
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Minority Contractor Training Program

Minority Contractor Training Program
Expand Your Capacity to Build Your Business

Sponsored by the City of Philadelphia and Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.

This free, six (6) month, (2 classes per month), course is designed to provide minority contractors with firsthand experience, market information, productive business relationships, and an opportunity to expand and enhance their business capacity. This program will enable minority contractors to work more independently on City-funded, public works projects. The program includes case studies from actual projects and offers insights to help business owners increase their competitive position.

The program has the capacity for sixty (60) companies, 120 participants. Each minority construction company may select two representatives to participate in the program. We encourage the owner to attend along with an employee.

Companies participating in this program will:

Increase their ability to profitably participate on public, non-profit and private sector contracts and

Be the first to receive invitations to participate in future capacity building programs. These programs could include bonding coverage, mentor/protégé, teaming partners, financial services, and a small business initiative.

The City of Philadelphia will award a certificate of completion to individuals during the graduation ceremony. OEO will acknowledge companies with graduating participants on the OEO website.

These interactive classes will begin on September 1 and run through February 16, 2012. All classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Enterprise Center located at 4548 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139. Parking is available.

Applicants will be selected based on experience. The deadline for applications is August 12.

Angela Dowd-Burton, MBA
Executive Director
Office of Economic Opportunity
One Parkway Building
1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office: 215-683-2055
Fax: 215-557-8538
Email: Angela

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