
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It really is OK to be single!

Being a single woman for the last 4 years, I’ve learned that it is definitely ok to be single. I think my family and friends have more of a problem with me being single than I do. They seem to think its “taboo” to be single. I’ve found it to be the greatest and most peaceful period of my life!

I look at my friends who are married or in a long term relationship. A lot of them aren’t happy. They stay in their miserable, monotonous relationships for financial reasons, fear of change, and fear of being alone. I look at my family, and we don’t do that! Lol. The women (and men) in my family don’t stay in unhappy, unfulfilling relationships. I see it from generation to generation.

I was married for 18 years, so I am different from the many women who’ve never been married or had children. I’ve done both. What I haven’t done is lived alone! I went from my grandmother’s house straight into marriage and children. I spent those years putting their needs/wants first, supported the goals of my ex-husband and took him to another level, while putting my dreams and goals on hold. I endured emotional, verbal and physical abuse in the process; went work every day and to church every week with my mask (smiling face) firmly in place. So, when I look back on my past relationship, I am grateful to be single and to have peace of mind. The first 2 years were kind of rough, but these last two have been the best! I’ve learned to love and accept MYSELF. I date myself. I’m still discovering new interests. I think about going back to school, but must admit, I’m procrastinating on that. I know what I want and what I do not want and will not accept in a relationship.
So, to the single people out there, I say, ENJOY THE FREEDOM! My mom used to always say “VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE.” Now is the time to experience different people and cultures. Cultivate friendships with the opposite sex.

Most of all, remember that MARRIAGE IS A CHOICE…NOT A REQUIREMENT and it is not a pre-requisite to happiness.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Grief

I've seen alot of posts on facebook from people who are grieving the loss of loved ones during this holiday season. This is the time of year when people feel the absence of lossed loved ones the most. I know for me anRecd my family, it has been very hard since we lost my mom 6 years ago. Since then I've lost an aunt, 2 great aunts and my dad. I went through all the stages of grief. At first, I'd only heard of the five stages... shock/denial, anger, bargaining, guilt and depression/reflection/lonliness. Then I learned there are a few more stages - what is termed the "upward turn". The are reconstruction/working through, acceptance and hope.

This year, I realize that I've worked throught it and am in the acceptance and hope stage. I took a while to get here! I feel for those who have new losses and those who have not yet reached the upward turn. But me? I'm celebrating this year! I'm celebrating that the loved ones that I've lost lived full lives they had love, and they've made the transition that we all have to make at some point in time. I just hope that when I leave this earth, I will have made a positive impact somewhere...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shopping...It's changed with the times.

I’ve always been a shopper. I get it honestly. As a child, my mom and aunts would drag me along on day long shopping ventures from one end of the city to the next…looking for bargains. Sometimes we’d end up back at the first store to purchase the items after comparing prices. I’ve passed it down to my daughters. Tired of all the running around, they discovered on line shopping a few years ago. I was still set in my ways and couldn’t even imagine shopping online but my daughters seemed to be addicted to it. I still liked the rush of going to the mall. I thought technology took away the thrill of shopping. Then I realized that more often than not I’d find myself leaving the mall frustrated that they didn’t have what I wanted in my size. I’d wasted gas and time just to leave empty handed.

So, apprehensively, I began to explore cyber shopping…
I didn’t like it at all. I couldn’t feel the fabrics. I couldn’t try things on the make sure they fit right; especially shoes. I have to be sure my shoes fit right and are comfortable and I sure couldn't do that with online shopping. Then I’d have to pay for my merchandise and wait for it to be shipped. Nope. I didn’t think this was for me. But I guessed it was no different from my mom catalog shopping from Spiegel’s, so I took a chance. Last Christmas, I too became hooked! After exploring, I began to find great prices. Still apprehensive (because I couldn’t feel or see the actual product first) I started ordering…and haven’t stopped since! I’ve ordered coats, jewelry, cd’s clothes AND SHOES; and to date have not been disappointed! I find great values at reasonable prices and often shipping is free or discounted.

So, in this modern age of technology, I do most of my shopping online now. Oh, I still go to the malls. There’s just something about the mall that’s nostalgic and soothing for me. I browse, check prices, then go home, get online and compare. Most times I find a better deal online and that’s the best part about shopping…finding a bargain!

Fashion for Medical Professionals

You know you’re a fashionista when…

You’re in the hospital after suffering what appeared to be a mini stroke and all you can think about is how bland the nurses and staff look in their blue scrubs. While having tests done and an MRI, you notice how very ugly and ill-fitting those blue caps are! You’re thinking how you would hate to come to work every day looking like everyone else!
Yes, its times like these when you know you are a true fashionista!

And I have three daughters who are just like me. All of them have worked in professions where they were required to wear scrubs and we would shop and search for different patterns and styles so that they could still make their fashion statement while doing their jobs. It was hard to find fashionable scrubs that were high quality. Most of the “cute” scrubs were low quality and didn’t last long. Come to think of it, the not-so-cute scrubs weren’t very high quality either.

I asked some of my friends who work in the medical profession how they feel about their work uniforms. They say they don’t really think too much about it. That’s their uniform and they love their profession and while working aren’t too concerned about fashion, but they do like scrubs made of quality fabric.
If I worked in the medical profession, I would probably be more concerned with saving lives, but would like to wear high quality garments that are a bit fashionable while doing so.

Friday, December 9, 2011

7 Reasons Kale Is the New Beef

Written by Jill Ettinger

Like the saying goes, the only constant is change. We may resist it all we want, but Time and its inevitable evolution of everything in its path is unaffected by our attempts to stop it. The resulting trajectory of humanity's nascent ascent appears to be positioning itself to sweep us into progressive new times, especially where our food choices are concerned, as nearly 7 billion people are now standing on the little scraps of land that we share with some 55 billion rather large animals raised for food each year. (As another famous saying goes: This town ain't big enough for the both of us.) So, beef (and all factory-farmed meat) may be going from rib-eye to relic as we transition to a greener world… literally—as in leafy, green vegetables.

Environmentalists cite meat production as one of the biggest contributors to global warming, and the USDA's new food pyramid (MyPlate) suggests the healthiest choice is making vegetables and fruit the biggest part of every meal by reducing consumption of animal proteins. Kale is far more nutritious than other leafy greens, but these seven reasons why it is such an important futurefood may just surprise you.

1. Anti-inflammatory: Inflammation is the number one cause of arthritis, heart disease and a number of autoimmune diseases, and is triggered by the consumption of animal products. Kale is an incredibly effective anti-inflammatory food, potentially preventing and even reversing these illnesses.

2. Iron: Despite the myth that vegetarians are anemic, the number of non-vegetarians with iron-deficiencies is on the rise. Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef.

3. Calcium: Dairy and beef both contain calcium, but the U.S. still has some of the highest rates of bone loss and osteoporosis in the world. Kale contains more calcium per calorie than milk (90 grams per serving) and is also better absorbed by the body than dairy.

4. Fiber: Like protein, fiber is a macronutrient, which means we need it every day. But many Americans don't eat nearly enough and the deficiency is linked to heart disease, digestive disorders and cancer. Protein-rich foods, like meat, contain little to no fiber. One serving of kale not only contains 5 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber, but it also provides 2 grams of protein.

5. Omega fatty acids: Essential Omega fats play an important role in our health, unlike the saturated fats in meat. A serving of kale contains 121 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 92.4 mg of omega-6 fatty acids.

6. Immunity: Superbugs and bacteria are a serious risk to our health. Many of these come as a result of factory farm meat, eggs and dairy products. Kale is an incredibly rich source of immune-boosting carotenoid and flavanoid antioxidants including vitamins A and C.

7. Sustainable: Kale grows to maturity in 55 to 60 days versus a cow raised for beef for an average of 18-24 months. Kale can grow in most climates and is relatively easy and low impact to grow at home or on a farm. To raise one pound of beef requires 16 pounds of grain, 11 times as much fossil fuel and more than 2,400 gallons of water.

Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter @jillettinger


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Surprise Visit

Written by my friend Anita Glenn

It was a very quiet Tuesday morning and I was very productive cleaning and preparing for a very busy weekend. To my surprise, my niece called and said she was swinging by for an impromptu visit. I immediately threw together some items for a great lunch, brewed some coffee and set out to catch up with her. She arrived all cheery and chatty and we enjoyed each other’s company over a hot meal on a cold afternoon. She filled me in on her college plans and how grueling moving out was going to be and I sat there wondering where all the years had went. We were both full and tired so we made ourselves cozy on the sofa and flipped on DIRECTV and settled in for a long leisurely afternoon. All motivation was out the window for the rest of the day and we were both content with that. We watched a movie together and I couldn’t remember the last time I had done that in the middle of the afternoon. I suggested she visit more often so I would have an excuse to catch up on some blockbusters.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Senior Moments

Have you ever had a “senior moment”? You know, times when you can’tremember where you put your keys, and find them in the lock. Or when you can’t find your eyeglasses and they’re on top of your head or hanging around your neck? I don’t know about you, but I find myself having more and more of these “senior moments” every day…and I’m ONLY 47 years old!

I have three daughters and a 1-year old granddaughter. The other day, I called her all three of my daughters names before I got to her name. Sometimes when I’m driving, I know my destination, but find myself going in the wrong direction. My poor kids…if I can’t find something in my house, especially make-up, perfume or jewelry, I’m calling them up accusing them of taking things, then an hour later I find it and have to call them back to apologize! And, I never hear the end of it! And my cell phone? Please! I always forget that thing. People ask me why I even have one because I never answer it. That’s because I don’t know where it is half the time!!! And it’s not that I’m disorganized or sloppy; just a little forgetful.

I find myself paying more and more attention to advertisements and infomercials about memory enhancements. However, I am not one who likes taking pills, and probably would forget to take them daily anyway. But I do remember to eat every day and I try to eat healthy. So when I discovered Dr. Victor Marchione’s article about the healing effects of food in his monthly Food Doctor newsletter and His latest special report revealing 12 Brain-Boosting Super Foods that can sharpen mental clarity, I couldn’t wait to read it! What I discovered is that, by eating foods that are easily found in any supermarket, I can overcome my senior moments!

Take a look for yourself. Even if you haven’t experienced any “senior moments” yet, by starting to eat the right foods, maybe you won’t ever experience them!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bah Humbug!

People get depressed during the holidays for various reasons. Some get depressed because they miss loved ones that have passed on. Some get depressed because of economical restraints making them unable to participate in the commercialism of the season. I found myself getting depressed last week. I miss my many family members who have passed on. I’m unemployed and unable to shop for the season. But then I had to talk to myself and reflect on all of the good that is going on in my life. I have food clothing and shelter. I’m still able to pay my bills on time. I have plenty of family and friends who are still here that I can share and celebrated the reason for the season with.

I am fortunate to be able to talk myself out of my depression. I often get my blessings by helping others. I helped distribute food to low-income people with a church in my neighborhood a few weeks ago. I was shocked to see how many homeless people there are, in just one section of the city of Philadelphia, PA. These people weren’t on drugs, they weren’t uneducated. They were/are victims of the plundering economic situation that is affecting the whole world. There are not enough shelters to hold the homeless. Many are living out of their cars with their families. But these people were kind. They were happy to be among the land of the living. Their spirits were surprisingly high! They were still giving God praises, in the midst of their hard times.

I learned a valuable lesson that day. I am truly blessed. Those people felt I was a blessing to them because I was helping to distribute food, but the truth is that they were a blessing to me!

Now when those feelings of depression try to sneak up on me, I think of that mother with 3 kids, living in her car. I think of that intelligent, college educated man who lives on the streets. I think of them and those who are in similar situations and how can I possibly get depressed?

Yes, I miss my mom tremendously…especially around Christmas time. No, I won’t be shopping and getting sucked up into the commercialism of the season. I always complained about that anyway, so this year I really don’t have to do it because I can’t. But guess what? I can crochet’ and I have a bunch of yarn to make some hats and scarves with. I can bake cookies and just be kind to others. It really isn’t about buying expensive gifts and wrapping them with decorative paper and bows. It’s about love. LOVE is the greatest gift of all.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

World Aids Day

Today is World AIDS Day.
Do you remember where you were when you first heard the term AIDS? I remember just graduating from high school in 1982 and began hearing about AIDS on the news. At that time, it appeared to only affect white homosexuals, so I was far removed. It didn’t have anything to do with me. I didn’t know any white homosexuals. Then in the 90’s, it spread to affecting black homosexuals. I still felt far removed because I didn’t know any black homosexuals either. Or did I?

My friend’s hairdresser was a man. A very handsome man, and to my knowledge, he had girlfriends. Turns out he had boyfriends too. He developed AIDS and died. Same thing happened to a friend’s uncle, someone’s cousin, someone’s brother, my old next door neighbor…Now it was getting closer to home. I wasn’t aware that any of these men were bi-sexual. Then we learned that some of these men who led double lives; having sex with men and women, have now spread the disease to unsuspecting women. The most disturbing fact about this is that sometimes the man doesn’t get the disease himself, but just passes it on.

Enter the year 2000. By then AIDS we see fewer cases of full blown AIDS, but what is now called HIV, but was quickly on the rise. I mostly heard about it being an epidemic here in the US and in Africa. By now, it’s no longer a disease that just affects homosexuals, nor is it only transmitted by sexual encounters. We began to hear about people dying from blood transfusions, and a whole lot of transmission going on through the sharing of needles by intravenous drug users. So, now, it’s no longer “the gay disease”. Babies are dying from being infected by their mothers. People of all races are being affected and are dying. Today I read that China is expecting 48,000 new cases of HIV next year.

As the new millennium rolls along, there is still no cure, but we learn that knowing your status early and getting on medication can prolong your life. But still, many are dying from the disease because they’re not getting tested. This is very true in the African American and Latino communities. I am quite disturbed at the statistics on our youth and STD’s.

So, today, December 1, 2011 is WORLD AIDS DAY. Get tested. Take someone with you. Know your status. AND DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. It could save lives.

Kendall Hayes is the founder of HER…Healed Empowered

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Network Marketing…A Great Start Towards Entrepreneurism…A Great Tool for Existing Entrepreneurs.


I know, I know. When most people hear the terms “Network Marketing” or “Multi-Level Marketing” they think of a pyramid scheme or something negative. Well, I will say It definitely isn’t for everybody. Only self-starters and those with an entrepreneurial spirit can make it work. Finding the right system that fits your particular need is key.

During this time of recession, lay-offs and threats of lay-offs, people have become creative about sustaining themselves financially. No job is secure anymore. Entrepreneurism via the World Wide Web is on the rise. There is very little overhead, so 95% of the revenue is yours!

I like to write and I blog, so when I found the Empower Network system, I jumped on it. It’s fairly new and very reasonable priced at $25 per month. I was immediately exposed to highly motivating individuals through daily conference calls that focus on professional and personal development. This SYSTEM (Save Yourself Some Time, Energy and Money) embodies the true definition of NETWORKING - Meeting and interacting with individuals who have similar interests in an effort to build relationships that will produce current and future benefits.

If you already have a blog, why not make money by doing what you do anyway? If you offer a product or service, blogging is a great way to promote your business. Using the Empower Network system cuts out set up and design time. The system is set up for you to start blogging and making money immediately. Training and marketing strategies are provided DAILY and our Dream Team has professional marketers who help you fine tune your target audience, WORLDWIDE!

There are no guarantees in life. Your input determines your outcome. If you are willing and able to commit to spending at least 3 hours per day, follow the instructions and use all of the resources that are in place for you, then you will be on the road to financial independence!

You can check out the Empower Network system for yourself by clicking here. Do your research. Then make a decision. I really hope that you decide to be a part of our team!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blogging...A Means to Financial Independence

I began blogging in 2005. It started as a means for me to vent my frustrations. My life took a shift that I never imagined. That was the year that I lost my mom, my job and a very volatile marriage of 16 years had suddenly ended. Ending my marriage greatly affected my economic stability in an adverse way. I needed to stabilize my mentality and spirituality before I could move forward. Victims of domestic abuse often feel trapped due to finances. I could no longer allow that to keep me bondaged. I embarked on a number of business ventures that failed. It was then that I realized that my heart wasn’t right. I learned that by helping others, I would begin Healing, Empowering and Restoring myself. So I began to share my time, skills and talents freely, but became discouraged because I wasn’t making any money and needed to be able to sustain myself financially. And I continued blogging.

I tried many ways to make money blogging, but none worked…until now.

I found a blogging system called “The Empower Network” a grass roots group of entrepreneurs that went from broke, homeless and hopeless …to impacting lives around the world through the power of marketing influence and dream no would could steal. Their vision is to help hundreds of thousands of network marketers, affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs have massive breakthroughs and create a permanent change in their quality of life and financial situation.
They treat members AS VALUED PARTNERS, always staying mindful that your #1 priority is to build your business and keep it profitable. We’ll never overwhelm you with training or distractions that you don’t need or want. Our #1 priority to help you grow – personally and financially …and make our community a place where lives are impacted and ANYONE can succeed.

Are you ready for financial freedom? Do you offer a product or service? Do you like to write? Have you started blogging yet? Did you know bloggers make anywhere between $300 - $10,000 per month? If you are willing to post to your blog on a daily basis, you can be on the road to financial freedom, check out the links below. Then prepare to join our conferencall on Monday! Looking forward to you joining us on the road to financial freedom...from the Empowerment Network!

Kendall's Empower Network

Blogging…A Means to Financial Freedom!

I began blogging in 2005. It started as a means for me to vent my frustrations. My life took a shift that I never imagined. That was the year that I lost my mom, my job and a very volatile marriage of 16 years had suddenly ended. Ending my marriage greatly affected my economic stability in an adverse way. I needed to stabilize my mentality and spirituality before I could move forward. Victims of domestic abuse often feel trapped due to finances. I could no longer allow that to keep me bondaged. I embarked on a number of business ventures that failed. It was then that I realized that my heart wasn’t right. I learned that by helping others, I would begin Healing, Empowering and Restoring myself. So I began to share my time, skills and talents freely, but became discouraged because I wasn’t making any money and needed to be able to sustain myself financially. And I continued blogging.
I tried many ways to make money blogging, but none worked…until now.

I found a blogging system called “The Empowerment Network” a grass roots group of entrepreneurs that went from broke, homeless and hopeless …to impacting lives around the world through the power of marketing influence and dream no would could steal. Their vision is to help hundreds of thousands of network marketers, affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs have massive breakthroughs and create a permanent change in their quality of life and financial situation.
They treat members AS VALUED PARTNERS, always staying mindful that your #1 priority is to build your business and keep it profitable. We’ll never overwhelm you with training or distractions that you don’t need or want. Our #1 priority to help you grow – personally and financially …and make our community a place where lives are impacted and ANYONE can succeed.

Are you ready for financial freedom? Do you offer a product or service? Do you like to write? Have you started blogging yet? Did you know bloggers make anywhere between $300 - $10,000 per month? If you are willing to post to your blog on a daily basis, you can be on the road to financial freedom, check out the links below. Then prepare to join our conferencall on Monday! Looking forward to you joining us on the road to financial freedom...from the Empowerment Network!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Come out and learn the facts about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
No one deserves to be abused!
Food, testimonies of survivors, games, speakers, resources…..

WHEN: November 12, 2011
TIME: 10:00am-1:00pm
WHERE: BMO Memorial Temple
1535 North Seventh Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19121
Dr. Maria Gardner,Pastor
For more information call 215.235.5113

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dairy Products and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. If you're a woman, your chance of getting breast cancer in your lifetime is about one in eight.

Researchers at a breast cancer conference stated that up to one-third of breast cancers could be avoided by making different lifestyle choices, such as the foods you choose to eat.

There is one food you may be surprised to learn, that is directly linked to breast cancer—and that is pasteurized dairy in the form of milk or milk products.

The risk lies in consuming milk from cows treated with a synthetic, genetically engineered growth hormone called rBGH, and unfortunately, this applies to about one third of the dairy cows in America.

When you consume dairy products from these cows, every product made from their milk is contaminated with this dangerous hormone—be it cheese, ice cream, yogurt, butter—or just plain milk.

Cows are injected with rBGH to boost their milk production.
But science has proven this practice, although profitable to the industry, comes at a high price to you, as well as to dairy cows. RBGH, or recombinant bovine growth hormone, is a synthetic version of natural bovine somatotropin (BST), a hormone produced in cows' pituitary glands.
Monsanto developed the recombinant version from genetically engineered E. coli bacteria and markets it under the brand name "Posilac."

RBGH is the largest selling dairy animal drug in America.
But it is banned in Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and in the 27 countries of the European Union because of its dangers to human health. Many have tried to inform the public of the risks of using this hormone in dairy cows, but their attempts have been met with overwhelming opposition by the powerful dairy and pharmaceutical industries, and their government liaisons.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Kendall Hayes

New Philadelphia Non-Profit Hosts 1st Annual Gala
A Day of Peace will raise money to benefit domestic violence prevention

Philadelphia, PA - October, 2011 - The Women's Solo Project Inc., a newly formed 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, .will host their 1st annual fundraiser. The Day of Peace Gala will be held on November 11, 2011 at the Hilton Hotel, 4200 City Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa 19131. This major fundraising effort will benefit domestic violence prevention and self-sufficiency workshops that focus on education, employment, and parenting. The Women's Solo Project has already assisted over 50 women by inspiring the confidence necessary to recognize their capacity for self-reliance while helping them gain the independence needed to get out of an abusive relationship.

"Domestic violence has a stong presence and is alive in our communities. We must come together as unified people to help stop and control it. By creating The Women's Solo Project, I wanted to bring this issue to the forefront and get people talking about it. If we continue to let this issue be taboo, then nothing will get done." says Tyra Wright-Johnson, President and survivor. The organization's mission and vision stems from Mrs. Wright-Johnson's personal.experience with domestic violence.

For tickets and additional information, visit the website at

About The Women's Solo Project
Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, The Women's Solo Project, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, was established in 2010 with the mission to serve women and their children by giving them the ability to become independent and resourceful in making healthy and positive decisions. TWSP specializes in empowering women and children and teaching victims how to live free of violence and poverty.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The truth about Soy.

It's good to know...
Two reasons not to eat veggie burgers

I love veggie burgers as much as the next guy does. But I'm careful which kind I choose. I always read the labels on the box. And I won't buy it if it contains soy protein. Look for ones that contain grains and beans instead.

Why is soy so bad?

95 percent of the soybeans grown in America are genetically modified. And remember, food makers aren't required to tell you their veggie burgers contain GM soy. So you've probably eaten this franken-food without even knowing it.

You find GM soy in lots of other products too, not just in veggie burgers. Food makers add it to processed foods to up the protein content. But they know you don't want it. So they hide the soy by calling it different things.

When buying a veggie burger, watch out for:
Soya, Soja or Yuba
TSF (textured soy flour) or TSP (textured soy protein)
TVP (textured vegetable protein)
Besides the genetic tinkering, GM soy has been linked to hormonal disruptions, libido problems, thyroid dysfunction, and even accelerated brain aging.

You may wonder why everybody thinks soy is so good for you when most of the time it isn't. Here's why...

One type of soy is good for you. It's called fermented soy. You find it in foods like tempeh, miso, natto, and traditionally-made soy sauce. But food manufacturers know you're confused. They make a lot of money selling "soy milk" because they know most consumers don't know any better.

Now you know the difference.

Don't forget to check your breasts!


I checked my breasts this month and felt a bump. Very scary. I just had my annual mammogram in June and it was good. No indications of breast cancer. So when I felt this bump, yes I was afraid. Breast cancer runs in my family...My mom, her sister, my great aunt and now my mother's first cousin...all had breast cancer. My mom and great aung didn't have to have kemo, after their masectomies, but my aunt and cousin did.

Anyway, my bump was just that, a bump/pimple and not a lump. Thank GOD! But it got me thinking...was the mammogram an effective method of detection?

I've been hearing alot about a new method of detection...Thermography. Some advocate this method as an alternative to the mammogram, but most advise its use in addition to the mammogram.

Here are some sites for you to review:

The difference between a Press Release and a Media Advisory

While both are used to gain media attention a free publicity to an event, there is a difference.

A Press Release provides more detailed information and is sent in the hopes of getting your information to appear in print.

A Media Advisory should be more condensed, using the Who, What, When, Where and Why idealogy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Contact: Kendall Hayes

HER collaborates with the Northwest EPIC Stakeholders
to hosts FREE workshops for teen-aged Girls

Engaging girls in conflct resolution and preparation for 100 book challenge

Philadelphia, Pa - October, 2011 On Saturday, November 12, 2011, young ladies ages 12-15 are invited to participate in a FREE workshop designed to help them learn to take effective notes in class and how to develop effective study habits. They will also learn the importance of eating a balanced diet and learn conflict resolution techniques.

HER board member, Adriene Berry, stated "We've found that this particular age group needs to be targeted and equipped with these essential life skills." I have a 12 year old daughter myself and see that her and her peers need to learn how to study effectively and how to resolve conflict BEFORE it escalates."

Recently laid off from the Philadelphia School District, HER's founder, Kendall Hayes decided to use her time working in the community. While employed as a Student Advisor at the High School level, she learned that if the students were better prepared in these areas, they would excel in High School and beyond. She had been active with the Northwest EPIC Stakholder group for the past 5 years and felt that a collaboration with them was a perfect fit.

"The staff at Lonnie Young Recreation Center was happy to allow us to use their facility" Ms. Hayes stated. "They too feel the need for this particular age group to be engaged in these and other positive activities".

"When looking for workshop facilitators, we wanted young women who were closer in age to the girls, so that there wouldn't be such a wide generation gap. So I looked to my oldest daughter, Portia Fullard and her colleagues. They were more than happy to volunteer their time and expertise."

Northwest EPIC Stakeholder Coordinator, Nan Rhone is excited about this collaborative project. "Part of our mission is to develop and implement action plans that complement and enhance the community's assets. This project fits perfectly.

The workshop is free and will be held from 1:30pm - 4:00pm at THE LONNIE YOUNG RECREATION CENTER 1100 E. Chelten Ave.

You can register by calling KENDALL HAYES @ 267-591-2009 or by email to

About HER: Founded in 2011, HER is an organization of women, successful women who have struggled with life's challenges and have found fulfillment through mentoring. They share their experiences and motivate other. In doing so, they aid in their own individual healing, empowering and restorationprocess.

About the EPIC Stakeholders: Community EPIC Stakeholder Groups are made up of individuals who live and/or work in a community and are actively involved in the continued development of that community including eradicating challenges to school attendance and performance. Recognizing that truancy is generally a symptom of other problems occurring for the family such as of poverty, lack of family cohesion, child abuse/neglect, community violence and/or behavioral and physical health problems, stakeholder groups are committed to addressing challenges facing the community.

There are ten stakeholder groups located throughout Philadelphia. They meet monthly, working to develop and implement action plans that complement and enhance the community's assets.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


Someone recently asked me what I had been healed from. They thought I had been sick. So, I told them them that I had been healed from kidney disease. (Which I really have been, according to my doctor). But in reality, when I chose the brand HER...Healed Empowered Restored, I just thought it was catchy, cute, inspirational. I don't even know how I came up with it. I just woke up one day around my 47th birthday and said "I am HER...Healed Empowered and Restored". Now I am looking back at the events of my life (well, the past 7 years) that lead me to my new self.

After experiencing 3 life altering events in one year, my mind shut out 2 of them; the separation and the unemployment. I guess my mind has its own defense mechanism. So, I only dealt with the the sudden loss of my mother. That was the most devastating loss of the 3he. While I was still mourning and grieving this loss, my ex filed for divorce in 2006. I had no desire or strength to deal with that at that time so I said ok and we divorced and he kept everything and I got $10k. Hardly a pittance, but it was done and I could now finish the grief process of losing a parent. So, I did that. But had to go get that divorce stuff off the back burner in 2007 and deal with that. Easier said than done.

I didn't think I was affected so much by the divorce. It was a marriage that should have never happened in the first place. But I stuck it out for 16 years. I was submissive. I went to church, prayed, raised my 3 girls, was a devoted and supportive wife and mother. But something happened when I turned 40. I had become a grown woman and I wasn't taking no more shit. I put my foot down and prayed that he would change and become the husband I deserved. But it didnt happen. I felt that God had forsaken me. Then, come to find out it was all a lie. At this point I became a cocaine addict. Marijuana was no longer enough. I lost every material possession I had and I was still unemployed. I got me a boyfriend who was a dealer so that I could keep getting high. I didn't even like him, but he served a purpose. I still felt betrayed and forsaken by God. I tried counseling twice. The first time was with a female counselor, who, after 30 mintues of me talking had tears streaming down HER face. Then she touched my knee. i guess it was a comforting gesture, but I was not comforted and never went back. Then I went to a male. He immediately wanted to put me on Cymbalta. I refused to be medicated. I didn't think there was any medication that could help me.

By October, 2008, I realized that I had hit MY rock bottom. It was the 3rd anniversary of my mom's death and I was tired of getting high. Suicidal, I went to the ER and was admitted to Belmont, with no medical insurance, but they had resources that allowed me coverage. I faked taking the meds they prescribed (LITHIUM< WTH? Then they tried to assure me it was ok..."it's the same meds Martin Lawrence takes" lmbo) anyway, I wasn't taking that mess.

Now, that's not to say that some people may need their medication. I'm not knocking anybody who takes them and it works for them. I just knew that wasn't what I needed.

I stayed in Belmont for 8 days. Watche the Phillies win the Championship there. Came home. Put distance between me and the boyfriend ( I was still unemployed). Never went to any meetings but stayed clean...for a while.

Where were my family? Friends? Who knows? Who cares? I obviously didnt need any of them. When you look up and all you have is GOD, then guess what? GOD is all you need! I'm a witness! I had like 3 friends who stuck with me thru thick and thin. My children had gone to live with their father and he was now taking me to court for child support. They didn't know what was really happening to me because I always kept on my mask for them. But they're not stupid. They definitely knew I wasn't the same.

On Dec. 8th I started working, making less money than I have EVER made in my ENTIRE life, and had an eviction notice. Oh Yeah, I had also started gambling and often too rent money from boyfriend to casino. Didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew that I was NOT moving with the boyfriend. So I just kept praying..and looking for apartments. On Christmas of that year, I got high.

By February 2009, I had found an apartment on craigslist. I called th young lady and when she told me the location I said never mind. She convinced me that it wasn't that bad and to at least come look at it. Here I am about to be homeless and being choosy. lol Low and behold it is a beautiful apartment! Spacious only one bedroom, but hey, it's only one of me. I got a sofabed in case kids wanted to come spend some time. The young lady wanted to sublet her apartment and move with her significant other to their City Ave. apt. She didn't want a deposit, I just had to pay the monthly rent until her lease was up in July. PRAYER WORKS.

By the time her lease was up, I still didn't have money for deposit, but the landlord let me make an arrangement to pay him a little extra each month!

So, when I say I'm healed, I'm thinking that I'm healed from all the hurt, bitterness and anger that I was experiencing. Healed from the scars of emotional, mental and physical abuse. Healed from not loving me. With no medication.

I've learned to love myself. Flaws and all.

Next to loving Jesus, that's the greatest love of all!

I thought I had begun to be empowered when I got a job. But that's not true. I became empowered when I stopped allowing substances to control my life. I became empowered when I stopped using them as a crutch to hide the pain in hurt I was experiencing. I became empowered when I took my power back and stopped allowing circumstances and people control my actions.

Restoration came only after I surrendered to Jesus. I had to realize that I have absolutely NO control over ANYTHING except my relationship with Him. I couldn't control my hurt, anger, bitterness I had to surrender it to Jesus...AND LEAVE IT WITH HIM. Only then would I begin the restoration process.

This is a daily thing. I have to surrender daily.

Long story short.

Healed...Empowered...and Restored.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Art imitates life

...or is lif now imitading art.

I watched the VMA Awards last night for maybe the first time in my life. I was disturbed by what I saw.

I was disturbed at the images and messages that young people are getting embedded into their heads thru the lyrics of the music of these people who were performing and/or being awarded. Not all of them were holly weird looking, but the majority.
It struckup quite a stirring conversation between my baby sister and myself when Lil Wayne came out with his damn pants hanging off his ass. I wondered - Is this art imitating life, or is this life imitating art. Too many of our youth are spending too much time mirroring their lives after artist, which is unrealistic. So we started discussing where this pants handing off the ass came from. I said I heard it came from prisons and she went ballistic. Insisting that is false.

"It's an expression of their individuality. It's a trend". She insisted. I insisted that it represents something; it says something and it means something. There IS a message behind it.

After we argued and debated for about an hour, it became clear that we were both SAYING the same thing, but were coming from very different viewpoints.

While we both agree that too many of the black youth are being raised by TV, music, facebook and twitter, we completely disagreed about whose fault it is. She says it's the parents fault; I say it's not the parents fault because they are a part of a system that has failed the parents already and they don't know any better...yada yada yada. Well, this chick was adamant and after about 3 hours she finally had me understanding her point of view.

We cannot continue to blame they system for designing the various traps that our people have fallen for (drugs, alcohol, welfare, section 8, etc). Everyone has a choice. It's all about choices.

As a people, we Choose not to vote.
We CHOOSE not to hold our elected officials accountable.
We CHOOSE to place too much valuse on materialistic things.

Life is all about choices. Choose wisely.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It is obvious that the youth in our society need more nurturing and guidance. We must step up and take our communities back. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through mentoring. Yup - that old "Each one teach one" or Each one reach one" philosophy really does work. There have been many studies to prove this fact. But do we really need studies to prove what common sense and history have already taught us?

The Merriam-Webster definition simply says "to advise or train (someone).

The USC Alumni Society describes their mentoring progam as "a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. We all have a need for insight that is outside of our normal life and educational experience. The power of mentoring is that it creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem-solving."

I asked 5 people what they thought the meaning of mentoring is. I got 5 different ideas on HOW to mentor, but the basic ideas of mentoring was the same:

1. Mentoring is passing on knowledge and information
2. Mentoring teaches culture
4. Mentoring teaches life skills
5. Mentoring teaches career and employment skills

So, basically, mentoring is the passing of skills, knowledge and wisdom from one person to another.

It doesn't take much to be a mentor. Just a little time and compassion. The structure of the mentoring relationship is not important. What is important is the learning experience. Mentors can teach what schools don't. Mentors can make a powerful and positive impact in someone's life.

Now, I don't have on my rose colored glasses, so I'm not saying that mentoring is the answer to every situation. There may be some who we can't reach. But there are many that can be helped just by you talking to them for a few hours a week.

It's time people. And I'm not just talking about Americans, blacks, whites or green people. I'm talking about people in general. You don't need to belong to any organization to be a mentor. All you need to do is invest a little time and compassion.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Prime Time Sister Circle Program

Prime Time Sister Circle Program
In partnership with the
Black Women's Health Alliance and the
African American Museum of Philadelphia
Wednesday, August 10 6 p.m.
Drs. Marilyn Hughes-Gaston and Gayle Porter of Gaston & Porter Health Improvement Center, Inc. of Washington D. C., internationally known experts and creators of the Prime Time Sister Circle program will be the keynote speakers and provide information about the program.
Women in their "Prime Time", 40 - 70 years of age, will have an opportunity to register for one of seven upcoming PTSC's that will be offered in the Philadelphia area beginning Tuesday, August 23, thru December 19. AAMP will host a PTSC on Monday evenings at 6 p.m. from September 12 thru December 19.

PTSC is designed to improve healthy lifestyle choices and health outcomes of African American women through appropriate stress management techniques, increased physical activity and improved nutrition. Each PTSC meets for two hours over twelve consecutive weeks.

Black Women's Health Alliance has partnered with Drs. Gaston & Porter to coordinate and manage PTSC in the Philadelphia area. RSVP to For more information contact:

Black Women's Health Alliance
3801 Market St.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Minority Contractor Training Program

Minority Contractor Training Program
Expand Your Capacity to Build Your Business

Sponsored by the City of Philadelphia and Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.

This free, six (6) month, (2 classes per month), course is designed to provide minority contractors with firsthand experience, market information, productive business relationships, and an opportunity to expand and enhance their business capacity. This program will enable minority contractors to work more independently on City-funded, public works projects. The program includes case studies from actual projects and offers insights to help business owners increase their competitive position.

The program has the capacity for sixty (60) companies, 120 participants. Each minority construction company may select two representatives to participate in the program. We encourage the owner to attend along with an employee.

Companies participating in this program will:

Increase their ability to profitably participate on public, non-profit and private sector contracts and

Be the first to receive invitations to participate in future capacity building programs. These programs could include bonding coverage, mentor/protégé, teaming partners, financial services, and a small business initiative.

The City of Philadelphia will award a certificate of completion to individuals during the graduation ceremony. OEO will acknowledge companies with graduating participants on the OEO website.

These interactive classes will begin on September 1 and run through February 16, 2012. All classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Enterprise Center located at 4548 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139. Parking is available.

Applicants will be selected based on experience. The deadline for applications is August 12.

Angela Dowd-Burton, MBA
Executive Director
Office of Economic Opportunity
One Parkway Building
1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office: 215-683-2055
Fax: 215-557-8538
Email: Angela

Using the motivation excuse

by: Rob Bell

Someone told me last week, “I need YOU to motivate ME to exercise” Why? Why do you need ME to motivate YOU? If you can motivate yourself to get out of bed, do your daily routine of what ever, participate in all the things you LIKE to do then why do you need ME to motivate you?

Motivation is described as being the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or achieving a desired goal. Based on the aforementioned the only person you need to motivate you is YOU.

STOP using motivation as an excuse not to exercise. I'm sure you have come up a multitude of reasons why you can't. The real reason is you don't want to put in the time, effort and dedication it takes to do it on a consistent basis. I know it's hard, however, anything worth having is worth working for. When you wanted a nice house,a car, that good job, your degree you put the time in to make it happen. Isn't your health just as important as all of those things? Besides what's the point of having all of those things if you can't enjoy them.

If you expect to live a lifestyle free from stress, pain,and numerous health problems you must adapt a healthy way of living. The combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and strength training will get you there. It will help you lose weight, look and feel better and erase those trips to the doctor's office. Get on board and motivate yourself into living a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, August 1, 2011

This Week in Washington

by: Big Steve "The Eighth Wonder"

The debt ceiling has been a looming issue since January when the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives. The Washington alarmist have warned the White House and the American people that if the debt ceiling is not raised it could lead to the United States defaulting on its debts, higher interest rates, and even economic apocalypse. Optimists believe that as the deadline neared both sides will come to a compromise and eventually approve a debt ceiling increase. The default scenario is a little over a week away and yet no agreement is on the table.

The Republicans are still digging in, demanding a package that includes spending cuts, but no revenue increase. This means that programs like Social Security and Medicare could possibly suffer decreases while the rich and wealthy still benefit from the Bush tax cuts. Democrats believe a more balanced approach must include revenue increases and the Democrats are opposed to necessitating another debt ceiling vote before the 2012 Presidential Election.

It will come down to the wire; and when the stopgap compromise is reached, many in Washington will declare victory and, in the process, claim credit for averting a national disaster. Yet the resolution will likely be temporary, and the damage will be real and long-lasting -- both of which render an already worrisome situation even more difficult going forward.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is constructing one plan that includes revenue increases and in the House Speaker John Boehner is preparing another plan which does not include tax increases. The problem is neither plan can actually become law without the cooperation of the other side.
Virtually most, if not all Americans worry about these problems and too many feel them acutely on a daily basis. Astonishingly, however, our elected representatives and their appointees are just bickering and, distressingly, failing miserably to communicate a vision that provides for even the smallest amount of medium-term

optimism. The endless political squabbles compel all to question whether politicians are aware of Main Street's realities, let alone up to the task of making things better. It is highly likely that the solution will be a band aid that has to be replaced in the coming months. In the meantime, America's structural injuries will deepen and, to an extent that was unthinkable, America's economic future will become even cloudier. One has to question whether the Republicans concerned about the welfare of the American people and the global reputation of America. Or is keeping a promise to make President Obama a one term President their main objective?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Bible Verses Every Small Business Owner Needs

As a Christian and a family focused entrepreneur, I believe that faith is a key ingredient in small business success. In this current economy, the people of God must remember that if you honor God through your business he will direct your path.

Each year, I pick a bible verse as my theme for the New Year. As I considered which bible verse would guide me in 2010, I thought it would be helpful to share some of my favorites. Use these bible verses in the good and tough times in your small business.

1. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Learn something every day. If you only lean on your own knowledge in your business, you will not be able to grow. You must grow yourself to grow your business

2. “Behold, I am doing something new! It’s already happening; don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.” Isaiah 43:19 (GOD’S WORD® Translation) Sometimes your business will need to move as the market pulls you in a different direction. You might need to reinvent your business, and you should not be afraid. God’s always got your back.

3.”Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV) One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pray every day.

4. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26 (KJV) You can’t just pray for success. Develop a plan and work your plan. If you can do something about your situation, then do it. Stop making excuses, stop procrastinating, and do it!

5. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV) There will be contracts that you really need that you will not win. There will be days when you drop the ball on your customer service, but you can not let that define you or your business. You will get another opportunity and even if you don’t, God is with you always.

6. “As I think in my heart, so am I.” Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) Your thoughts can be your number #1 asset or your biggest liability. When you are alone in your office or back bedroom, your thoughts can easily turn on you. Your ability to stay positive, learn from all experiences and shake off mistakes quickly will be a big asset to you and your business.

7. “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) Making decisions in your small business based on fear is never helpful. For that matter making decisions in anger is not good either. Try hard not to be reactionary with clients, vendors or employees. Use factual information and up-to date financials to make sound business decisions.

8. “But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day.” Habakkuk 2:3 (TLB) You need to understand that God’s time is not your time. There may come a time in your business when you just know you have a contract, one that you really need and things fall through. Those are the times when you need to trust in the Lord the most. When we accept God’s timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God is working on our problems.

9. “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;” Proverbs 3:13 (NIV) You need to be a life long learner in order to be successful in business. You should constantly seek to improve yourself and increase your knowledge about the business of running a business.

10. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV) This is my new bible verse for 2010. It came to me watching a college football game. I believe I was only watching the game to see it.

Remember, whether you are religious or not you can always pray about your business.

Special Shout out to Joyce Meyer Ministries for her book The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word which gave me guidance for this post and to Pastor F.L. Anderson who gave me some biblical wisdom for this article. Read his blog

Do you have a special bible verse that has helped you in your business? Please leave a comment and tell me about it.

Melinda Emerson “SmallBizLady“, is a Veteran Entrepreneur, Small Business Expert and Social Media Coach who hosts #Smallbizchat on Twitter. #Smallbizchat is the trusted resource on Twitter to discuss everything entrepreneurs need to know about launching and running a profitable small business. Melinda’s first book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 months. A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business that Works will be released by Adams Media in March 2010.

For more tips on how to start or grow your small business visit and subscribe to Melinda Emerson’s blog.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And the abuse continues

I've not really shared my experience living thru a physically, emotionally and abusive marriage for 16 years - for the sake of the children. When I finally came to my senses and had the police come and remove him from our home, I was still afraid of him. Soon after that my mom died unexpectedly and my whole world was topsy turvy. He still had access to the house and I tried to be cordial until one night I woke up to him in the bed next to me! I told him my period was on and soon after moved to my mother's home where I felt a little safer. He was still very nasty after he realized that I had no intention of reconciling with him.

About two years later he served me with divorce papers. I didn't contest. In fact, I let him have the house and all of it's contents. All I got for 16 years of making him look good was $10,000 and PEACE OF MIND.

When at functions that concern my daughters (who went to live with him because they felt comfort in the home they grew up in oh yeah and knowing I didn't have a job took me to court for child support when he makes over $80,000/year AND HE LIED AND BROUGHT FALSE PAYSTUBS INDICATING THAT HE MADE $3,000 PER MONTH GROSS) he always brings his insecure girlfriend who always feels a need to bump, brush up against me or follow me around.

In December of last year I get a text from him asking me what I want for Christmas?!?! Totally ignored it and did not respond. I had/have everything I need. Peace! Something that cannot be brought.

For all I know he could have been behind the mysterious drive by crash and total of my car last November. My whold block is perplexed at how, out of ALL the cars on my block, MINE is the only one that got crashed and totalled. No other car around it was scratched.

Alright enough about the pass, because I really am over it.

But today, I get a certified, notarized letter saying it serves as an "official cease and desist order to inform me that he is in the process of obtaining a court order with the district attorney's office mandating that I stay away from him and his property"?!?! WTF?


So now, he is still harrassing and abusing me because this is just crazy. I have said three words to him in 5 years. I have no idea what prompted this, but I have my attorney on it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Miss Black Pennsylvania USA 2011 Jillian Patricia Pirtle was crowned on December 11th, 2010 to represent our state with her Arts Empowerment Platform & for a year of extraordinary service to our communities in the state of Pennsylvania before she travels to Washington, DC on August the 8th 2011 to compete for the national crown & title of Miss Black USA 2011.

Miss Black Pennsylvania USA 2011 Presents a Royal Concert
Starring:Jillian Patricia Pirtle
Featuring: Artist Jeanette Berry & The COTA/Eva Donaldson Youth Orchestra.

Enjoy a Royal evening of Incredible Classic Concert Entertainment showcasing Historic Spirituals, The Gospels, Broadway Standards,
Jazz, Rhythm & Blues & the Sound of Philadelphia Presented by Miss Black Pennsylvania USA 2011 in support of the state platforms Arts Empowerment

When: July 16, 2011
Where: The Arts Bank Theater (Located on Broad & South St. Philadelphia, Pa 19147)
Time: 7pm Curtain – 9pm

Tickets: Event Tickets are $20.00 & can be purchased @ or you can call Miss Black Pennsylvania USA 2011’s office @ 267- 281-3521 & the staff will be happy to assist you.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Is blood really thicker than the mud? It’s a family affair.

My aunt has always been so proud of her great grandfather, Albanus Fisher. Especially after the movie “Glory” came out. Seems that her great grandfather, who was actually a part of the 54th Massachusetts’s Volunteer Infantry. Seems that he was the character portrayed by Morgan Freeman. There are letters at the Gettysbury Museum that he actually wrote too. My aunt shared with us copies of information supporting these facts along with documentation that he was a descendent of Ned Hector. For some reason my mom would get mad and say things like “I don’t know why she telling yall that shit”. I didn’t know why she didn’t think it was important, but true to form, I followed my mom and didn’t take much of an interest in our family history. When mom my died, I decided that I needed to know more about my family roots. One night while watching the news, I saw a man who dressed himself as Ned Hector and paid tribute to blacks in the Revolutionary war. I pulled out all the paperwork that I had stashed away many years ago and the search was on.

I got in contact with the guy who portrays Ned Hector and learned why my mother was so adamant about not sharing that information. Come to find out, Albanus Fisher was my grandmother’s father’s stepfather. He was not a blood relative. Furthermore, Ned Hector was Albanus Fisher’s step father as well. So, there was absolutely NO blood history there. That’s why my mom didn’t care to share that information with us. Hmmmm.

I found that to be peculiar, especially because the man who raised me was not my biological father – but you would never know it. Neither him nor any of his family members ever treated me any differently than blood.

So, being the deep thinker that I am, I took it a little deeper. Jesus came thru David's bloodline. Joseph was a descendant of David but Jesus actual bloodline is thru Mary, who is NOT a descendant of David.

Sometimes MUD is thicker than the BLOOD. It’s a family affair.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jenks Elementary School’s After School Club Win 2nd Place in Business Plan Competition Sponsored by State Senator LeAnna M. Washington

As part of a 6-week program sponsored by The Business Center for Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise, instructor Kendall Hayes taught the after school Career Club the basic characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, risks and rewards of running a business, life skills (including budgeting and investing), the importance of a business plan, and steps on how to write one.

Upon completion of the program, the students submitted their business plan for their company Go Green Fashions (“Don’t let Old Clothes Go To Waste, Going Green is in Good Taste”). Senator Washington visited the group to present them with certificates and a $100 check for winning 2nd place in the competition.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Carbon Monoxide can be deadly

All praises to GOD, The ALPHA AND OMEGA, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, OMNIPRESENT, Sustainer of my life and lover of my soul.

Last week my family had a carbon monoxide scare. The gas company said that had my daughter not purchased and installed the carbon monoxide detector when she had her baby, it could have been fatal.

If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector, GET ONE TODAY!

Friday, June 17, 2011

FUNdamentals of FUNdraising

Press Release
Contact: Name: Michael Rice, 267-303-0653
Email Address:


Show Me the Money: The fundamentals of Fundraising workshop

(Philadelphia, PA) Raising money for your organization is one of the greatest challenges that an organization faces especially in these economic times. It does not matter whether you the leader of the national organization or the lead person of the fund-raising committee, your organization’s viability and sustainability is based upon its ability to raise the necessary capital to survive.

With this in mind, The Coalition in collaboration with Professional Networking Associates are sponsoring:

Show Me the Money – The FUNdamentals of FUN-raising

This vital workshop is facilitated by Kendall Hayes, CEO, H.E.R organization and former Event Coordinator for the African American Chamber of Commerce. The workshop is offered on Thursday, June 23, 2011 from 6- 8 pm at the School District Building, 440 N. Broad Street in Philadelphia.

This basic workshop will help the layman develop strategies and tactics for raising capital for their organization.

Topics include:
Developing Fund-raising ideas
Organizing Fund-raising events
Types of Fund-raisers

To register go to or call 267-303-0653 or 215-387-2734.

The Community Improvement workshops are a community leadership series developed by the collaboration between the Coalition, a citywide alliance of community organizations focusing communication, cooperation and collaboration and Professional Networking Associates, an organization created to establish a foundation for building mutually beneficial relationships between individuals, organizations and businesses.

For more information on the Coalition call Gary Adams at the Coalition 215-387-2734 or find out more on upcoming training , events or to rsvp call 215-339-8208 or go to :\urbanleadership

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nina Simone - Single Woman

Woke up with this song in my head this morning...

I live alone.
That hasn't always been easy to do
But just a single woman
Some times at night the walls talk back to me
They seem to say
"Wasn't yesterday, a better day?"

Always alone at home or in a crowd
A single woman out on a private cloud
Caught in a world few people understand.
I am what I am -only one single woman

There was a time -I can't remember when
The house was full of love but then again
It might have been imaginations plan
Just to help along,
One single Woman.

And you know what? It's alright!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


A student came to me to tell me how much she enjoyed the Uniquely You Summit this weekend. She was bothered though by the fact that, when asked how many girls had been hit by their boyfriends, the entire room went silent, but no one raised their hand – including her. Knowing that she had been one who was hit by her boyfriend but didn’t raise her hand, made her wonder how many of the other 700 in attendance, who had become silent, had also been hit by their boyfriends but didn’t raise their hands.

It’s time to talk about it.

One of my earliest memories is of my father grabbing my mother by her hair and banging her head into the dining room wall and her teeth and blood falling onto the hardwood floors. I was 3 years old, but I remember. And all the other incidents that followed up until I was 13 years old. All those nights of getting no sleep laying in my bed helplessly listening to my mother be abused, then having my mother get me up and dressed for school the next day like nothing ever happened.

It’s time to talk about it.

Following in my mothers footsteps, I found myself in an abusive marriage and wearing the same mask that my mother wore day in and day out. I thought I was better because I rarely had outward scars as reminders of my abuse – just some hand-prints on my neck from time to time. My scars were more emotional and mental.

It’s time to talk about it.

My grandmother took her three daughters and left my grandfather many years before I was born. No one ever really talked about it. My aunt once told me a story of how my grandfather threw my grandmother down the steps.

It’s time to talk about it.

This generational curse is now broken. Like my grandmother, I have three daughters and I’ll be damned if I will allow them to go through that madness.

It’s time to talk about it.

Last night I heard my new neighbors arguing. Well, I heard him screaming and hollering at her. One thing he said was “I love you but you are so f#@#@ing stupid you make me wanna hurt you”.

It’s time to talk about it.

There’s not a doubt in my mind that my father didn’t love my mother. I believe that he loved her with all he had. Why he was so abusive is a mystery that I will always wonder about. If he and my grandfather were alive today, I would ask them WHY?

It’s time to talk about it.

I doubt that my own abuser ever really loved me. He too wore a mask day in and day out. I wonder if he ever thinks about why he treated me the way he did. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t really love me – The real issue is that I didn’t LOVE MYSELF.

It’s time to talk about it.

I gotta stop carrying all this baggage if I expect to ever be able to love again.

It’s time to talk about it.

Do we, as survivors of abusive relationships somehow become abusive ourselves - as some sort of defense mechanism?

It's time to talk about it.
It;s Time To Talk About It.

Monday, June 6, 2011



WHEN: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
7:00pm - 9:00pm

WHERE: Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
2800 West Cheltenham Avenue
Phila., PA 19150

WHAT: Voices of Youth is an anti-violence project for students in Northwest Philadelphia, Sponsored by the U.S. Attorney's Office, the goal of the project is to have students reflect on the impact that violence has had on their lives, their families and their communities. Students from New Media, Martin Luther King, Imhotep and Hope High Schools worked with Philadelphia's Village of Arts and Humanities and Well Productions on two documentary style films on violence and its impact on their communities.


Those of you who know me know that the PPA is to me like Niagara Falls was to the Three Stooges. Just the mention of it sets off an internal fury in me. Not that I am really directly affected by these extortionist, but just the fact that they do this shit and get away with it AND have a TV show about it! They take Millions of dollars from hard working or hardLY working Philadelphians and put NOTHING back into the city or our communities.

So, I found the Financial Statement (unaudited of course) on line and am in the process of deciphering it. Won't you join me?

PPA 2010 Financial Statement

The first question I have is how they hell they became a bank - lending 10 MILLION dollars for the Airport Concrete Restoration project? That just SOUNDS illegal.


More to come...your input is appreciated!



WHEN: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
7:00pm - 9:00pm

WHERE: Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
2800 West Cheltenham Avenue
Phila., PA 19150

WHAT: Voices of Youth is an anti-violence project for students in Northwest Philadelphia, Sponsored by the U.S. Attorney's Office, the goal of the project is to have students reflect on the impact that violence has had on their lives, their families and their communities. Students from New Media, Martin Luther King, Imhotep and Hope High Schools worked with Philadelphia's Village of Arts and Humanities and Well Productions on two documentary style films on violence and its impact on their communities.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Media Advisory


For Immediate Release
June 1, 2011

Kendall Hayes

Jenks Elementary School’s After School Club Finalist in The Carole I. Smith Technology Symposium Business Plan Competition

Sponsored by
State Senator LeAnna M. Washington

TO: City Editors, Education Editors, Photo Editors, Broadcast Assignment Editors and News Directors.

WHAT: State Senator LeAnna M. Washington to visit Career Club for Girls in acknowledgement of their entry in the Business Plan Competition for Young Entrepreneurs

Philadelphia, PA, June 1, 2011
As part of a 6-week program sponsored by The Business Center for Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise, instructor Kendall Hayes taught the after school Career Club the basic characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, risks and rewards of running a business, life skills (including budgeting and investing), the importance of a business plan, and steps on how to write one.

Upon completion of the program, the students submitted their business plan for their company Go Green Fashions (“Don’t let Old Clothes Go To Waste, Going Green is in Good Taste”). Senator Washington will visit them and encourage their spirit of entrepreneurship. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will be announced next week.

• Sen. Leanna Washington
• Pamela Rich-Wheeler, Exec. Dir., The Business Center
• Mary Williams Lynskey, Principal, Jenks Elementary School

WHEN: Tuesday, June 2, 2011

WHERE: John Story Jenks School
8301 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19118

Friday, May 27, 2011

Work Ethics

What are work ethics?

Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibilities. This involves attitude, behavior, respect, communication, and interaction; how one gets along with others. Work ethics demonstrate many things about whom and how a person is.

Work ethics involve such characteristics as honesty and accountability. Essentially, work ethics break down to what one does or would do in a particular situation. The begging question in a situation involves what is right and acceptable, and above board, versus what is wrong, underhanded, and under the table.

Throughout the last few years, there have been companies whose work ethic -- honesty, integrity and accountability -- have been rather shady and have a rather negative impact on other people. This has involved people looking the other way when people have done something questionable, or thinking it would not matter.

Work ethics, such as honesty (not lying, cheating, and stealing), doing a job well, valuing what one does, having a sense of purpose and feeling/being a part of a greater vision or plan is vital. Philosophically, if one does not have proper work ethics, a person’s conscience may be bothered. People for the most part have good work ethic(s); we should not only want to do, but desire to do the proper thing in a given situation.

Work ethics are intrinsic; they come from within. A question may involve where they came from, if they come from within. Philosophically, this may lead to various perspectives; however, the truth about work ethics, and where they come from are answered from a Christian worldview. Work ethics come from God the creator. God made humans in His image, and His word proclaims these various work ethics -- honesty, integrity, doing a job well, keeping things above board, and accountability factors.

The Christian worldview holds fundamentally to two central work ethics -- humility and the treatment of others. Humility is being humble, no task is too demeaning. Humility involves servitude, which emphasizes placing other peoples need before ones own. Treating others with decency and respect equate to the golden rule. The treatment of others involves loving your neighbor, loving your enemy, doing good to those who dislike you. It involves valuing others, and knowing they have worth.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What You Should Know About Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists

By: Rose Brazil

Angel Investor is also known as business angel or informal investor. The term Angel originally comes from Broadway that was used to describe wealthy individuals who provided money for theatrical productions. Angel investors are opulent individuals who organize themselves to provide seed capital for start-up businesses and share their knowledge to an entrepreneur on how to run the business. They mentor another generation of entrepreneurs by making use of their wide experiences and networks. Most of these investors are retired entrepreneurs or executives who are interested in investing their money and wanted to stay abreast of the business development apart from monetary return. They are also good sources of useful contacts allowing entrepreneurs the opportunity to network with others in their industry.

According to a Harvard report by William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, and Antoinette Schoar, start-up companies funded by angel investors are less likely to fail than those companies who rely on other forms of initial financing. Financial institutions like banks offer loans to entrepreneurs but they demand for payment of interest on the invested capital, while angel investors usually get considerable control over company’s decisions, apart from owning a significant portion of the company.

Venture Capitalists, on the other hand, contrive the merged money of others in a professionally-managed fund. They are corporate entities that pool money from a range of institutional and individual investors. They usually possess greater expertise in leading companies through successive funding stages leading to an Initial Public Offering or IPO. For new companies with limited operating history and are too small to raise capital in the public markets, small companies that have not yet reached the point where they are able to obtain a bank loan or complete a debt offering, Venture Capital is very much appealing.

Venture Capital firms are much less likely to invest in startup companies at the seed capital stage. This is because the range of venture capital transaction is large around US$500,000 to US$10 million, or above while the range of angel investor transaction is typically from US$25,000 to US$100,000 for an individual, and up to US$1 million, or more, when acting in a group. However, venture capital may provide second round financing after angel investors.

Rose writes articles for Grow-Connect, a platform that matches and connects entrepreneurs with angel investors.

Article Source

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What NOT to Do in Marketing a Business

By: Leah Delaney

In carrying out a marketing campaign, there are a lot of things to consider: the content, materials to use, color scheme, logo, font size, design style, and many others. There are simply a lot to think about—enough to make someone confused and disorganized. So, the next time you carry out a postcards, posters, or business card campaign, you need to plan everything carefully. You need to avoid the marketing slip-ups commonly practiced by business owners. What are these slip-ups that we are talking about? Here are some of them:

Writing a poor headline. Whatever you are writing, be it an email or newsletter, you need to create a compelling headline. Keep in mind that the headline is the most crucial part of your marketing material. It is the single most important element that will draw your potential customer’s or client’s attention into your business. A well written headline will make sure that your prospects are motivated to read your material and even call you or visit your web site to learn more about your business and your offerings.

The offer is poorly presented. Most of the response your business will get from your marketing campaign will likely come from your offer. Remember that today’s marketplace is highly competitive, so your need to give your prospects an offer they cannot resist. Examples of good offers are free items, discounts, and others that will tell your prospects that they get to save some of their budget.

Call to action is poor. In every marketing material you create, it is important that you present your customers with a strong call to action. You have to ask them to take a specific action. This can be by calling your, visiting your web site, or returning back the postcard printing that you sent them. If your materials don’t have a call to action, your prospects would do nothing. So, take your customer’s reaction in your hand. Tell them what they should do.

You don’t have a good mailing list. No matter how effective your products or your offers are, you would still need to have a highly targeted mailing list. You can create the list yourself. You can use your old list that has your existing customers, or you can create a new list. The good news is there are companies that sell or rent mailing lists today. You simply have to make sure that the list you are getting fit the description of your target customers. Let your list grow overtime to ensure you don’t loose any sales and profits.

Not measuring the effective of your campaign. You can basically use every marketing technique available today to promote your business. But you have to make sure that you measure the effectiveness of every marketing material you use. You have to determine which material is effective for your business and which should not be used in your next campaign. This will help you save your time, effort, and money in marketing materials that don’t bring in positive results.

Focusing on gathering new customers and neglecting existing customers. Keep in mind that it is far more inexpensive to maintain current customers that gather new ones. Likewise, it’s more likely for old customers to buy from you again as they already know the quality of the product or service you offer than to convince a new customer to patronize your offerings. So, make sure that you don’t neglect your current customers and instead communicate with them on a regular basis. This will help you bring your business to success ultimately.

Leah Delaney is specializing in writing articles on a printing company. Try to visit this page for more tips about cost effective postcard printing and find the best place to print postcards for successful marketing campaign.

Article Source

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You only get one


Well, this is, of course, the time of year that I really miss my mommy.

Yesterday I was watching an episode of "Maude" (my mom used to love that show) where Maude's mom came to visit. During one scene, Maude was in the middle of her mom and her daughter, each telling her how to talk to or not speak to the other "that way". (The mother would say "don't talk to Carol that way, she's a grown woman with opinion". the daughter Carol would say "don't talk to your mother that way", ) Well, I guess you would have to have seen it to appreciate it.

It got me thinking about that mother-daughter relationship and I remembered my mother always coming over to tell me how to run my household. This one particular time she was over and we were in the kitchen, my middle daughter was about 15 months old and I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. My mom and I were talking and she suddenly said to me "you know Chloe can't hear." I said "what? Mom what are you talking about?" She said, "that girl can't hear. That's why she she don't talk. You don't even realize it cause she don't have to talk with you around. All she has to is point to something or grunt and you right there knowing what she wants by instinct. But I'm telling you, Chloe can't hear. You need to go get her ears checked out." Period.

Need I tell you that she was absolutely right!!!I took Chloe to the doctor and they performed hearing tests and it was determined that she needed tubes in her ears to drain some liquid buildup or something. And they didn't waste any time. A week later I was in Germantown hospital with my baby having an operation to put these tubes in her ear...and of course my mommy took off some time from work to wait with me in the waiting room.

During our drive home, Chloe began to talk! "Mommy! What's that noise? You hear that?" I was like "What, the birds?" She had never heard birds before. For the first time she was hearing things that we take for granted everyday.

And had it not been for my mommy, I wouldn't even had known that my baby couldn't hear.

Now she's a mommy herself. I'm a grandmom. And I still want my mommy.

The importance of potassium in our diet

During spring break, I had a very scary experience.. I was talking to my god-sister on the phone, when all of a sudden my right side went totally numb. I could hear myself breathing, but I couldn't feel anything on my right side, including my face. I was trying to talk but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I couldn't even grunt or moan. I tried to stand, but fell back onto the couch. I kept trying to moan, cough...something and finally, after what seemed to be an hour but was actually about 2-3 minutes, I began to hear sounds coming out of my mouth. I was grunting, coughing and finally able to speak. My god-sister was so busy talking that she didn't even realize that I hadn't uttered a word in 2 minutes! lol

Once I was able to talk and told her what happened, she became scared, but I was feeling "normal" at that point. She suggested that I go to the hospital to get checked out. I agreed, however, not before I finished preparing the chicken alfredo I was cooking then I ate. Now I had developed a serious headache so I decided to take a bath. While bathing, my sister called and I told her what happened. She couldn't believe I was taking a bath! Told me to call 911 and get to the hospital. I said ok. Then I began to experience the numbness on my right side again, particularly in my right arm and could not hold the wash cloth. Now I was afraid...and began to cry. I got out of the tub, threw on a sweatsuit and sneaks, said a prayer and drove myself to the hospital.

Once there I didn't have to wait before going into trauma because my blood pressure was now 168/123. They did all these tests and at the end of the day, the cause of what they had diagnosed as a TIA (A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is caused by temporary disturbance of blood supply to an area of the brain, which results in a sudden, brief decrease in brain function. (A decrease in brain function is called a neurologic deficit.)

A TIA is different than a stroke. Unlike from a stroke, a TIA does not cause brain tissue to die. The symptoms of TIAs do not last as long as a stroke and do not show changes on CT or MRI scans. (Strokes usually show changes on such tests.)

Probably caused by the elevated blood pressure, another problem was that my potassium level was 2.0.

I had never really considered potassium, other than eating a banana at least 3 times per week. But now I realize the it is a very important mineral to have in your body.
The heart, one of the body's largest muscles, relies on the mineral, potassium. Our heart muscle depends on a steady supply of potassium to keep it beating rhythmically around the clock. Potassium also regulates the creation and the storage of the muscles' main source of fuel, glycogen. Potassium also assists in the process of converting blood sugar, or glucose, into glycogen.

Research has shown that an increase in the amount of potassium has helped individuals with high blood pressure to lower their blood pressure readings. Among its other benefits is its ability to:

* help relieve pain related to arthritis by removing the pain-causing acids from the affected joints
* relieve the pain associated with headaches and migraines.
* keep the bones from losing mass, a condition that leads to osteoporosis.
* help the lungs expel carbon dioxide, and
* control the water balance in your body

A low level of potassium in the body can result in deficiencies, especially as a result of excessive vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics and laxative misuse. Signs of low potassium levels include:

* irregular heart beat
* poor circulation
* diabetes
* earaches and headaches
* hypertension
* water retention
* nerves and muscles that don't function normally
* a loss of appetite
* fatigue
* insomnia
* nausea
* pain in the abdomen
* a thirst that cannot be quenched, and
* overall feeling of weakness

So potassium is VERY important. I had a migraine headache EVERYDAY from that Tuesday all the way up to the following Tuesday; when I had taken my full prescription of potassium pills.

That was scary. I'm not afraid to die - why be afraid of something that is inevitable? However, I'm not ready to die either.

Here's to our HEALTH!
