
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alan Butkovitz is doing a great job!

FINALLY! Somebody dug into the Parking Authority! And just MAYBE the Philadelphia School District will get the money they were promised.

Read the story here in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've lived in Germantown all my life. Let me clarify that because I've lived in EMAN WMAN WOL and EOL, but I consider all of that Germantown.

Well now I really live in Germantown, Rubicam Street to be exact. There's a black tennis club right in the back of where I live and I often watch the players play. During my travel home, I'd pass by yet another black tennis club. So a friend of mine likes to play tennis, so we decided to ride around there and check it out.

Well, we met Mr. Scott, whose son (Franklyn Scott)is the President of the club By the time I finished talking with Mr. Scott, I not only knew the history of the club (he's gonna write an article about it for my next newsletter.), I'd also had a mini sermon, history lesson, philosophy lesson and a brief lesson in the latin language. By him also being a retired Dean of Students at Bartram, I got a whole other lecture about education, teaching and what's wrong with the educational system today. We had a very interesting and stimulating conversation - with him doing most of the talking! But the most interesting part of our conversation was this.

He asked where I lived and I said Rubicam Street He said "Oh you live on the Rubicon huh? I said "no Rubicam". He said "yeah Rubicon. Do you know what that means'? Of course I didn't know what that meant and I was beginning to feel pretty stupid. Anyway, he went on to tell me (and I'm paraphrasing) how when Ceasar left Rome and crossed the Rubicam - there was no turning back. True or not true I like that. Keep on walking don't look back. Yes!

Peace and Love.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


What the hell is that all about? The first time I heard that nonsense, I was a little offended. I'm fine, I live in Philly, but my voice is definitely not baratone. I sent an email to expressing my distain with that statement. Now, Clearchannel aka WDASFM 105.3 is broadcasting that statement like a commercial or something.

The more I hear it, what I'm hearing that "All the fine women in Philly have deep voices and therefore are not women at all" So now I am deeply offended.

I don't know about you, but I don't want the city where I grew up and still reside to be labeled as the city where all the fine women are really men.

Now that's some fraggernackle BS!

I said that I was gonna call a boycott on the show, but most of my people don't even listen to WDAS, they listen to 107.9, 103.9 or some other station anyway and have no idea of what I'm whining about now. I was the die hard Philly DAS fan out my bunch.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I friend of mine who has been laid off for over a year called me today to tell me that she started a new the Department of Welfare. You know what that means, she gets to work, but doesn't get paid! The state is hiring but cannot even pay the worker's they already have on payroll.

This is one of those things that make you go hmmmmm.


The word is that there are plans to form State Chambers of Commerce for African Americans. I like that...More to come on this!

Friday, July 17, 2009



Although blurbs are written about Ryan Howard hitting his 200th home run of his careerand that this milestone was "reached quicker than any other player in major-league history" This story is not in the headlines of any major Philadelphia newspaper.


And another thing - was anybody concerned enough to campaign for Ryan to be on the "All Star" team last year - when he rightfully deserved it? Was the man who calls himself running this city out there :campaigning" for Ryan like he did for one of the players this year?

Well, I'm glad he made it this year or I mighta had to start a protest or something. LOL - and Ryan Howard could probably care less - how much does he make again?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We've Got To Do Something To Save The Children

I tried to wait until I cooled down a bit before writing about the racist b-------s in Huntingdon Valley. It is a sin and a shame that in 2009, the year of the first Black President of these United States of America, our babies are slapped in the face with outright, blatant racism.

Now, what I am about to say may not be very popular, but here it goes...

Why the hell would we even want to take our children to Huntingdon Valley? It is obvious that they don't want to be around blacks that's why they live Huntingdon Valley in their secluded little lifestyles. I'll tell you why, because the city closed their pools and the babies needed someplace to swim this summer. I salute the day care providers for their efforts to provide the children with the opportunity to swim, but could they have found a black swim club to partner with?

This should serve as a wake-up call to the man who calls himself running the city. I personally hold him responsible. That's all I'm gonna say about that because I am still really angry!

This incident brought back to memory my own personal encounter with racism with the Huntingdon Valley racists.

I was working in Huntingdon Valley in the engineering department of a very large company. Engineering itself had over 300 employees and I was one of three black employees. The people were so nice and I never had any problems with the employees. My boss was the best. He was an English man and I loved his accent and as I said, he nor any of the other employees treated me with anything other than kindness and respect. None of them were actually from Huntingdon Valley either. I almost forgot that I was black and they were white. Then we had the department Christmas party. It was held in some country club out in Huntingson Valley. Well, I was sitting at the table with my boss, his direct secretary and some other higher ups in the department. (By the way, the two other black gentlemen did not attend the Christmas Party) Anyway, we're sitting there have a good time; then the food begins to be served. Everyone was served except for me. I think soup was first and then salad. Well, after I didn't get the salad, my boss was furious and asked to speak with whomever was in charge. Well at that point, it didn't matter - I had been slapped in the face by racism in the 90's. Once my boss made a big deal, I thanked him and I left.

So, we need to guard our children and not put them in a situation where this could happen.

By the way, when we had our office christmas party a few days later, I received lots of nice gifts and money. I guess everyone heard about what happened, but it wasn't them - not all white people are racist bigs.

Friday, July 10, 2009

One Ex-Offender's Plight

This is a letter that my baby sister sent to MORE in February of this year...

My name is Adriene Berry. I am an ex-offender living in Philadelphia. I just wanted to take a moment to express to you the difficulty I have encountered in trying to obtain employment. I am sure my situation is not uncommon but that does not make it any less frustrating. I was convicted in 2005, placed on house arrest and served out my probation. Tell me, why I am I still paying that same debt. If I sound bitter, please forgive me. I was a first time offender and I consider myself to be collateral damage in this so called war on drugs. I also realize that I made a decision that I now know will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have been trying to get back to a productive life but that seems nearly impossible. I have registered with every agency in the city. I even have some that send me out on menial jobs that no one else will take only to receive notice by mail, no less, stating that they cannot retain me because of my criminal record. I'd just like for someone to tell me what am I supposed to do to take care of my family. Do I embrace a life of crime since society has turned its back or do I become another able bodied adult trying to live off of the scraps you receive from public assistance? I don't want to do either. I just want a chance to work and support my family. It seems like the government along with corporate America wants to keep me from my rights promised me by the Constitution of the United States of America. It seems that the government is only interested in driving ex- offenders further underground. A lot of people don't want to sell drugs and steal and rob. But you know what, a lot of them do. I'm just wondering what are the options for those of us who want to live a decent life? I look through the re-entry web sites, call the numbers but I don't qualify for most of the programs. They offer training but what happens after that? If there is no one to hire you what good is the training? I can't get any federal assistance to go back to school and if I could what would I study? No federal assistance for student loans or housing. I have to try and pay rent with welfare and child support. I am not receiving welfare at this time but I guess I soon will be. Maybe we don't matter to you. Maybe we get what we deserve. Maybe we don't deserve second chances. I don't know. But I do know that I am not a bank exec who squandered away millions of dollars that did not belong to me or sell high risk loans that I knew would never see serious returns. I know I am not a big oil company who held the whole country hostage while I raked in record breaking profits. Nor am I an auto industry exec who is writing this letter from my summer home in Milan asking for assistance. I am just a simple person trying to live. Where do I fit in? If there is any assistance you may be able to offer me or even if you have a direction to point me in, please do not hesitate. I'm open to feedback, suggestions and anything else helpful. I have been in contact with Ms. Carolyn Harper who is the Director of The Mayor’s Reentry program for ex offenders. Here is a copy of her response to me sent on March 2nd. I still have not heard from anyone in that department yet.

Their response...

Ms. Berry,

Thank you for your letter. You are correct that it is very difficult once you have been labeled as an offender to take advantage of what society offers to non-offenders. I am pleased to see that you understand the consequences of your choices and appear to be ready to make a change. The Mayor's Office for the Reentry of Ex-offenders is dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated persons successfully reenter into society, however it is a process.

I am copying Ms. Mines, Deputy Director for Reintegration Services on this email. She can provide you with additional information on our program.

I wish you continued success in your endeavors. Have a great day.

Carolyn C. Harper
Chief of Staff
Mayor's Office for Reentry of Ex-Offenders

So now I am challenging all my Civil servants to step up to the plate. I know where you are when it’s time for re-election. Making a whole bunch of empty promises. How about this new administration? If we want to successfully integrate ex offenders into society, we must provide them with fair opportunities. There is a lot of talk but we need action.