
Friday, March 7, 2014

Author to Host Reading, Book Signing and Discussion About Gay Men Who Marry Straight Woman

Philadelphia, PA - Question: What’s worse than discovering that your husband is having an affair with another woman? Answer: Discovering that your husband is having an affair with another man.
Purchase your copy today.

Discovering that your spouse is leading a double life can cause tremendous self-doubt and great psychological and emotional suffering. and millions of women have experienced it worldwide. But as the old saying goes “There’s nothing new under the sun.” This behavior has been taking place since the days of Noah. Most women have just not realized that it is very much prevalent in this day and time.

 On Friday, March 21st at 6:00 PM, Hayes will read from her book ‘Seasons of Hope’ and take comments and questions from the audience. There will also be speakers who will talk about the down-low syndrome, or, people who outwardly live heterosexual lifestyles while secretly having same-sex relationships. Be a part of the discussion and join us as we take the subject out of the closet during the ‘Seasons of Hope’ reading and book signing.

 When: Friday, March 21st at 6:00 PM – 9:00PM
Where: The Urban Book Gallery 262 S. 52nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 ###

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