
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Author releases book on a the taboo subject of under cover homosexuality. Seeks to take the subject out of the closet to allow healing, empowerment and restoration to individuals, families and communities.


Philadelphia, PA January 6, 2014 – When Kendall Hayes started an organization with a mission to help women to overcome obstacles such as domestic violence, substance abuse and losing loved ones, it was because she herself had experienced these things and more. She felt that the best way to help herself was to help others.

The organization focused on bringing women together to conduct workshops for girls age 10-16 to help them identify behaviors at an early stage, providing preventive measures and allowing the young ladies to learn from the mistakes of others.

She discovered that there was an underlying issue that many women had either experienced in the past or were currently dealing with, but no one really talked about it or addressed it. It was the issue of women who loved men who slept with other men - men on the down low.

Discovering that your spouse is leading a double life can cause tremendous self-doubt and great psychological and emotional suffering and millions of women have experienced it in the U.S.
“We have heard the term down low for some years now. We’ve heard stories and read books about these men; I couldn’t remember reading one from a female point of view. We had “Invisible Life” and others by the late E. Lynn Harris, whose books told the stories of men living on the down low. We had the book by D. L. King who shared his story of living on the down low. But we didn’t have much from a woman’s perspective on the subject. The closest thing I can think of is the movie Cover, which showed how devastating it is when a woman finds out that her man is living a double life. I decided it was time for me to write a book. I had talked about it for a few years. Now it was time to stop talking and start writing.” Ms. Hayes shared.

As her 50th birthday approached, she realized one of the best ways for her to share a journey through trials to triumphs was through writing a book. In December of 2013, she finally completed her first novel – 'Seasons of Hope'. - a fictional account of one woman's journey through a series of unfortunate, life altering events including the devastating realization that her husband is gay. The story also follows one man’s struggle with his sexuality and the lengths he will go through to keep it a secret. It takes the reader on a spiritual journey through seasons of betrayal, grief, brokenness, healing, empowerment and restoration.

The fundamental issue behind ‘Season of Hope’ isn't that of homosexuality; whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong; whether they should be permitted to marry or not. That has no relevance to the story in which Hayes tell. The author seeks to bring to the light that which we have left lurking in the shadows far too long; it raises an important issue which we have publicly ignored and socially suppressed far too many times.

This fascinating book is more than just a good read - it is a step towards the light The author's hope is to take the subject out of the closet and begin open and honest discussions to help heal, empower and restore individuals, families and communities.

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