Monday, November 15, 2010
A Celebration of Colored Girls and You!
A Benefit evening for The Museum of African American Cinema and African American Women In Cinema
December 11, 2010
5:30pm Holiday Mix and Mingle
7:00pm Special Tribute to Actress, Barbara Montgomery
(Credits include, Hit TV Show, Amen, Women of Brewsters Place, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Meteor Man and Guiding Light)
7:30pm Holiday Reception
Cost: $25.00 (Tax-Deductible) tickets this event are available at the door beginning December 9th
Giveaways included!
Seating is limited, first come first served!
Location: The Art Gallery, 2nd Floor
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building
163 W. 125th Street at 7th Avenue
Must have photo I.D. to enter into the Building
Why do the "intelligent" powers that be have to spend millions of dollars to find out what we already know?
When I was at church this past Saturday evening during announcements they announced the findings of a recent study. Those of you who know me know how much I despise these studies - you know the ones where the spend millions of dollars to tell us what we already know. Well this particular study revealed that the educational achievement gap between black males and white males is even worst than previous studies revealed. So, you can understand why I hate these damn studies. Did we not already know that?!?!?!
Anyway, Enon addresses these and many other disparities in the community providing services and alternatives to the youth. But as I listened, I remembered reading the following article this summer and just needed to share.
Anyway, Enon addresses these and many other disparities in the community providing services and alternatives to the youth. But as I listened, I remembered reading the following article this summer and just needed to share.
The Promise of Global Trade and Black America Print E-mail By Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. - NNPA Columnist
Friday, 12 November 2010 09:07
Now that the mid-term elections are over and the politics of exaggeration appear to be catching less national attention, it is past time to focus on the economic condition and plight of 50 million African Americans. The devastating economic disaster of the Bush years has a lingering negative economic effect on everyone in the United States, especially for Black Americans.
President Barack Obama writing in an editorial in the November 6, 2010 edition of The New York Times, stated, “As the United States recovers from this recession, the biggest mistake we could make would be to rebuild our economy on the same pile of debt or the paper profits of financial speculation. We need to rebuild on a new, stronger foundation for economic growth.
And part of that foundation involves doing what Americans have always done best: discovering, creating and building products that are sold all over the world.” I believe that African Americans should not just be on the sidelines and watch as the economy throughout the U.S. is rebuilt. We should and must participate not just as trillion-dollar consumers, but also as billion-dollar producers of goods and services that are marketed and sold all over the world.
President Obama’s trip to Asia is a timely and propitious example that we should be following with intense interests. One of the reasons why I have worked with Russell Simmons for so many years through the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) and the Diamond Empowerment Fund (DEF) is because I have seen firsthand how Russell, Diddy, Jay Z, and many others have inspired as whole new and upcoming generation of urban and suburban entrepreneurs from the recording industry to the apparel and financial services industries.
African Americans, as well as other minorities, have to see the world and the global marketplace for what it really is: the place of new business development and global trade opportunities. I have seen the same economic development opportunities expand and evolve globally with young entrepreneurs like Ezell Brown in the field of Internet marketing and distribution.
That is why I have to keep emphasizing to the readers of the Black Press that we have to keep our eyes on different prizes simultaneously. The best attainment of the highest quality education, plus new business and economic development are all key to the economic recovery of Black America.
Sometimes to our detriment too many of us get so caught up in the arguments of forces and personalities outside our core communities that we get lost in the maze of political and social contradictions.
“Empowerment Zones” in our communities should be business development and trade zones with an emphasis of global commerce and trade. President Obama concluded, “The great challenge of our time is to make sure that America is ready to compete for the jobs and industries of the future.
…… Our government, together with American businesses and workers, must take steps to promote and sell our goods and services abroad- particularly in Asia. That’s how we’ll create jobs, prosperity and an economy that’s built on a stronger foundation.” I would add Africa to this equation for future stability and sustainability for Black America’s economic recovery.
Yes, we need jobs. But we also need businesses. We need global African American owned businesses. That’s what time it is. Timing is important here.
It is not about doing or advocating what may appear to be popular at any given moment. It is about being strategic and proactive. Our schools, our colleges, our businesses, and our communities all have to work together to foster greater and expanded opportunities for our children‘s future in America and throughout the world.
But in the 1970‘s and in the 1980‘s into the early 1990‘s, I followed closely, as a brother in the struggle, the business career of Reginald F. Lewis, who became the first African American billionaire. Mr. Lewis was a global visionary and business leader. TLC Beatrice set a new global standard of success and profits in the international business arena. But Reginald Lewis never forgot where he came from in Baltimore. He gave back to the community constantly. We need today more Reginald Lewis-type brothers and sisters who take action and make a positive difference in the global marketplace.
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis is Senior Advisor to the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) and President of Education Online Services Corporation.
Now that the mid-term elections are over and the politics of exaggeration appear to be catching less national attention, it is past time to focus on the economic condition and plight of 50 million African Americans. The devastating economic disaster of the Bush years has a lingering negative economic effect on everyone in the United States, especially for Black Americans.
President Barack Obama writing in an editorial in the November 6, 2010 edition of The New York Times, stated, “As the United States recovers from this recession, the biggest mistake we could make would be to rebuild our economy on the same pile of debt or the paper profits of financial speculation. We need to rebuild on a new, stronger foundation for economic growth.
And part of that foundation involves doing what Americans have always done best: discovering, creating and building products that are sold all over the world.” I believe that African Americans should not just be on the sidelines and watch as the economy throughout the U.S. is rebuilt. We should and must participate not just as trillion-dollar consumers, but also as billion-dollar producers of goods and services that are marketed and sold all over the world.
President Obama’s trip to Asia is a timely and propitious example that we should be following with intense interests. One of the reasons why I have worked with Russell Simmons for so many years through the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) and the Diamond Empowerment Fund (DEF) is because I have seen firsthand how Russell, Diddy, Jay Z, and many others have inspired as whole new and upcoming generation of urban and suburban entrepreneurs from the recording industry to the apparel and financial services industries.
African Americans, as well as other minorities, have to see the world and the global marketplace for what it really is: the place of new business development and global trade opportunities. I have seen the same economic development opportunities expand and evolve globally with young entrepreneurs like Ezell Brown in the field of Internet marketing and distribution.
That is why I have to keep emphasizing to the readers of the Black Press that we have to keep our eyes on different prizes simultaneously. The best attainment of the highest quality education, plus new business and economic development are all key to the economic recovery of Black America.
Sometimes to our detriment too many of us get so caught up in the arguments of forces and personalities outside our core communities that we get lost in the maze of political and social contradictions.
“Empowerment Zones” in our communities should be business development and trade zones with an emphasis of global commerce and trade. President Obama concluded, “The great challenge of our time is to make sure that America is ready to compete for the jobs and industries of the future.
…… Our government, together with American businesses and workers, must take steps to promote and sell our goods and services abroad- particularly in Asia. That’s how we’ll create jobs, prosperity and an economy that’s built on a stronger foundation.” I would add Africa to this equation for future stability and sustainability for Black America’s economic recovery.
Yes, we need jobs. But we also need businesses. We need global African American owned businesses. That’s what time it is. Timing is important here.
It is not about doing or advocating what may appear to be popular at any given moment. It is about being strategic and proactive. Our schools, our colleges, our businesses, and our communities all have to work together to foster greater and expanded opportunities for our children‘s future in America and throughout the world.
But in the 1970‘s and in the 1980‘s into the early 1990‘s, I followed closely, as a brother in the struggle, the business career of Reginald F. Lewis, who became the first African American billionaire. Mr. Lewis was a global visionary and business leader. TLC Beatrice set a new global standard of success and profits in the international business arena. But Reginald Lewis never forgot where he came from in Baltimore. He gave back to the community constantly. We need today more Reginald Lewis-type brothers and sisters who take action and make a positive difference in the global marketplace.
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis is Senior Advisor to the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) and President of Education Online Services Corporation.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why I vote intelligently
I vote because my conscience tells me to. I've been taught to learn about people who are running and to make an intelligent decision about who I am voting for. I'm trying to teach my children the same ethic but right now they look to me (or their father) for who to vote for. I'll be glad when the day comes when they can tell me who I should vote for and why.
This November, I will vote straight democrat. Why? Well, it's not because I totally agree with the entire democratic agenda, but only because I realize that we cannot afford to allow the republicans to gain control of the house or the senate. If this were not at stake, my vote would be split for various offices and candidates. although the reality is that none of the parties - democrat, republican, independent or tea party - really give two craps about black people. But you know what? I can't even blame them because the truth of the matter is that we are the only group of people who lack unity and the assembly of our leaders to come together with an agenda to put on the table. The Latinos have done it... and done it well I might add. The LGBT community have definitely made their mark. But blacks...we're not even in the equation. We need to step it up.
This year, the democrats have demonstrated that they realize the importance of the black vote. I don't think I have EVER heard much advertising on black radio than I have during this political campaign.
This past weekend, I've debated with my sister who insists on playing the devil's advocate with me in telling me why she feels she does not want to vote. The only thing that shut her up was when I told her to look at history...The working class always did better during the democratic years than during the republican years...regardless of your opinion. She agreed and the debate was finished.
I implore you today to just VOTE. Show that you do care and that you can make a difference, just by pulling a lever and casting a vote for the candidate that you feel addresses the issues that are important to you.
Peace and Love
This November, I will vote straight democrat. Why? Well, it's not because I totally agree with the entire democratic agenda, but only because I realize that we cannot afford to allow the republicans to gain control of the house or the senate. If this were not at stake, my vote would be split for various offices and candidates. although the reality is that none of the parties - democrat, republican, independent or tea party - really give two craps about black people. But you know what? I can't even blame them because the truth of the matter is that we are the only group of people who lack unity and the assembly of our leaders to come together with an agenda to put on the table. The Latinos have done it... and done it well I might add. The LGBT community have definitely made their mark. But blacks...we're not even in the equation. We need to step it up.
This year, the democrats have demonstrated that they realize the importance of the black vote. I don't think I have EVER heard much advertising on black radio than I have during this political campaign.
This past weekend, I've debated with my sister who insists on playing the devil's advocate with me in telling me why she feels she does not want to vote. The only thing that shut her up was when I told her to look at history...The working class always did better during the democratic years than during the republican years...regardless of your opinion. She agreed and the debate was finished.
I implore you today to just VOTE. Show that you do care and that you can make a difference, just by pulling a lever and casting a vote for the candidate that you feel addresses the issues that are important to you.
Peace and Love
Thursday, October 14, 2010
If you think I'm bad, meet my baby sister.
I am noticing that I have mellowed with age. Not that I'm old, mind you, but I am not the firecracker I used to be and I choose my battles. I don't write or speak out in protest like I used to. But never fear! I have a baby sister who has taken the baton!
Here is just a sample...
In April of 2009 I sent out a mass email regarding the difficulties and challenges of finding employment with a felony conviction. While I received a few responses, both on the County and State level, there was not one with good solid leads or answers. Over a year later and I am still unemployed But I am receiving Unemployment compensation. I was able to gain employment through one lone employment agency named Stivers while the others refused to assist me and were considerate enough to do so through written correspondence. So this morning when I sat down at my computer I remembered the letter I received from Christine M Enrigh, Director of the Bureau of Workforce Development.
A very well written letter with a few Websites, some statistics and an energized explanation/interpretation of Governor Rendell’s signing of the Economic Stimulus Package into law. In other words, the letter was tantamount to something I would line my walls with or worse. Stimulus package? What’s that have to do with me? Why does my government believe putting millions of dollars into a solid gals bucket full of holes is going to help its constituents carry the water from the well? CareerLink ? Please! Don’t get me started on that defective system. Seems the whole site is chock full of phantom jobs.
This weekend in Germantown there was a huge rally for the Democratic Party. Our president was gracious enough to attend and I am told he insisted on supporting our local politicians against wishes of others in the party. His staff even did some Facebook stalking with constant status updates of reminders and battle cries. But at the end of the day I could feel nothing but resentment. How could they ask us to rally around them? Support them? To use an urban term, “ride or die with them” when they aren’t standing by us? All of the promises and we still are nowhere. If I had my way I would call for a nationwide strike of voters! But I digress.
The reason for writing today is to ask my government; Local, State and Federal to take a long hard look at this portion of the population (ex offenders) and stop lying to us. Stop making empty promises. Stop running us around like rats in a maze. We don’t need new programs or handouts. We need new OPPRTUNITIES. REAL opportunities. Stop allowing this brand of discrimination to exist. Twenty years ago there were opportunities. You know, the days before background checks became an industry. Before fear was used as a marketing tool for businesses looking to make a buck off of background checks. I see my president on the news asking for religious tolerance towards Muslims both at home and abroad but what about the everyday, average Joe trying to change? Trying to be productive. Hell trying to eat !!! Corporations have gobbled up most of the small businesses that would give a guy or gal a break and they have become like small, individual countries in and of themselves.
Go back to school? Sure. I will. As soon as you show me a career I can be successful in (i.e. pay my rising utility bills, feed and clothe my children). I am attaching a copy of my original letter written in July of 2009 for amusement and entertainment. I hope I have given you something to think about. If not, then my government IS as cold and heartless as many believe it to be!
Thank you for your time and attention
___________________________________________________________________This is a letter that my baby sister sent to MORE in February of this year...
My name is Adriene Berry. I am an ex-offender living in Philadelphia. I just wanted to take a moment to express to you the difficulty I have encountered in trying to obtain employment. I am sure my situation is not uncommon but that does not make it any less frustrating. I was convicted in 2005, placed on house arrest and served out my probation. Tell me, why I am I still paying that same debt. If I sound bitter, please forgive me. I was a first time offender and I consider myself to be collateral damage in this so called war on drugs. I also realize that I made a decision that I now know will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have been trying to get back to a productive life but that seems nearly impossible. I have registered with every agency in the city. I even have some that send me out on menial jobs that no one else will take only to receive notice by mail, no less, stating that they cannot retain me because of my criminal record. I'd just like for someone to tell me what am I supposed to do to take care of my family. Do I embrace a life of crime since society has turned its back or do I become another able bodied adult trying to live off of the scraps you receive from public assistance? I don't want to do either. I just want a chance to work and support my family. It seems like the government along with corporate America wants to keep me from my rights promised me by the Constitution of the United States of America. It seems that the government is only interested in driving ex- offenders further underground. A lot of people don't want to sell drugs and steal and rob. But you know what, a lot of them do. I'm just wondering what are the options for those of us who want to live a decent life? I look through the re-entry web sites, call the numbers but I don't qualify for most of the programs. They offer training but what happens after that? If there is no one to hire you what good is the training? I can't get any federal assistance to go back to school and if I could what would I study? No federal assistance for student loans or housing. I have to try and pay rent with welfare and child support. I am not receiving welfare at this time but I guess I soon will be. Maybe we don't matter to you. Maybe we get what we deserve. Maybe we don't deserve second chances. I don't know. But I do know that I am not a bank exec who squandered away millions of dollars that did not belong to me or sell high risk loans that I knew would never see serious returns. I know I am not a big oil company who held the whole country hostage while I raked in record breaking profits. Nor am I an auto industry exec who is writing this letter from my summer home in Milan asking for assistance. I am just a simple person trying to live. Where do I fit in? If there is any assistance you may be able to offer me or even if you have a direction to point me in, please do not hesitate. I'm open to feedback, suggestions and anything else helpful. I have been in contact with Ms. Carolyn Harper who is the Director of The Mayor’s Reentry program for ex offenders. Here is a copy of her response to me sent on March 2nd. I still have not heard from anyone in that department yet.
Their response...
Ms. Berry,
Thank you for your letter. You are correct that it is very difficult once you have been labeled as an offender to take advantage of what society offers to non-offenders. I am pleased to see that you understand the consequences of your choices and appear to be ready to make a change. The Mayor's Office for the Reentry of Ex-offenders is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated persons successfully reenter into society, however it is a process.
I am copying Ms. Mines, Deputy Director for Reintegration Services on this email. She can provide you with additional information on our program.
I wish you continued success in your endeavors. Have a great day.
Carolyn C. Harper
Chief of Staff
Mayor's Office for Reentry of Ex-Offenders
So now I am challenging all my Civil servants to step up to the plate. I know where you are when it’s time for re-election. Making a whole bunch of empty promises. How about this new administration? If we want to successfully integrate ex offenders into society, we must provide them with fair opportunities. There is a lot of talk but we need action.
Adriene E Berry
“A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while t holds good it has to be pursued with apostolic zeal “ Ghandi
Here is just a sample...
In April of 2009 I sent out a mass email regarding the difficulties and challenges of finding employment with a felony conviction. While I received a few responses, both on the County and State level, there was not one with good solid leads or answers. Over a year later and I am still unemployed But I am receiving Unemployment compensation. I was able to gain employment through one lone employment agency named Stivers while the others refused to assist me and were considerate enough to do so through written correspondence. So this morning when I sat down at my computer I remembered the letter I received from Christine M Enrigh, Director of the Bureau of Workforce Development.
A very well written letter with a few Websites, some statistics and an energized explanation/interpretation of Governor Rendell’s signing of the Economic Stimulus Package into law. In other words, the letter was tantamount to something I would line my walls with or worse. Stimulus package? What’s that have to do with me? Why does my government believe putting millions of dollars into a solid gals bucket full of holes is going to help its constituents carry the water from the well? CareerLink ? Please! Don’t get me started on that defective system. Seems the whole site is chock full of phantom jobs.
This weekend in Germantown there was a huge rally for the Democratic Party. Our president was gracious enough to attend and I am told he insisted on supporting our local politicians against wishes of others in the party. His staff even did some Facebook stalking with constant status updates of reminders and battle cries. But at the end of the day I could feel nothing but resentment. How could they ask us to rally around them? Support them? To use an urban term, “ride or die with them” when they aren’t standing by us? All of the promises and we still are nowhere. If I had my way I would call for a nationwide strike of voters! But I digress.
The reason for writing today is to ask my government; Local, State and Federal to take a long hard look at this portion of the population (ex offenders) and stop lying to us. Stop making empty promises. Stop running us around like rats in a maze. We don’t need new programs or handouts. We need new OPPRTUNITIES. REAL opportunities. Stop allowing this brand of discrimination to exist. Twenty years ago there were opportunities. You know, the days before background checks became an industry. Before fear was used as a marketing tool for businesses looking to make a buck off of background checks. I see my president on the news asking for religious tolerance towards Muslims both at home and abroad but what about the everyday, average Joe trying to change? Trying to be productive. Hell trying to eat !!! Corporations have gobbled up most of the small businesses that would give a guy or gal a break and they have become like small, individual countries in and of themselves.
Go back to school? Sure. I will. As soon as you show me a career I can be successful in (i.e. pay my rising utility bills, feed and clothe my children). I am attaching a copy of my original letter written in July of 2009 for amusement and entertainment. I hope I have given you something to think about. If not, then my government IS as cold and heartless as many believe it to be!
Thank you for your time and attention
___________________________________________________________________This is a letter that my baby sister sent to MORE in February of this year...
My name is Adriene Berry. I am an ex-offender living in Philadelphia. I just wanted to take a moment to express to you the difficulty I have encountered in trying to obtain employment. I am sure my situation is not uncommon but that does not make it any less frustrating. I was convicted in 2005, placed on house arrest and served out my probation. Tell me, why I am I still paying that same debt. If I sound bitter, please forgive me. I was a first time offender and I consider myself to be collateral damage in this so called war on drugs. I also realize that I made a decision that I now know will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have been trying to get back to a productive life but that seems nearly impossible. I have registered with every agency in the city. I even have some that send me out on menial jobs that no one else will take only to receive notice by mail, no less, stating that they cannot retain me because of my criminal record. I'd just like for someone to tell me what am I supposed to do to take care of my family. Do I embrace a life of crime since society has turned its back or do I become another able bodied adult trying to live off of the scraps you receive from public assistance? I don't want to do either. I just want a chance to work and support my family. It seems like the government along with corporate America wants to keep me from my rights promised me by the Constitution of the United States of America. It seems that the government is only interested in driving ex- offenders further underground. A lot of people don't want to sell drugs and steal and rob. But you know what, a lot of them do. I'm just wondering what are the options for those of us who want to live a decent life? I look through the re-entry web sites, call the numbers but I don't qualify for most of the programs. They offer training but what happens after that? If there is no one to hire you what good is the training? I can't get any federal assistance to go back to school and if I could what would I study? No federal assistance for student loans or housing. I have to try and pay rent with welfare and child support. I am not receiving welfare at this time but I guess I soon will be. Maybe we don't matter to you. Maybe we get what we deserve. Maybe we don't deserve second chances. I don't know. But I do know that I am not a bank exec who squandered away millions of dollars that did not belong to me or sell high risk loans that I knew would never see serious returns. I know I am not a big oil company who held the whole country hostage while I raked in record breaking profits. Nor am I an auto industry exec who is writing this letter from my summer home in Milan asking for assistance. I am just a simple person trying to live. Where do I fit in? If there is any assistance you may be able to offer me or even if you have a direction to point me in, please do not hesitate. I'm open to feedback, suggestions and anything else helpful. I have been in contact with Ms. Carolyn Harper who is the Director of The Mayor’s Reentry program for ex offenders. Here is a copy of her response to me sent on March 2nd. I still have not heard from anyone in that department yet.
Their response...
Ms. Berry,
Thank you for your letter. You are correct that it is very difficult once you have been labeled as an offender to take advantage of what society offers to non-offenders. I am pleased to see that you understand the consequences of your choices and appear to be ready to make a change. The Mayor's Office for the Reentry of Ex-offenders is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated persons successfully reenter into society, however it is a process.
I am copying Ms. Mines, Deputy Director for Reintegration Services on this email. She can provide you with additional information on our program.
I wish you continued success in your endeavors. Have a great day.
Carolyn C. Harper
Chief of Staff
Mayor's Office for Reentry of Ex-Offenders
So now I am challenging all my Civil servants to step up to the plate. I know where you are when it’s time for re-election. Making a whole bunch of empty promises. How about this new administration? If we want to successfully integrate ex offenders into society, we must provide them with fair opportunities. There is a lot of talk but we need action.
Adriene E Berry
“A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while t holds good it has to be pursued with apostolic zeal “ Ghandi
Friday, October 8, 2010
Well, it's that time of year again....
Yup, it's that time of year again. It was around this time of year 5 years ago that I lost my best friend...only I didn't know she was my best friend until she was gone.
Yup, I'm talking about my mom. She always told me she was my best friend, but as usual, I didn't listen and as usual, I find her to have been correct.
Each year gets a little easier, but not less sad.
The broken heart is mending...and I'm not as mad.
Seeing things in a much clearer light
and yes, even a brighter future for me is in my sight.
Time moves on.
Time waits for no one.
Yup, I'm talking about my mom. She always told me she was my best friend, but as usual, I didn't listen and as usual, I find her to have been correct.
Each year gets a little easier, but not less sad.
The broken heart is mending...and I'm not as mad.
Seeing things in a much clearer light
and yes, even a brighter future for me is in my sight.
Time moves on.
Time waits for no one.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Part-Time Employment Opportunity
The Business Center @ New Covenant is looking for a part-time Office
Must have previous office experience, be proficient in Microsoft Word and
Excel and the ability to work under minimal supervision.
Must be able to work 3 days per week, a minimum of 20 hours per week.
Interested and qualified candidates should contact Pamela Rich-Wheeler
at 215-247-2473 x 2.
Must have previous office experience, be proficient in Microsoft Word and
Excel and the ability to work under minimal supervision.
Must be able to work 3 days per week, a minimum of 20 hours per week.
Interested and qualified candidates should contact Pamela Rich-Wheeler
at 215-247-2473 x 2.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I was just thinking...
A real man is a woman's best friend. He will never stand her up and never let her down.
He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day.
He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do; to live without fear and forget regret.
He will enable her toexpress her deepest emotions and give in to her most intimate desires.
He will make sure she always feels as though she's the most beautiful woman in the room and will enable her to be the most confident, sexy, seductive, and invincible.
No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine. Its wine that does all that.......
Never mind.
He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day.
He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do; to live without fear and forget regret.
He will enable her toexpress her deepest emotions and give in to her most intimate desires.
He will make sure she always feels as though she's the most beautiful woman in the room and will enable her to be the most confident, sexy, seductive, and invincible.
No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine. Its wine that does all that.......
Never mind.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Casinos...Good, Bad and Ugly...from my point of view
The Good: When Philadelphia Park Casino first opened, it created new jobs for locals and new revenue for the state. Caught up in the hype, a few girlfriends went and I spent $20 and came home with close to $1,000. Prior to that, I didn't go to the casino expecting to win, I just went for the fun. I would take my little $20 and just play the slots, sometimes winning and couple hundred dollars and leaving, sometimes winning a couple hundred dollars and giving it back. But after they dangled the $1,000 carrot I began the chase. I began going back about once per week and would always come out with more than I put in.
The Bad: A year later I was frequenting the casinos more and more; only now I was coming out in the red.
The Ugly: Then I began to see predatory men there and was actually approached by a Russian man who I saw watching me earlier that day, He must have watched me loose my last dime and the next thing I knew he was offering me money in exchange for sex. After declining his proposition, I took about an 18 month Haidas, which ended this past weekend.
I wanted to see the new and improved Philadelphia Park Casino, so my and some friends rode up there. I had upped my customary $20 to $50 and was feeling lucky. So I lost that almost immediately and before I knew it I was standing in line at the atm. I watched people's faces as they withdrew money or was unable to withdrawal money. I took out $100 and won $285 and was done. I had won my money back and then some. Was happy that there was a club there now to divert my attention from gambling because my ride was not ready to go. So I ate, danced and searched for my ride. When I caught up with her, she was very much in the red. I ended up giving her some money so she could try again, but to no avail. So, after 6 hours, we finally leave, not even realizing that it was now 3am. Now, this is the most interesting part. A guy was coming in as we were leaving he looked at me and said, "why are you leaving? it wasn't that bad was it?" I said not really but we had been there long enough. He wanted me to come join him at the crap table "Just for luck". So laughed and said well I wanna play too, you got money for me to play"? He pulls out a wad of money. Scary thing is that had I been alone, I may have gone back with him...and I wasn't even broke. It was about the thrill.
I think I better stay away from the casinos.
The Bad: A year later I was frequenting the casinos more and more; only now I was coming out in the red.
The Ugly: Then I began to see predatory men there and was actually approached by a Russian man who I saw watching me earlier that day, He must have watched me loose my last dime and the next thing I knew he was offering me money in exchange for sex. After declining his proposition, I took about an 18 month Haidas, which ended this past weekend.
I wanted to see the new and improved Philadelphia Park Casino, so my and some friends rode up there. I had upped my customary $20 to $50 and was feeling lucky. So I lost that almost immediately and before I knew it I was standing in line at the atm. I watched people's faces as they withdrew money or was unable to withdrawal money. I took out $100 and won $285 and was done. I had won my money back and then some. Was happy that there was a club there now to divert my attention from gambling because my ride was not ready to go. So I ate, danced and searched for my ride. When I caught up with her, she was very much in the red. I ended up giving her some money so she could try again, but to no avail. So, after 6 hours, we finally leave, not even realizing that it was now 3am. Now, this is the most interesting part. A guy was coming in as we were leaving he looked at me and said, "why are you leaving? it wasn't that bad was it?" I said not really but we had been there long enough. He wanted me to come join him at the crap table "Just for luck". So laughed and said well I wanna play too, you got money for me to play"? He pulls out a wad of money. Scary thing is that had I been alone, I may have gone back with him...and I wasn't even broke. It was about the thrill.
I think I better stay away from the casinos.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Blame Game
Did anybody read the article in Essence Magazine advising black women not to blame the down low men for HIV? In a nutshell, it blames African American women for being irresponsible. Now mind you, this is supposed to be a magazine FOR black women.
As my mom would say "That's a crock of shit"
This African-American doctor from Drexel University presented her "findings" from the hundreds of black men that she interviewed in Philadelphia. Her conclusion which she presented at and HIV convention in Vienna Austria: "There can't possibly be that many bisexual black men and the real problem is stress. She goes on to blame black women for their irresponsibility and claims that men are just having sex with multiple women.
Now, I don't have a damn PHD, but my common sense tells me a totally different story.
Number one, most men on the down low are not going to admit to having sex with men, (especially if they are married) hence the term down low. It is a secret society in which men form alliances and will not disclose the details of their secret lives to outsiders. Number two, word on the street is that although ATL is the gay capital, PHILLY is the down low capital. Number three, it is not a "black"'s universal, as usual, black people get infected and die at a higher rate than other ethnicity's. Just another disparity.
Being a single woman myself, practicing abstinence is my first choice, but when then time comes and I just "gotta have it" using a condom is not an's a requirement. I would just hope that all the single ladies are aware of the risks of not having unprotected sex.
I don't have a problem with men who are bi-sexual - if that's your thing then do you. However i DO have a problem with a liar and a cheat and that is what a down low man is. ESPECIALLY the married ones or those who are otherwise engaging in sexual activity with women. Man up and tell the truth about who you are and stop putting innocent unsuspecting persons at risk. How 'bout they OFFER to use a condom or make it a practice of using one every time? Oh yeah, that would be like admitting that they've done something wrong.
And don't forget the many men who carry and pass on HIV without suffering from it themselves.
The article says that more information is forthcoming. I sure hope she gets some more insight on the topic. Truth of the matter is that this thing is goes way back in history...I don't know about Egypt, but definitely during the reigns of the Romans and Greeks, and is even noted in the bible along with other immoral practices.
As my mom would say "That's a crock of shit"
This African-American doctor from Drexel University presented her "findings" from the hundreds of black men that she interviewed in Philadelphia. Her conclusion which she presented at and HIV convention in Vienna Austria: "There can't possibly be that many bisexual black men and the real problem is stress. She goes on to blame black women for their irresponsibility and claims that men are just having sex with multiple women.
Now, I don't have a damn PHD, but my common sense tells me a totally different story.
Number one, most men on the down low are not going to admit to having sex with men, (especially if they are married) hence the term down low. It is a secret society in which men form alliances and will not disclose the details of their secret lives to outsiders. Number two, word on the street is that although ATL is the gay capital, PHILLY is the down low capital. Number three, it is not a "black"'s universal, as usual, black people get infected and die at a higher rate than other ethnicity's. Just another disparity.
Being a single woman myself, practicing abstinence is my first choice, but when then time comes and I just "gotta have it" using a condom is not an's a requirement. I would just hope that all the single ladies are aware of the risks of not having unprotected sex.
I don't have a problem with men who are bi-sexual - if that's your thing then do you. However i DO have a problem with a liar and a cheat and that is what a down low man is. ESPECIALLY the married ones or those who are otherwise engaging in sexual activity with women. Man up and tell the truth about who you are and stop putting innocent unsuspecting persons at risk. How 'bout they OFFER to use a condom or make it a practice of using one every time? Oh yeah, that would be like admitting that they've done something wrong.
And don't forget the many men who carry and pass on HIV without suffering from it themselves.
The article says that more information is forthcoming. I sure hope she gets some more insight on the topic. Truth of the matter is that this thing is goes way back in history...I don't know about Egypt, but definitely during the reigns of the Romans and Greeks, and is even noted in the bible along with other immoral practices.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Religious and community leaders unite to bring families together and focus on stopping violence in communities.
Contact: Paythia Jenkins
Kendall Hayes
Religious and community leaders unite to bring families together
and focus on stopping violence in communities.
Camden, NJ & Philadelphia, PA July 28, 2010 – On Saturday July 31, 2010 New Start Foundations Project Build Up along with the Nation of Islam’s, Temple # Minister Wasim Muhammad and Reverend Tony Evans of 10th street Baptist Church will combine forces that will bring to light community concerns that too often go unheard. The goal is to listen to the concerns of residents and bring forth and implement viable resolutions.
The group will also focus on introducing programs for juveniles and adults, with special emphasis in the areas of effective living skills, job readiness skills, job development and job placement.
This event will be held from 3:00p, until 7:00pm at 10th Street Baptist Church, 1860 South 10th Street, Camden, NJ 08104
Paythia Jenkins, CEO stresses the need for support of their various up & coming fund-raising initiatives. “By next April, we want to expand the program and open a One Stop Center for hands-on training” she stated during a recent interview.
Although the organization has not received any funding, it remains, true to its legacy. Consistent with working on programs and services for at-risk youth, ex-offenders and welfare to work, NSF has become a vital resource for those in need.
About NSF: New Start Foundation, Inc, A 501(c)3 non profit founded in 2006. The goal is bring back the love, dignity and respect in communities and teaching acceptance of one another’s differences, while acknowledging our commonalities as we unite.
For additional information, visit
Contact: Paythia Jenkins
Kendall Hayes
Religious and community leaders unite to bring families together
and focus on stopping violence in communities.
Camden, NJ & Philadelphia, PA July 28, 2010 – On Saturday July 31, 2010 New Start Foundations Project Build Up along with the Nation of Islam’s, Temple # Minister Wasim Muhammad and Reverend Tony Evans of 10th street Baptist Church will combine forces that will bring to light community concerns that too often go unheard. The goal is to listen to the concerns of residents and bring forth and implement viable resolutions.
The group will also focus on introducing programs for juveniles and adults, with special emphasis in the areas of effective living skills, job readiness skills, job development and job placement.
This event will be held from 3:00p, until 7:00pm at 10th Street Baptist Church, 1860 South 10th Street, Camden, NJ 08104
Paythia Jenkins, CEO stresses the need for support of their various up & coming fund-raising initiatives. “By next April, we want to expand the program and open a One Stop Center for hands-on training” she stated during a recent interview.
Although the organization has not received any funding, it remains, true to its legacy. Consistent with working on programs and services for at-risk youth, ex-offenders and welfare to work, NSF has become a vital resource for those in need.
About NSF: New Start Foundation, Inc, A 501(c)3 non profit founded in 2006. The goal is bring back the love, dignity and respect in communities and teaching acceptance of one another’s differences, while acknowledging our commonalities as we unite.
For additional information, visit
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Self Examination
When trying to nail down my most favorite Michael Jackson song, I settled for "Man in the Mirror".
I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right
Self examination can be a hard thing to do. But it is something that one must do for themselves. There is no person that can do it for you. In my case, if someone tried to "help me" see my flaws, I would more than likely cut off communication with them. And I would justify it by telling myself how they need to take the plank out of their own eye before trying to tell me that I have some sawdust in mine.
As I, Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs
I submerged myself into my occupation with counseling, consoling, and guiding kids in the Philadelphia School District. I believe this really is my calling, but even with all the good I do there, I was still hurting those close to me by not even taking into consideration how they felt or what they thought or their opinions. (Everybody except my youngest daughter Kourtney. She was the only one whose thoughts and opinions mattered to me.) Poor Chloe was trying to tell me this all along, but we would just end up getting into horrible arguments.
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself
And Make A Change
Somebody finally got through. It was my oldest daughter, Portia who finally made that breakthrough and I realize how I have been totally oblivious to the feelings, thoughts and opinions of other people. I alos see how that has effected and hurt them. I mean, I really was like a "it's my way or t he highway" type chick, and meant it and didn't care either. Now, to you, this may not amount to a hill of beans. But for me...this is a major breakthrough.
I may not be what I outta be, but I'm on my way to what I'm gonna be and thank God I'm not what I used to be.
Yours truly,
A Work In Progress
I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right
Self examination can be a hard thing to do. But it is something that one must do for themselves. There is no person that can do it for you. In my case, if someone tried to "help me" see my flaws, I would more than likely cut off communication with them. And I would justify it by telling myself how they need to take the plank out of their own eye before trying to tell me that I have some sawdust in mine.
As I, Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs
I submerged myself into my occupation with counseling, consoling, and guiding kids in the Philadelphia School District. I believe this really is my calling, but even with all the good I do there, I was still hurting those close to me by not even taking into consideration how they felt or what they thought or their opinions. (Everybody except my youngest daughter Kourtney. She was the only one whose thoughts and opinions mattered to me.) Poor Chloe was trying to tell me this all along, but we would just end up getting into horrible arguments.
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself
And Make A Change
Somebody finally got through. It was my oldest daughter, Portia who finally made that breakthrough and I realize how I have been totally oblivious to the feelings, thoughts and opinions of other people. I alos see how that has effected and hurt them. I mean, I really was like a "it's my way or t he highway" type chick, and meant it and didn't care either. Now, to you, this may not amount to a hill of beans. But for me...this is a major breakthrough.
I may not be what I outta be, but I'm on my way to what I'm gonna be and thank God I'm not what I used to be.
Yours truly,
A Work In Progress
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Everytime a baby is born...
So is a grandmother.
I am going to be a granmother yall! That's scary.
When I first learned that I was going to be a grandmother, quite frankly, I was upset. This world is crazy and I can barely take care of myself and now I'm gonna have a grandbaby?!?!
I found out exactly 10 days before my father died. As the initial shock wore off and the weeks passed by, I got kinda comfortable with the idea. Then yesterday, I felt my grandbaby move - and she captured my heart. Now I'm downright excited!!!(Yes! another girl.)
It's still scary though. The thought of being a grandmom. First of all, what will she call me? She definitely ain't calling me no grandmom.
I will say this. There has been a shift in my being over the last month and a half. I feel ...softer. Things and people to whom my heart was once hardened to...the hardness is gone. In it's place is a new...softness...kinda like I used to be a long time ago...before life's challenges changed me.
But with my new softness, I'm a whole lot stonger and wiser (and I have the gray hairs to show it!) So, maybe I actually am more prepared for grandparenthood than I thoought!
Peace and Love!
I am going to be a granmother yall! That's scary.
When I first learned that I was going to be a grandmother, quite frankly, I was upset. This world is crazy and I can barely take care of myself and now I'm gonna have a grandbaby?!?!
I found out exactly 10 days before my father died. As the initial shock wore off and the weeks passed by, I got kinda comfortable with the idea. Then yesterday, I felt my grandbaby move - and she captured my heart. Now I'm downright excited!!!(Yes! another girl.)
It's still scary though. The thought of being a grandmom. First of all, what will she call me? She definitely ain't calling me no grandmom.
I will say this. There has been a shift in my being over the last month and a half. I feel ...softer. Things and people to whom my heart was once hardened to...the hardness is gone. In it's place is a new...softness...kinda like I used to be a long time ago...before life's challenges changed me.
But with my new softness, I'm a whole lot stonger and wiser (and I have the gray hairs to show it!) So, maybe I actually am more prepared for grandparenthood than I thoought!
Peace and Love!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sometimes ya just gotta cuss some people out.
Now, I recall a sermon I heard preached by Pastor Waller. I think it was the sermon entitled "The Old New Me". He talked about Paul and how although he had been transformed at Damascus, he still retained some of his Saul-like characteristics. And when talking to the people he sometimes got a bit harsh with them.
I am comforting myself with this because I just had to curse out one of my daughters. Maybe if I had beat their behinds more when they were younger I would be doing a lot less cursing them out now. Well, what's done is done.
She proceeded to tell me that I am mean to EVERYBODY and that I curse people out and expect them to be nice to me afterward. lol.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I just don't curse people out randomly. I told her that I curse people out who deserve to be cursed out and those who are my real people get over it and we move on to the next level. Others could kiss my ass!
I am so irked right now! Ungrateful and selfish is what they are. They know how quick I cut people off. Their saving grace is that I bore them. Had that not been the case, they'd 've been cut a looonng time ago.
Pray for me people.
Peace and Love.
I am comforting myself with this because I just had to curse out one of my daughters. Maybe if I had beat their behinds more when they were younger I would be doing a lot less cursing them out now. Well, what's done is done.
She proceeded to tell me that I am mean to EVERYBODY and that I curse people out and expect them to be nice to me afterward. lol.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I just don't curse people out randomly. I told her that I curse people out who deserve to be cursed out and those who are my real people get over it and we move on to the next level. Others could kiss my ass!
I am so irked right now! Ungrateful and selfish is what they are. They know how quick I cut people off. Their saving grace is that I bore them. Had that not been the case, they'd 've been cut a looonng time ago.
Pray for me people.
Peace and Love.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Where's the Real Love and Support for Students?
I wonder why the mayor said he was recognizing 800 VIP students at the Linc on Tuesday, and Aramark provided snacks - popcorn and pretzels ice tea and lemonade - eagles hosted, representative gave a speech and only 4 of the 800 students won 4 southwest airline tickets. the other 706 students got NOTHING! not and eagles t shirt, a hat, a back pack, a box of pens, a certificate from the mayor's office - NOTHING.
Was that on the damn news? 800 Philadelphia School students honored as VIP's? NO! If they though 800 was too many, they should have left out the archdiocese students!
They did invite the attendance designees as an after thought, thankfully I gave my ticket to one of our student's grandmother. I am SOOOOO glad I didn't go!
Was that on the damn news? 800 Philadelphia School students honored as VIP's? NO! If they though 800 was too many, they should have left out the archdiocese students!
They did invite the attendance designees as an after thought, thankfully I gave my ticket to one of our student's grandmother. I am SOOOOO glad I didn't go!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Someone recently described me as "complicated and arrogant". Thing is, I could understand them saying that I'm complicated, because to most people I am. To know me is to love me. But "arrogant"? I have never considered myself to be that. So, I took a poll.
My girlfriends view me as confident not arrogant. My male friends view me as crazy, confusing, complicated and but they still love me, they just would never date me or consider having a serious relationship with me. wow! (I suspect that that's not true. I bet if I gave them 1/2 a chance they would jump at the opportunity)
The cheese stands alone.
So, my best friend, who is a male made up a word that he feels best describes me...Crarrogant! He combined crazy, confident and arrogant and reminded me that there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance. In his words: "Confidence helps build character and self esteem; arrogance is like having a bad rash, it makes everybody want to run the opposite direction. There is a thin line between the two, so let your conscience be your guide!"
Thanks Jimminy Cricket!
Peace and Love People
My girlfriends view me as confident not arrogant. My male friends view me as crazy, confusing, complicated and but they still love me, they just would never date me or consider having a serious relationship with me. wow! (I suspect that that's not true. I bet if I gave them 1/2 a chance they would jump at the opportunity)
The cheese stands alone.
So, my best friend, who is a male made up a word that he feels best describes me...Crarrogant! He combined crazy, confident and arrogant and reminded me that there is a thin line between confidence and arrogance. In his words: "Confidence helps build character and self esteem; arrogance is like having a bad rash, it makes everybody want to run the opposite direction. There is a thin line between the two, so let your conscience be your guide!"
Thanks Jimminy Cricket!
Peace and Love People
Friday, May 14, 2010
'Tis the Season
The political season.
Have I said lately how much I absolutely HATE politics and politicking?
Recently I heard a speaker say that "if you are a truthful person, you would never go into politics because politics and truth simply do not coexist". You don't necessarily have to be a politician to play politics. The fact of the matter is that in this society, politics and business go hand in hand, with one hand always washing the other. Same people.
One thing I've learned in life is to be very careful of what you accept from people. Whether it be a job, jewelry, car, phone...anything. 9 times out of 10 there is some type of string attached - something that will be expected from you to express your "gratitude" for "everything that someone has done for you or given you". This is magnified 10 times in the world of politics and business. The old saying "selling your soul to the devil" comes to mind.
Now, I am not saying that being grateful for assistance is something you shouldn't do. However, you should remain mindful of the type of person who is bestowing gifts and privileges upon you, and their motives for doing so. Be mindful not to sell your soul to the devil for some ole materialistic bullshit. It ain't worth it. You can't put a pricetag on your soul, your dignity, your self respect or your peace of mind
Just a thought to all my political people and those in pursuit of the next business opportunity. When you lay down with dogs, most likely you will get up with fleas.
Politics - it's a dirty slimy game, but I guess somebody has to play it.
Peace and Love.
Have I said lately how much I absolutely HATE politics and politicking?
Recently I heard a speaker say that "if you are a truthful person, you would never go into politics because politics and truth simply do not coexist". You don't necessarily have to be a politician to play politics. The fact of the matter is that in this society, politics and business go hand in hand, with one hand always washing the other. Same people.
One thing I've learned in life is to be very careful of what you accept from people. Whether it be a job, jewelry, car, phone...anything. 9 times out of 10 there is some type of string attached - something that will be expected from you to express your "gratitude" for "everything that someone has done for you or given you". This is magnified 10 times in the world of politics and business. The old saying "selling your soul to the devil" comes to mind.
Now, I am not saying that being grateful for assistance is something you shouldn't do. However, you should remain mindful of the type of person who is bestowing gifts and privileges upon you, and their motives for doing so. Be mindful not to sell your soul to the devil for some ole materialistic bullshit. It ain't worth it. You can't put a pricetag on your soul, your dignity, your self respect or your peace of mind
Just a thought to all my political people and those in pursuit of the next business opportunity. When you lay down with dogs, most likely you will get up with fleas.
Politics - it's a dirty slimy game, but I guess somebody has to play it.
Peace and Love.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What's in a name?
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet Montague
OK. so if you know me, then you know I like Shakespeare. And if you had Mrs. Kohl as your English teacher for 4 years, then you would understand why. If you really really know me, then you would know that my oldest daughter, Portia, was named for the heroine in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. and not after the motor vehicle.
A few weeks ago she informed me that I would have to give her an African name during the "Ceremony of the Drums" as she completed her course work for a degree in African American studies at Temple University. I was so excited. As I began my research, I came upon the name Chinedu, which means "God leads". I said, that fits my Porty Pooh.
Portia started out majoring in Early childhood Education with an emphasis on bi-lingual (Spanish) studies. This decision lead her on a journey to Spain and Costa Rica. During that time, I emphasized to her that she is black, and while she can go traveling and galavanting around the world, her responsibility should be to her own community because to whom much is given much is required. One thing I can tell you about all my daughters is that once they make up their mind to do something, that's it. Pretty much like their mom. So for the most part I didn't try to talk them out of anything, but I just "say my piece" and let it sink in. However there are times, even now that they are "grown" when I just have to say "no, you're not doing that". Period. Parenting is a never ending job.
Le me add that once Portia came back from her adventure, she went right back to SANKOFA at Canaan Baptist Church...where I had planted her in the first work with the childen in her community. I had just helped Cannan re-establish the afterschool program there and all the time in the back of my mind, I had Portia in mind. Because she was majoring in early childhood education, I thought this was a perfect fit.
Last year, during her junior year, when she informed me that she changed her major to African American studies, I just said "OK". But in my mind I was thinking "what the hell?" What kinda job is she gonna get with a degree in that?" But, she was excited and enjoyed the course. I would say things from time to time like "Hospitality and Tourism are gonna be big and you love planning events" hint hint. She would just let me know, in a very diplomatic and respectful manner, that she had her mind made up and she knew what she was doing.
Proved it last night.
Last night, as we participated in the "Ceremony of the Drums" I felt a sense of pride that I've never known.
The funniest thing was when the keynote speaker, Dr. Anthony Monteiro said that these students were courageous and he understood, because his parents and siblings asked him "Why he was majoring in "that"? He said, they couldn't even say "African American Studies" they just said "that". So he began to break it down and even went into the gentrification process taking place in the neighborhood of that very University.
So, my oldest daughter, "Chinedu" - God Leads...transitions into a new chapter of her life and I, her biggest cheerleader will continue to be on the sidelines cheering. Even when I don't fully understand what she is doing or why she is doing it, I will rest in the knowledge that God is leading her.
Peace and Love.
By any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet Montague
OK. so if you know me, then you know I like Shakespeare. And if you had Mrs. Kohl as your English teacher for 4 years, then you would understand why. If you really really know me, then you would know that my oldest daughter, Portia, was named for the heroine in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. and not after the motor vehicle.
A few weeks ago she informed me that I would have to give her an African name during the "Ceremony of the Drums" as she completed her course work for a degree in African American studies at Temple University. I was so excited. As I began my research, I came upon the name Chinedu, which means "God leads". I said, that fits my Porty Pooh.
Portia started out majoring in Early childhood Education with an emphasis on bi-lingual (Spanish) studies. This decision lead her on a journey to Spain and Costa Rica. During that time, I emphasized to her that she is black, and while she can go traveling and galavanting around the world, her responsibility should be to her own community because to whom much is given much is required. One thing I can tell you about all my daughters is that once they make up their mind to do something, that's it. Pretty much like their mom. So for the most part I didn't try to talk them out of anything, but I just "say my piece" and let it sink in. However there are times, even now that they are "grown" when I just have to say "no, you're not doing that". Period. Parenting is a never ending job.
Le me add that once Portia came back from her adventure, she went right back to SANKOFA at Canaan Baptist Church...where I had planted her in the first work with the childen in her community. I had just helped Cannan re-establish the afterschool program there and all the time in the back of my mind, I had Portia in mind. Because she was majoring in early childhood education, I thought this was a perfect fit.
Last year, during her junior year, when she informed me that she changed her major to African American studies, I just said "OK". But in my mind I was thinking "what the hell?" What kinda job is she gonna get with a degree in that?" But, she was excited and enjoyed the course. I would say things from time to time like "Hospitality and Tourism are gonna be big and you love planning events" hint hint. She would just let me know, in a very diplomatic and respectful manner, that she had her mind made up and she knew what she was doing.
Proved it last night.
Last night, as we participated in the "Ceremony of the Drums" I felt a sense of pride that I've never known.
The funniest thing was when the keynote speaker, Dr. Anthony Monteiro said that these students were courageous and he understood, because his parents and siblings asked him "Why he was majoring in "that"? He said, they couldn't even say "African American Studies" they just said "that". So he began to break it down and even went into the gentrification process taking place in the neighborhood of that very University.
So, my oldest daughter, "Chinedu" - God Leads...transitions into a new chapter of her life and I, her biggest cheerleader will continue to be on the sidelines cheering. Even when I don't fully understand what she is doing or why she is doing it, I will rest in the knowledge that God is leading her.
Peace and Love.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I sure am missing her as I should be...after all, it is Mother's Day weekend.
A mother-daughter relationship can be very complicated. There may be times when you disagree, argue, get mad at each other, etc. But when push comes to shove, there is no human love like a mother's love...NONE. Not even daddy's love compares to a mommy's love. A mother's love is special.
As this mother's day approaches and I see all the hoopla about the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure", I am really missing her. For as long as this race took place in Philly, I would get up at 4am on Mother's Day (whining and complaining) to support my mother's team to raise money and walk for the cure. I hated getting up at 4am on mother's day, but I always did anyway. As I got older, I did what my mother told me most of the time...more than I did when I was younger. I realized later in life that more often than not, she was right about most things. And after all my whining and complaining every year, once we got down to the Parkway/Art Museum, we always had a ball.
After my mother passed, (even though she didn't die from breast cancer, I will never know what really killed her because they lied and told me that the autopsy was done, then, the day after we buried her, they tell me - with smugness - that there is no qutopsy because they told the hospital not to do they just flat out lied to me and threw it up in my face -- a whole nother story...anyway) we asked friends and family to send donations to the foundation in her name, because everyone knew that was her pet project. At the time of her death, she was a 19 year survivor.
That following May, I get my mother's mail from the Susan G. Komen foundation, and they are asking her where she'd been; they hadn't heard from her and was looking for her support again that year. I called and told them that she had passed, and I wanted an accounting for all of the money she had raised for them over the past 15 years. They transferred me all over the world and finally told me that they do not keep an accounting of how much money teams or individuals raise. Hmmm.
So with raised eyebrows, I did a little investigating, only to find that 90% of the billions of dollars raised by the foundation go to administrative costs. ONLY about 3% of those billions of dollars actually go to research!!!!
So as you all get all hyped up about the "Race for the Cure" this Sunday, keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that black women STILL die from this disease at a rate of 75% more than white women. Keep in mind that we STILL don't have the resources needed for early detection and prevention in our communities.
Now, all that said, if my mom were here, I would be ecstatic to join her and my aunt at 4am this Sunday morning...
A mother-daughter relationship can be very complicated. There may be times when you disagree, argue, get mad at each other, etc. But when push comes to shove, there is no human love like a mother's love...NONE. Not even daddy's love compares to a mommy's love. A mother's love is special.
As this mother's day approaches and I see all the hoopla about the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure", I am really missing her. For as long as this race took place in Philly, I would get up at 4am on Mother's Day (whining and complaining) to support my mother's team to raise money and walk for the cure. I hated getting up at 4am on mother's day, but I always did anyway. As I got older, I did what my mother told me most of the time...more than I did when I was younger. I realized later in life that more often than not, she was right about most things. And after all my whining and complaining every year, once we got down to the Parkway/Art Museum, we always had a ball.
After my mother passed, (even though she didn't die from breast cancer, I will never know what really killed her because they lied and told me that the autopsy was done, then, the day after we buried her, they tell me - with smugness - that there is no qutopsy because they told the hospital not to do they just flat out lied to me and threw it up in my face -- a whole nother story...anyway) we asked friends and family to send donations to the foundation in her name, because everyone knew that was her pet project. At the time of her death, she was a 19 year survivor.
That following May, I get my mother's mail from the Susan G. Komen foundation, and they are asking her where she'd been; they hadn't heard from her and was looking for her support again that year. I called and told them that she had passed, and I wanted an accounting for all of the money she had raised for them over the past 15 years. They transferred me all over the world and finally told me that they do not keep an accounting of how much money teams or individuals raise. Hmmm.
So with raised eyebrows, I did a little investigating, only to find that 90% of the billions of dollars raised by the foundation go to administrative costs. ONLY about 3% of those billions of dollars actually go to research!!!!
So as you all get all hyped up about the "Race for the Cure" this Sunday, keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that black women STILL die from this disease at a rate of 75% more than white women. Keep in mind that we STILL don't have the resources needed for early detection and prevention in our communities.
Now, all that said, if my mom were here, I would be ecstatic to join her and my aunt at 4am this Sunday morning...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Theme Songs:
Every super shero needs one!
I've had several over the past few years and one constant is Superwoman. I really am Superwoman, even when I'm a mess, I still put on my best with an "S" on my chest, OH YES, I'm a superwoman! Now and forever! It takes a REALLY STRONG woman to be a Superwoman. And it ain't easy being a Superwoman either...not very many men can deal with us...but it will help us to separate the boys from the men.
A real man will "Take me as I am" as my girl Mary J sings.
Fellas, "If you ain't got one better search the world to find...
A grown woman knows how to tell you no and knows when to let you go.
To all my fellow Superwomen - I love you girl!
No matter what we've been through, WE STILL STAND...STRONGER AND WISER!
Every super shero needs one!
I've had several over the past few years and one constant is Superwoman. I really am Superwoman, even when I'm a mess, I still put on my best with an "S" on my chest, OH YES, I'm a superwoman! Now and forever! It takes a REALLY STRONG woman to be a Superwoman. And it ain't easy being a Superwoman either...not very many men can deal with us...but it will help us to separate the boys from the men.
A real man will "Take me as I am" as my girl Mary J sings.
Fellas, "If you ain't got one better search the world to find...
A grown woman knows how to tell you no and knows when to let you go.
To all my fellow Superwomen - I love you girl!
No matter what we've been through, WE STILL STAND...STRONGER AND WISER!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Barber Shops and Beauty Salons - Still the Cornerstone of the Community
I really needed my ends cut and I needed to get that done today. So, on a whim, I go to the Dominican shop just to let them cut my ends. I don't let them do my hair because all that heat they use is not good for your hair. It is very had to repair hair that is damaged by heat. Repairing hair from chemical damage is easier than repairing hair from heat damage. Heat damage is the worst.
The Dominican shop was closed, but a few doors down there was a barber shop with a stylist on duty. So, i go into the shop and there sitting waiting to get his cut was my daughter's little boyfriend. He is pleasantly shocked to see me in "his shop", but greets me with his usual pleasantries - a smile and a hug for Ms. Kendall.
The stylist had just stepped out so one of the barbers "hit her up" on her cell and told her she had a "walk -in". They had some rap music playing - very loudly - but I am gifted that i can shut things out. A few minutes passed before one barber turns to me and says "Miss, I got some O'Jays, some Stylistics, Isley Brothers, Sam Cooke, etc. What you wanna hear?" I told him any of the above mentioned would suffice.
He put on "Family Reunion" first - the other barbers were like "man, that's stuff you listen to when...and they all said at the same time...."when you at your family reunion!" So then we heard some Temptations, Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes.and I was just tickled that these 23=28 year old young men were entertaining me with their appreciation for and knowledge of "real" music!
The stylist come in and give me one of the BEST shampoos I ever had! I mean, she knew NOT to use her nails when massaging my scalp, but used the balls of her fingertips...very professional. A cosmetologist myself, I am always critiquing my experience during any and all beauty treatments.
She asked me where I normallly go and I said the Dominicans down the street, she said "yeah, they do a good job, but too much heat on your hair is not good! Now you know I'm really appreciating this girl now.
So, she blew my hair dry with minimal heat, as should be and straightened my hair using the real stove and irons...not electric stuff. Although she did use the electrics to feather my style.
I was not only impressed with her professional knowledge of HAIR CARE, but also her demeanor, hospitality (she gave me water to drink) AND her price. She even showed me some new tricks to keeping my hairstyle.
I needed my eyebrows done as well and she was hesitant, but I told her I had confidence that she could do them. And she did them...the old fashioned way - with the razor, not wax! AND she did a good job!
So, I watched the young men in my neighborhood in their environment - the barbarshop. I feel like i kinda invaded their space, but they were very courteous and respectful.
The Dominican shop was closed, but a few doors down there was a barber shop with a stylist on duty. So, i go into the shop and there sitting waiting to get his cut was my daughter's little boyfriend. He is pleasantly shocked to see me in "his shop", but greets me with his usual pleasantries - a smile and a hug for Ms. Kendall.
The stylist had just stepped out so one of the barbers "hit her up" on her cell and told her she had a "walk -in". They had some rap music playing - very loudly - but I am gifted that i can shut things out. A few minutes passed before one barber turns to me and says "Miss, I got some O'Jays, some Stylistics, Isley Brothers, Sam Cooke, etc. What you wanna hear?" I told him any of the above mentioned would suffice.
He put on "Family Reunion" first - the other barbers were like "man, that's stuff you listen to when...and they all said at the same time...."when you at your family reunion!" So then we heard some Temptations, Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes.and I was just tickled that these 23=28 year old young men were entertaining me with their appreciation for and knowledge of "real" music!
The stylist come in and give me one of the BEST shampoos I ever had! I mean, she knew NOT to use her nails when massaging my scalp, but used the balls of her fingertips...very professional. A cosmetologist myself, I am always critiquing my experience during any and all beauty treatments.
She asked me where I normallly go and I said the Dominicans down the street, she said "yeah, they do a good job, but too much heat on your hair is not good! Now you know I'm really appreciating this girl now.
So, she blew my hair dry with minimal heat, as should be and straightened my hair using the real stove and irons...not electric stuff. Although she did use the electrics to feather my style.
I was not only impressed with her professional knowledge of HAIR CARE, but also her demeanor, hospitality (she gave me water to drink) AND her price. She even showed me some new tricks to keeping my hairstyle.
I needed my eyebrows done as well and she was hesitant, but I told her I had confidence that she could do them. And she did them...the old fashioned way - with the razor, not wax! AND she did a good job!
So, I watched the young men in my neighborhood in their environment - the barbarshop. I feel like i kinda invaded their space, but they were very courteous and respectful.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
There's no real difference. They both play for the same team. I heard a pro wrestler say that "Politics today is much like wrestling. In front of the camera, we hate each other, but behind the scenes, we all have dinner together and hang out. That's how politicians are."
William Shakespeare said
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
Public Enemy said "Don't believe the Hype".
Stevie Wonder said "Why do you keep on making us hear your song. Telling how you will change right from wrong. Cause if you really want to hear our view you haven't done nothin'."
Kendall says They're all in this thing together.
Obama has appointed too many former big business lobbyist to his cabinet AND the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Time to wake up, take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth.
Financial Reform? The Biggest Joke of the Century!
William Shakespeare said
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
Public Enemy said "Don't believe the Hype".
Stevie Wonder said "Why do you keep on making us hear your song. Telling how you will change right from wrong. Cause if you really want to hear our view you haven't done nothin'."
Kendall says They're all in this thing together.
Obama has appointed too many former big business lobbyist to his cabinet AND the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Time to wake up, take off the rose colored glasses and see the truth.
Financial Reform? The Biggest Joke of the Century!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
As the seasons change...
I love the spring - always have. I love watching the trees and flowers bloom, the warm weather, and the red robins, yellow cardinals and bluejays flying around. The air smells "springy" and people seem to be more happy.
So it is with the seasons of life. Life takes us through changes - some good and some not so good, but "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."
Personally I was not be prepared for the changes that my life took and I definitely didn't necessarily like those changes either, but somehow I adjusted.
Right now my life's season seems to be in sync with the weather. The winter of my life has passed and I am now in a season of new beginnings. Sometimes I reminisce about the past, going back and forth about "what could have been" or "what should have been", but you know what I read this morning? This:
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Now if that's not confirmation from the Word, then I don't know what is!
Peace and Love!
So it is with the seasons of life. Life takes us through changes - some good and some not so good, but "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."
Personally I was not be prepared for the changes that my life took and I definitely didn't necessarily like those changes either, but somehow I adjusted.
Right now my life's season seems to be in sync with the weather. The winter of my life has passed and I am now in a season of new beginnings. Sometimes I reminisce about the past, going back and forth about "what could have been" or "what should have been", but you know what I read this morning? This:
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Now if that's not confirmation from the Word, then I don't know what is!
Peace and Love!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rejuvenated, Restructured and Redirected
First I want to give glory and honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Creator of all that is seen and unseen- lover of my soul and saviour of my life. Without him I am nothing!
Many of you who know me know that I started my business in 2005 after the passing of my mother. I named my company HTS - Hayes Technical Solutions for several reasons. One, I wanted to be recognized by my maiden name since i was in the process of a divorce and found myself in a new territory called total independence. Two, because the name pretty much covered everything . I could do it all Event Planning, web design, name it I could do it or so I thought. I was just all over the place, desperately trying to keep my sanity during the darkest period that I had ever encountered. I just wanted to make money. Money means success. Success means happiness. That was my thinking back then. So HTS 's motto became Headed Towards Success.
Well, I faced many obstackles on my way to success and I made many mistakes. What I learned is that my "motto" was all wrong.
So, let's just skip to the present.
I was laying in bed one Sunday night thinking that I was feeling much more stable and ready to move on with my business venture. Then this song started going through my head. It was a song from a "Psalty the Psongbook" video that my kids and I used to watch when they were little. I heard it loud and clear. "If you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be a servant of all." The story line was about Charity Churchmouse who was going to be a Gospel Singing Star. Yup, she was "Headed Towards Success" and fell into a trap. Then she realized what the Lord was trying to tell her - be a servant. That's when it hit me...HTS...Here to Serve
So, whatever your needs are - prayer, inspiration, home improvement, event planning, photography, web design etc, whatever. Just let HTS know and more than likely we can direct you to a professional that will work with you and your budget.
That's just the beginning. I'm not quite sure at this time what else we have in store for you, but be assured that there is more to come!
Please join my new network at
First I want to give glory and honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Creator of all that is seen and unseen- lover of my soul and saviour of my life. Without him I am nothing!
Many of you who know me know that I started my business in 2005 after the passing of my mother. I named my company HTS - Hayes Technical Solutions for several reasons. One, I wanted to be recognized by my maiden name since i was in the process of a divorce and found myself in a new territory called total independence. Two, because the name pretty much covered everything . I could do it all Event Planning, web design, name it I could do it or so I thought. I was just all over the place, desperately trying to keep my sanity during the darkest period that I had ever encountered. I just wanted to make money. Money means success. Success means happiness. That was my thinking back then. So HTS 's motto became Headed Towards Success.
Well, I faced many obstackles on my way to success and I made many mistakes. What I learned is that my "motto" was all wrong.
So, let's just skip to the present.
I was laying in bed one Sunday night thinking that I was feeling much more stable and ready to move on with my business venture. Then this song started going through my head. It was a song from a "Psalty the Psongbook" video that my kids and I used to watch when they were little. I heard it loud and clear. "If you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be a servant of all." The story line was about Charity Churchmouse who was going to be a Gospel Singing Star. Yup, she was "Headed Towards Success" and fell into a trap. Then she realized what the Lord was trying to tell her - be a servant. That's when it hit me...HTS...Here to Serve
So, whatever your needs are - prayer, inspiration, home improvement, event planning, photography, web design etc, whatever. Just let HTS know and more than likely we can direct you to a professional that will work with you and your budget.
That's just the beginning. I'm not quite sure at this time what else we have in store for you, but be assured that there is more to come!
Please join my new network at
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Health Reform
I'm not exactly sure if I agree with the Healthcare Reform Bill, because I don't know what's in it.
I am sure that I am proud of our President, who looked straight in the face of optimal opposition and intense intimidation, and stood his ground on an initiative that he believes is in the best interest of the american people. That I can appreciate. Somebody described him as "the biggest gangster to come out of Chicago since Al Capone".
That's alright with me!
I am sure that I am proud of our President, who looked straight in the face of optimal opposition and intense intimidation, and stood his ground on an initiative that he believes is in the best interest of the american people. That I can appreciate. Somebody described him as "the biggest gangster to come out of Chicago since Al Capone".
That's alright with me!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Just Kendall's Random Thoughts
And did anyone else check out the Metro a few months back when they did a spread on what the future of the city would be? Yup, they ran a spread that showed what Philly would look like in 2020, if plans go accordingly. Guess what? I didn't see not one black person in the city's future - not Dn center city. Nope - all the condos, restaurants, theatre and nightlife planned SO NOT include people of my hue. Blacks are not part of the fabric of future Philly.
How in the world are the citizens of Philadelphia sit around and allow city-council to vote on whether or not there should be term limits? What? You think they are gonna vote the terminate their own employment? That is a question that should be put on the ballot and yes there should most certainly be term limits for those positions. WTH?
I extend much love and respect for this new breed of Young black leaders that are emerging in Philly. I;m talking about business leaders, politicians, religious and civic leaders. They did not wait for the baton to be passed to them (thank God, because they'd still be waiting) no these brothers jumped up and took the darn baton and are running with it!! Although I may not always agree with some of their tactics, they have my respect and support.
I love my church, ENON, my Pastor, Allyn Waller and the many positive black male influences there. When I see articles about churches coming together to realize the disparity in black men, I just smile because I know that my church family might not make the news all the time, but we definitely make a difference every day of the week
More importantly the Word is being preached through actions.
I was ecstatic to read in the Chicago Tribune that their one and only all black all male charter school had 100% of their seniors accepted and going to college!!! Ain't that good news?!?!?!
Now onto some other stuff that's really been bothering me. Stuff that just make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands...
How in the world are the citizens of Philadelphia standing by and watching all the BS taking place and not saying or doing a thing? I'm not just talking about gentrification, now you got this mayor trying to impose an additional price on trash pick up and a ta on sweetened soft drinks. With all the construction I see going on moving this whole gentrification process along, most of the license plates are from out of town. So, the citizens of Philadelphia, not only can't get a job working in their own neighborhood - they also get to pay extra for a can of Pepsi or Coca Cola AND pay to have their trash picked up And don't forget about your city council president who retired, got her $500k retirement package and returned to work the next day still on salary. When are we gonna wake up?
Back to some positive. I may be the only one, but I see some positive changes withing the school district.
Even though the days of an elected School Board with members who have a vested, non-financial-non business interest are long gone, I am hopeful about the 2014 vision.
How in the world are the citizens of Philadelphia sit around and allow city-council to vote on whether or not there should be term limits? What? You think they are gonna vote the terminate their own employment? That is a question that should be put on the ballot and yes there should most certainly be term limits for those positions. WTH?
I extend much love and respect for this new breed of Young black leaders that are emerging in Philly. I;m talking about business leaders, politicians, religious and civic leaders. They did not wait for the baton to be passed to them (thank God, because they'd still be waiting) no these brothers jumped up and took the darn baton and are running with it!! Although I may not always agree with some of their tactics, they have my respect and support.
I love my church, ENON, my Pastor, Allyn Waller and the many positive black male influences there. When I see articles about churches coming together to realize the disparity in black men, I just smile because I know that my church family might not make the news all the time, but we definitely make a difference every day of the week
More importantly the Word is being preached through actions.
I was ecstatic to read in the Chicago Tribune that their one and only all black all male charter school had 100% of their seniors accepted and going to college!!! Ain't that good news?!?!?!
Now onto some other stuff that's really been bothering me. Stuff that just make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands...
How in the world are the citizens of Philadelphia standing by and watching all the BS taking place and not saying or doing a thing? I'm not just talking about gentrification, now you got this mayor trying to impose an additional price on trash pick up and a ta on sweetened soft drinks. With all the construction I see going on moving this whole gentrification process along, most of the license plates are from out of town. So, the citizens of Philadelphia, not only can't get a job working in their own neighborhood - they also get to pay extra for a can of Pepsi or Coca Cola AND pay to have their trash picked up And don't forget about your city council president who retired, got her $500k retirement package and returned to work the next day still on salary. When are we gonna wake up?
Back to some positive. I may be the only one, but I see some positive changes withing the school district.
Even though the days of an elected School Board with members who have a vested, non-financial-non business interest are long gone, I am hopeful about the 2014 vision.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Biting my tongue, holding my peace or whatever you want to call it. Anyway, talk is my smoke.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Can't Bite My Tongue
Think I will bite my tongue for a few ticks. I think that's best. :-)
Will soon write my opinion on:
"The State of the Union"..
"Another Bail Out Plan" for big busintss after they paid back the first one just in time to allow them to issue their bonuses...
just plain ole
and other funky things...
Peace and Love.
Will soon write my opinion on:
"The State of the Union"..
"Another Bail Out Plan" for big busintss after they paid back the first one just in time to allow them to issue their bonuses...
just plain ole
and other funky things...
Peace and Love.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Kendall is back!
... And better than ever. I even look better; just a little more hips, butt and thighs, but I look good if I do say so myself.
I've been a little docile for the last 4 or 5 years and my kids - I know that they have been taking advantage of my - change, for lack of a better word. They got away with saying stuff that ordinarily would have gotten them a backhand slap in the mouth. And I rarely say no to anything they ask. Well that's over - for them and for everybody else too. I'm not taking stuff lightly anymore. If you say or do something wrong to me please expect immediate retaliation.
I know my poor kids may be suffering from culture shock today, because last night they got their feeling hurt when I responded to a situation in true - oldskool Kendall fashion. It wasn't the actual situation that I was responding to - it was more their mouthy little smartass responses that set me off. Where before, they were giving me word for word (and I was allowing that shit? Trying to "allow them to voice their opinion"). And now, they are practically grown at 22, 19 and 17, however, I don't give a damn. I am still the mother and when I talk, shut up, I don't wanna hear nothing you got say, all you need to do is listen and keep all those smartass remarks to youself. I had to be really harsh because they wasn't getting it. Well they know now - Mommy is back. And Mommy will always be Mommy no matter how old they get, how many degrees they get or how many kids they have.
They might be "the cat's meow", but Mommy is the damn cat!
I have to add that it was mostly that oldest one who had to get that tongue lashing. The baby - she does exactly what I say and she doesnt talk back to me at all. She wss just upset because she LOVES her sisters, and "felt her pain". She never saw me that mad before either. Poor baby.
The middle child, with all her mouth - was not even involved this time. But the difference is that she is a diplomat and always prefaces her remarks with "Ok mom, but can I say something now?" I I say no, then she 'll just be like " that's not fair" and I will say "I don't care. And that will be that. I catch her making faces at me from time to time though.
But that oldest one - she thinks she is my equal - but she will never be.
My mom is missing this. She always said that she couldn't wait to see how my girls would give me back everything I gave her. I honestly thank GOD that they haven't given me 1/4 of what the mouthiness I gave my mom. She would often say that she should have named me Mouth Almighty.
But, I have a different type of relationship with my daughters than my mom had with me too, so...but I still wish she were here...
I've been a little docile for the last 4 or 5 years and my kids - I know that they have been taking advantage of my - change, for lack of a better word. They got away with saying stuff that ordinarily would have gotten them a backhand slap in the mouth. And I rarely say no to anything they ask. Well that's over - for them and for everybody else too. I'm not taking stuff lightly anymore. If you say or do something wrong to me please expect immediate retaliation.
I know my poor kids may be suffering from culture shock today, because last night they got their feeling hurt when I responded to a situation in true - oldskool Kendall fashion. It wasn't the actual situation that I was responding to - it was more their mouthy little smartass responses that set me off. Where before, they were giving me word for word (and I was allowing that shit? Trying to "allow them to voice their opinion"). And now, they are practically grown at 22, 19 and 17, however, I don't give a damn. I am still the mother and when I talk, shut up, I don't wanna hear nothing you got say, all you need to do is listen and keep all those smartass remarks to youself. I had to be really harsh because they wasn't getting it. Well they know now - Mommy is back. And Mommy will always be Mommy no matter how old they get, how many degrees they get or how many kids they have.
They might be "the cat's meow", but Mommy is the damn cat!
I have to add that it was mostly that oldest one who had to get that tongue lashing. The baby - she does exactly what I say and she doesnt talk back to me at all. She wss just upset because she LOVES her sisters, and "felt her pain". She never saw me that mad before either. Poor baby.
The middle child, with all her mouth - was not even involved this time. But the difference is that she is a diplomat and always prefaces her remarks with "Ok mom, but can I say something now?" I I say no, then she 'll just be like " that's not fair" and I will say "I don't care. And that will be that. I catch her making faces at me from time to time though.
But that oldest one - she thinks she is my equal - but she will never be.
My mom is missing this. She always said that she couldn't wait to see how my girls would give me back everything I gave her. I honestly thank GOD that they haven't given me 1/4 of what the mouthiness I gave my mom. She would often say that she should have named me Mouth Almighty.
But, I have a different type of relationship with my daughters than my mom had with me too, so...but I still wish she were here...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Theme Song
Last year's theme song was Alicia Keys' "Superwoman".
For some of us, even when we don't want to be superwoman, we have be - even when we aren't, we have to pretend to be.
I will ALWAYS be superwoman.
OK, So this year's themes song is Cameo's "Single Life".
I love my mother-daughter discussions. We've always had them, but now that they are older our conversations are more grown up and intriguing. We talk about men/boys relationships, work, sex, drugs, - you name it, we have probably talked about it. I am happy that my daughters feel comfortable talking to me about anything. (Although I sometime find myself blushing because that middle child can come up with some stuff!)
I realized over the weekend that they are genuinely concerned about me being single. So I explained to them that yes, sometimes I get lonely, and yes, I would love to be in a relationship, but right now I am enjoying ME!. I like living alone and I am just really taking this time to get to know Kendall. I don't want to get too set in my ways and sometimes I get afraid and think that if someone doesn't come along and sweep me up pretty soon, I might end up an old lady with cats. lolol.
So, they got me to thinking and I realized that yeah I have probably been running away from relationships. Probably passed up, bypassed and overlooked some pretty good prospects too. But it's all good. I am happy and at peace! I haven't had peace of mind for a long time and I am enjoying it to the utmost.
I still believe in fairytales. Me and my two grown daughters went to see the princess and frog on opening day and loved it!! But I ain't kissing no more frogs hoping to transform them into my prince. My prince better come looking regal, self assured and ready to sweep my off my feet! Matter of fact, I don't even want a prince - I want the KING!
lolololol. If not, ka sera sera.
I will contine to live the single life...
Peace and Love!
Even when I'm a mess I still put on my best with an "S" on my chest Oh Yes, I'm a Superwoman.
For some of us, even when we don't want to be superwoman, we have be - even when we aren't, we have to pretend to be.
I will ALWAYS be superwoman.
OK, So this year's themes song is Cameo's "Single Life".
I love my mother-daughter discussions. We've always had them, but now that they are older our conversations are more grown up and intriguing. We talk about men/boys relationships, work, sex, drugs, - you name it, we have probably talked about it. I am happy that my daughters feel comfortable talking to me about anything. (Although I sometime find myself blushing because that middle child can come up with some stuff!)
I realized over the weekend that they are genuinely concerned about me being single. So I explained to them that yes, sometimes I get lonely, and yes, I would love to be in a relationship, but right now I am enjoying ME!. I like living alone and I am just really taking this time to get to know Kendall. I don't want to get too set in my ways and sometimes I get afraid and think that if someone doesn't come along and sweep me up pretty soon, I might end up an old lady with cats. lolol.
So, they got me to thinking and I realized that yeah I have probably been running away from relationships. Probably passed up, bypassed and overlooked some pretty good prospects too. But it's all good. I am happy and at peace! I haven't had peace of mind for a long time and I am enjoying it to the utmost.
I still believe in fairytales. Me and my two grown daughters went to see the princess and frog on opening day and loved it!! But I ain't kissing no more frogs hoping to transform them into my prince. My prince better come looking regal, self assured and ready to sweep my off my feet! Matter of fact, I don't even want a prince - I want the KING!
lolololol. If not, ka sera sera.
I will contine to live the single life...
Peace and Love!
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