
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Contact: Kendall Hayes

HER collaborates with the Northwest EPIC Stakeholders
to hosts FREE workshops for teen-aged Girls

Engaging girls in conflct resolution and preparation for 100 book challenge

Philadelphia, Pa - October, 2011 On Saturday, November 12, 2011, young ladies ages 12-15 are invited to participate in a FREE workshop designed to help them learn to take effective notes in class and how to develop effective study habits. They will also learn the importance of eating a balanced diet and learn conflict resolution techniques.

HER board member, Adriene Berry, stated "We've found that this particular age group needs to be targeted and equipped with these essential life skills." I have a 12 year old daughter myself and see that her and her peers need to learn how to study effectively and how to resolve conflict BEFORE it escalates."

Recently laid off from the Philadelphia School District, HER's founder, Kendall Hayes decided to use her time working in the community. While employed as a Student Advisor at the High School level, she learned that if the students were better prepared in these areas, they would excel in High School and beyond. She had been active with the Northwest EPIC Stakholder group for the past 5 years and felt that a collaboration with them was a perfect fit.

"The staff at Lonnie Young Recreation Center was happy to allow us to use their facility" Ms. Hayes stated. "They too feel the need for this particular age group to be engaged in these and other positive activities".

"When looking for workshop facilitators, we wanted young women who were closer in age to the girls, so that there wouldn't be such a wide generation gap. So I looked to my oldest daughter, Portia Fullard and her colleagues. They were more than happy to volunteer their time and expertise."

Northwest EPIC Stakeholder Coordinator, Nan Rhone is excited about this collaborative project. "Part of our mission is to develop and implement action plans that complement and enhance the community's assets. This project fits perfectly.

The workshop is free and will be held from 1:30pm - 4:00pm at THE LONNIE YOUNG RECREATION CENTER 1100 E. Chelten Ave.

You can register by calling KENDALL HAYES @ 267-591-2009 or by email to

About HER: Founded in 2011, HER is an organization of women, successful women who have struggled with life's challenges and have found fulfillment through mentoring. They share their experiences and motivate other. In doing so, they aid in their own individual healing, empowering and restorationprocess.

About the EPIC Stakeholders: Community EPIC Stakeholder Groups are made up of individuals who live and/or work in a community and are actively involved in the continued development of that community including eradicating challenges to school attendance and performance. Recognizing that truancy is generally a symptom of other problems occurring for the family such as of poverty, lack of family cohesion, child abuse/neglect, community violence and/or behavioral and physical health problems, stakeholder groups are committed to addressing challenges facing the community.

There are ten stakeholder groups located throughout Philadelphia. They meet monthly, working to develop and implement action plans that complement and enhance the community's assets.


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