what prompted these visits, but rumor has it that Randolph might be on the chopping block. Some ask, "Even with the school district's plans to open three new career and technical high schools?" Yeah, well, that could very well be why they are looking at Randolph so closely - take the model and move it somewhere else. That's nothing new for Pennsylvania or Philadelphia. There's a history of starting pilot programs in urban areas, documenting the success of the program and moving the program to sub-urban and rural areas. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that happens.

Hope I'm wrong. And I think I am. Thank God!

Peace and Love

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When the Script Has Been Flipped

Listen to this one.

My ex-husband divorced me. I left him with the house, everything in it. After a few years of trying to be civil, at least about raising the kids, I got tired of them playing us against each other and he wouldn't talk to me because his cover girl is so insecure. So I sent the kids to live with him. When I say "kids" I mean 21, 18 and 16 year olds. Hardly kids anymore. The foundation was set and I had to concentrate on me. He kicked me when I was down, just lost my mom very unexpectedly and he quickly proceeded to divorce me divorce while I was still not in my right mind. But I was cool with it. I didn't want anything except some peace of mind.

Well, now I am in court for child support. He's got lawyers and everything. And although I didn't have a job, his lawyer told that that I am capable of paying $469 per month, based on my PREVIOUS income. Even though I was receiving unemployment of $250 per week, they took half of that, but added the balance to arrears.

This man (and I use that term loosely) makes over $90,000 per year now. He brought fake paystubs to court saying he only makes $3,000 every two weeks and he really makes three times that amount.

They say there's no fury like that of a woman scorned. Well, I'm scorned but I am moving onward and upward. He's acting like a girl and I'm paying the price.

I will never hear brother talk about paying child support again without sympathizing with him.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Class Act

That's an accurate description of Sandra Dungee-Glenn. I listened to her radio broadcast today as she graciously accepted her replacement as Chair of the SRC.

Dr. Ackerman joined her, sharing plans for the future of the School District.

Sounds Good. I will have to do some research on Mr. Archie and his involvement with education. it all still sounds like political backlash to me.

In the meantime, I'll support their efforts.

Peace and Love.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


What is your mayor thinking?!?!?!?!?! His latest thing is Ousting Sandra Dungee-Glenn?
It's not what you do, but how you do it.

He asked for no input or suggestions from parents, school district employees or the community at large. Once again, he has either had his puppet strings pulled or embarked on another power/ego trip. Either way, he has made two things perfectly clea:

1. Philadelphia residents have no say so in what goes on in our city. Period.
2. The children and youth are at the bottom of his priority list.

I am NOT opposed to change, sometimes change is a good thing. However, I am opposed to sudden and drastic change, dictatorship, cronyism and politics as usual, especially at the expense of our young people. I'm sick of it.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Follow the leader

I've heard it said that Obama is now the black people's leader. I beg to differ, even though this post isn't about that, I have to go there first.

In my opinion, President Obama is a different breed of brother. He shuns from any discussion on race and lacks the insight to honestly address the race issue in America. This weekend I watched a special presentation by Andrew Young called "How We Got Here." It was a historical look at racism during the civil rights movement. President Obama and I were both born during the height of that era, and I know that I don't have personal experiences of racism to that degree, but I had a black grandfather, grandmother, mother and father who on occasion shared their horror stories. They didn't harp on them because they felt that things had gotten better and that we were more privileged than they were. They shared just enough to remind us of that fact. And who can forget that big yellow "I Have A Dream" book about MLK.

Obama's was raised by his mother and paternal grandparents; all of whom were white! They didn't experience racism.

Now, I've experienced what I thought to be racism in high school, but when I came home to share my experience with my mom, she just blew it off. It was nothing to her because she had experienced "real racism." I didn't care what she said though, it was racism and I was furious!

President Obama has probably not experienced the racism of our forefathers and mothers, nor has he had any horror stories passed down to him. He can't possibly be the new leader for blacks in America - but he is the new leader for America as a whole and his skin is tinted with more melanin an pigmentation than any other President in America's history.


Everyone looks for a leader or mentor of some kind during their lifetime. Children often look to their parents, law students look to prominent lawyers, aspiring teachers look to seasoned teachers, etc. President Obama himself at one time looked to Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a mentor.

I've always been one to dance to my own beat. I was never really a follower, I always did my own thing but I always believed that i was guided by a higher power When I tried to follow someone's lead, it was fine, unless something just didn't sit right in my soul. Then I had to go my own way.

When I reached a point in life where I disconnected from my creator. The anger and hurt that I felt slowly destructed my spirituality. I kept going on a downward spiral, until finally, I didn't know which way to go and had no one on earth to turn to, I returned to my spiritual roots.

First, I had to learn to listen to his voice and drown out all other negative influences. Secondly, I had to learn that my ways are not his ways; my will not his will. I had to learn to let go and have the faith to let God do his thing. So now, I'm just following his lead and watching him work.


Diversity in Philadelphia's Construction Industry...UPDATED

Those of you who really know me know that this is a touchy subject for me. I've had firsthand experience with the lack of diversity and opportunities for women and minorities in Philadelphia's construction industry. So I was pleased when the mayor appointed members and established the Commission on Construction Industry Diversity. This historical commission has been a long time coming, especially since the failure and consequent demise of MBEC.

The commission recently released one of the most comprehensive and concise reports I've ever seen. It goes over the history of racial tension in the construction industry in Philadelphia up to the present day problems.

I shared the history portion of the report with some of the male students at Randolph and although they know alot about their school's namesake, they were proud to learn the role he played persuading President Roosevelt to sign an Executive Order, thus creatin the Fair Employment Practices Committee! They were so excited and proud. I didn't expect that response from them. Much to my surprise, they wanted to see the entire report.

Today, a group came to let me know that although their school's namesake was mentioned, their school WAS NOT among those listed in the Pre-apprentice and Building Trade schools in the Philadelphia Region! "Mercy and Swenson are listed, but Randolph and Dobbins are not!" I hadn't noticed the omission; I'd read through the report but got bored with the findings and conclusions, most of which I already was all too familiar with. For me, this nothing new and it began to frustrate me. I hadn't read far enough to get to that list, so I wasn't prepared to answer the students. I don't know if the omission of Randolph and Dobbins was just an oversight on the part of the Commission, but I seriously doubt that - not with all the professional power broker organizations and individuals involved. (Note: No one from the School District of Philadelphia was involved with the Commission) No, I don't think it was an oversight, but an intentional omission. Reasons for the omissions should be investigated.

When I started in December as the "Student Advisor", I was all excited about working at a technical trade school - even though Randolph WAS NOT my first pick. Since I only scored 14 out of 79, my first two picks were taken, so I selected Randolph, looking forward to being in the Cosmetology arena again - that would have been right up my alley. I was disappointed to find out that there is no cosmetology curriculum here anymore. Early on I learned that the seniors did not have internships, and although the school staffs two career and employment people and a counselor, they were told to find their own internships. So I asked one of my contractor friends if he would consider providing internships to some of the students at Randolph. His response was: I tried to hire those students a few years ago, but they are not equipped with the proper knowledge and skills".

Anyway, to make a long story short, I followed Dr. Ackerman's lead. She's now holding principal's accountable and principal's are beginning to hold teachers accountable. So, I turned the tables and am holding the students accountable. The seniors recently started their own weekly newsletter called The Randolph Rant. I gave them resources and information to use for a story on these issues in their school. I reminded them that their city council representative had visited their school and thay they could also call on him for support. They said they're working on they story for next week's edition...Stay tuned.

Peace and Love.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Remembering Donna

Girl, I still reach for the phone to call you...
then I remember, damn, she's gone too.
So much for us to discuss, time was much too short.

You tried to keep your suffering a secret from me,
and I allowed you to because of my own selfish reasons.
I couldn't bear to watch you die.

But everytime I called, your spirits were high,
and I could always make you laugh.

The last time we talked, you were weak and our conversation short.
When I mentioned that in a few weeks I would have been married for 18 years, March 18th
You reminded me that my marriage was dead.
Then you drove your point home when you died on March 18th.

I miss you - sharing your experiences and intuition
Giving clues of things you knew, but couldn't actually prove
Trying to tell me what I didn't want to know.
Now I know what you knew
And Yes, it's all true.

Girl, I miss you. I can't call nobody else when I wake up a 3am and can't go back to sleep.
Nobody else is gonna talk me back to sleep at that time of morning...Except maybe Big Steve. (Imagine that! LOL! He just a Big Ole Gentle Giant!)

I know you kept promising to go to church with me,
Going to church can't save you; like we always said,
more devils live in the church than saints
("You ain't never lied")

But your personal relationship with God was in tact
In the end, that's all that really matters.

I'm glad your suffering is over. I'm glad for having enjoyed the privilege of having you as a friend.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Alone Time Is Good...Sometimes

I want to be clear about this. I am enjoying this period in my life, but ladies and gentlemen, being alone is not always great. Most of my friends are married, and while I am grateful that my friends Reed and Marion invited me to hang out with them on Valentine's day, I realized that it might be time for me to get my own man.

I ask my male friends what's wrong with me - why can't I get (and keep) a man. The answers vary:

"You haven't met the right one."
"You're not ready."
"Cause you are mean."
"Cause you're crazy."
And my favorite:
"You don't need a man. Men like damsel's in distress, men need to be needed."

I don't know any damsel who has been more distressed than me!!! I just don't look or act like it I guess. I'm not supposed to.

I want a man like Neyo, one who is not intimidated by a women who "looks, walks and talks like the boss" There is nothing more valuable than a woman who knows that all of her needs will be supplied by her creator...Ok...including my man.

Peace and Love


I hate politics. I experienced the guts and gore of it up close and personal and I don't like politics, but I do follow the news.

So, I just have to say that I think Seth Williams shot himself in the foot when he went on a witch hunt for Curtis Jones. What was that about? I read in the Public Record that Local 332 and the West Oak Lane Political group are both endorsing Dan McCaffery. I don't even know who he is.


Michael Nutter...I don't understand his methods.

Well...maybe he's just a politician. He is looking out for those who provided him with the most financial support.

That's all I'm gonna say about politics.

Peace and Love.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Run Rhianna Run!!!

I'm sure that this highly publicized display of domestic violence was not the first encounter for this young woman, and rest assured it will not be the last. Statistics show that once an abuser abuses you and you accept that behavior by allowing him (or her) back into your life, (and after only 3 weeks?!?!) he (or she)will abuse you again. I know. You can't help who you love. But can we, as women love ourselves first and foremost?

As the mother of two teenage daughters and one young adult daughter; a product of domestic violence myself, this is something that I must speak out about. The cycle of domestic violence in my family is broken; it ends with me. I understand what it means to love someone and to do everything in your power to make a relationship work, (especially if you have children, a house, a business, etc.) but after a while you wake and look at yourself and realize that you don't deserve to be treated that way. And what about your children? We don't realize that they are witnessing everything that's going on, and that it is very traumatizing to witness your mother being abused.

While I taught my daughters to love and respect their father, I have shown them that they DO NOT EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES have to put with any type of abuse. This is a global issue and too many females are accepting this behavior as if it is normal. IT IT NOT NORMAL OR ACCEPTABLE FOR SOMEONE TO BEAT YOU UP PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY OR EMOTIONALLY.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tids and Bits


Did President Obama go through at least 2 non-functional pens as he attempted to sign the stimulus bill?

I am in complete agreement with the Honorable Craig Washington's decision to remove the picture of the slain officer from the bench. It had no place on the bench and he didn't remove it from you courtroom, but from his bench. He did his duty.

I might be biased because Craig Washington has been a familiar face and a pillar in my community for a loonnng time.

I am saddened to hear that three major neighborhood newspapers are no longer in existence.
The Leader, Mount Airy Times Express and the Germantown Courier are no more. However, there's a great opportunity for the Northwest to come together, combine their resources and start a whole new paper to service the entire area.

Chris Brown has lost the respect of my daughters. I don't care what happened, his reaction is unjustified. Any man who puts his hands on any woman isn't a man at all. He is a punk-behind coward with some serious issues. Domestic Violence in any shape or form is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Day Provokes Self Examination

The funniest rumor that I heard about me was that I had gotten married. That is hilarious considering that I haven't even had a real boyfriend!

I really haven't even had much of a heart for the last 4 years. After my mom died, I literally felt my heart break. I never knew what it meant when somebody said they were heartbroken until then. I think the only people who I really can say that I loved during that time were my children. Anybody else was just ... there. After the heart break subsided, and my divorce finalized, my heart then turned to stone. I never really thought about it, it just became a way of life for me until around November of last year when my daughter asked me if I thought I would ever fall in love. My response of course was "what's love got to do with it?" and I advised her not to put too much emphasis on it. Her response was "Well, G-mom loved everybody, no matter what." My response: "I'm not G-mom." But she had made her point and planted the seed in my mind.

My mother and my grandmother really did love everybody that they knew - regardless of race, religion, social status, income, mental capacity, etc. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why they put up with some of the people that they put up with, and often asked them. Because I don't remember their answers, it probably didn't make sense to me and so I just dismissed it.

Since my daughter's question, I've read different books about the subject of love and the different types of love. I snapped back to reality and am thankful for God's love for me because without it I am nothing. I also came to realized that I really do love my relatives and my closest friends. Most importantly, I LOVE ME!!!

Then I joined Enon and you know how you have to go to discipleship classes before you receive the right hand of fellowship - well, the first lesson touched on the three types of love, and our last lesson went in depth on the subject. So I figure,maybe it's time for me to be open to another type of love.

Now, everywhere I look and listen, people are talking about love. At church, the scripture reading was 1Chorinthians 12-13. I listen to the radio and everybody's playing love songs. Everybody's got a Valentine's day special or sale.

I have never been one to put much emphasis on man-made holidays, and this Valentine's Day is no exception. But all of the talk and commercials have made me re-evaluate my position. Although I am alone, I'm not lonely (for the most part). I believe that love is something that happens over a period of time, after you really get to know a person. I know I am not at the point to love someone totally unconditionally because I'm not God.

I do know that I was created to love and to be loved, but not to settle for anything less than I desire or deserve. So I made a list of characteristics that I want in potential mates and I don't think that they are unreasonable. We'll see. Not that I'm looking to "fall in love", I honestly don't believe in that.

Wish me luck!

I'll keep you posted.

Peace and Love.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The American Dream

My mother and I loved to debate each other's opinions and I was usually swayed to her point of view. However, while she firmly believed that blacks were much better off than they were "in her day and time", I, rebel that I am, firmly disagreed, stating that her perception was just an illusion. (She fondly referred to me as the "Rebel without a cause.)

While going through yet another box of memorabilia, I came across this book that I bought back in the late 90's: America: Who Stole the Dream? by Philadelphia Inquirer Reporters Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele.

"LET'S SUPPOSE, for a moment, that there was a country where the people in charge charted a course that eliminated millions of good jobs.

Suppose they gave away several million more jobs to people from other nations.

Finally, imagine that the people running this country implemented economic policies that enabled those at the very top to grow ever richer while most others grew poorer.

You wouldn't want to live in such a place, would you?

Too bad.

You already do."

Not surprisingly, the facts and statistics outlined in this book, which was written around 1996, are true today. Two areas that I distinctly remember reading about are financial ethics (wall street) and immigration. Warnings of the effects of America's activities during that time, have come to fruition.

How far have we really come?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Remembering Berta

Mentor, Friend, Confidant

G-mom, Sister, Mother, Aunt

Traveler, Shopper,

The Ultimate Survivor

Domestic Abuse, Breast Cancer and Depression

You beat the odds, inspired many, and stayed in remission.

Your prophecy has been fulfilled

My “rude awakening” has been revealed.

My journey still continues...

Memories of quotes and anecdotes provide me with encouragement and strength

in my darkest hours.

Still missing your physical presence,

My comfort lies in knowing that your spirit lives on with your ancestors.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Money For Parking Authority?!?!?

Now they are increasing the cost for meter parking. When the state took over the parking authority, they promised the Philadelphia School District 45 million dollars. So far they have only paid 4 million to the school district.

Read FOX Story....

Legal Intelligencer Story...

Their website tells you nothing except how they intend to continue this method of legal extortion among Philadelphia residents. Then, they are taking the money out of Philly and funding state initiatives. Does any other city in Pennsylvania have this form of extortion going on? Please advise.

Peace and Love.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Proud To Be An American

I have never been more proud to be an American who is black than I was on yesterday. As I watched our new President, proudly and boldly take his oath, how could I not feel a sense of pride?

My current job provided me the opportunity to share that experience with about 45 teenage boys and girls. As the students at A. Philip Randolph Career Academy watched in awe and admiration, you could hear a pin drop. The applause and cheers that filled the school after the oath was something I will never forget. I think that knowing the history of their school's namesake made these young people more aware of the significance of this event.

The entire day was emotional for me on many levels, and I enjoyed every moment of it! I went to the gym with the intention of getting home in time to watch the Neighborhood Ball. When I got home and realized that I missed the dance, I was deeply disappointed, so I decided to watch Katie Couric instead I'm glad I did, because it offered quite a pleasant surprise. She did a segment on a civil rights leader who is often unsung...Medgar Evers. Then, she showed clips of the first couple's dance - so I didn't feel like I missed anything.

I have always felt that Mr. Obama - oops, I mean Mr. PRESIDENT was cool, suave and debonair, but in my opinion, his most admirable trait is the way that he adores, appreciates, and respects his wife. This is a real man, who recognizes the important role that his wife plays and is not in any way threatened or intimidated by her strength, intellegence and beauty. He knows that "he's a movement by himself, but with her at his side, he is a force to be reckoned with" (Neyo)

I will continue to keep our new President and his family in prayer as he now moves on to the multi-faceted task of cleaning up Bush's mess.

Speaking of prayer, did Rick Warren read his prayer, or was I imagining things. To me he appeared to be reading a prepared speech and not giving a heart felt prayer. Mr. Presiden't speeches never appear to even be rehearsed, let alone read from a script.

Anyway, as always, I leave you with...

Peace and Love.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Dream... my opinion, is still deferred.

As I celebrated Dr. King's birthday yesterday, (his actual DOB), I thought about a phrase from his "I Have A Dream" speech that has always stayed in the back of my mind... "It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

The dream that MLK spoke of in his speech is still unfulfilled. Undoubtedly, blacks Americans have something to be proud of and I wish my mother and grandparents were here to witness this event. They would have been indescribably hyped and proud to see our new real life Huxtable family role model. Hopefully this will raise standards and hopes in our communities, but I think we need alot more than lip service and unrealistic promises.

I participated in a workshop yesterday where the facilitator shared the findings of a recent study. The findings were that African-American children who come from low-income, one-parent households, are academically inferior. The fact that they needed to pay somebody to to tell them that makes them academically inferior and lacking in common sense. If you put a child from any race, creed or color in the same conditions, you will get the same results. I am so tired of hearing how our local and federal governments and foundations spend millions of dollars to conduct studies to tell them what we already know. Last year, The Urban League of Philadelphia published one of the most comprehensive reports that I've ever seen, entitled "The State Of Black Philadelphia". And they GAVE COPIES AWAY FOR FREE last summer!!! (Now it will cost you a nominal amount)

Now that all the study results are in, they should begin earmarking money to implement programs and services needed to enhance the quality of life in underserved communities.

I hope and pray that Mr. Obama will allocate some of the trillions of stimulus dollars directly to our needs. We would have to come correct from jump street in order to even be considered. As the old saying goes, we have to jump higher and run faster. Because we don't have a group of leaders or lobbyists who represent us to actually come up with and present a well prepared proposal to the powers that be, all I can do is hope and pray. Don't get me wrong, I know that there is power in prayer, but sometimes God requires us to have a vision and take action as well.
Having said all that, looking at the trickle down affect of the US Stock Market to worldwide economy, I can't help but smile as I remember those controversial infamous words from one of our other prominent leaders of that same era.

As Brother Malcolm put it..."Their chickens have come home to roost".

Peace and Love.