...or is lif now imitading art.
I watched the VMA Awards last night for maybe the first time in my life. I was disturbed by what I saw.
I was disturbed at the images and messages that young people are getting embedded into their heads thru the lyrics of the music of these people who were performing and/or being awarded. Not all of them were holly weird looking, but the majority.
It struckup quite a stirring conversation between my baby sister and myself when Lil Wayne came out with his damn pants hanging off his ass. I wondered - Is this art imitating life, or is this life imitating art. Too many of our youth are spending too much time mirroring their lives after artist, which is unrealistic. So we started discussing where this pants handing off the ass came from. I said I heard it came from prisons and she went ballistic. Insisting that is false.
"It's an expression of their individuality. It's a trend". She insisted. I insisted that it represents something; it says something and it means something. There IS a message behind it.
After we argued and debated for about an hour, it became clear that we were both SAYING the same thing, but were coming from very different viewpoints.
While we both agree that too many of the black youth are being raised by TV, music, facebook and twitter, we completely disagreed about whose fault it is. She says it's the parents fault; I say it's not the parents fault because they are a part of a system that has failed the parents already and they don't know any better...yada yada yada. Well, this chick was adamant and after about 3 hours she finally had me understanding her point of view.
We cannot continue to blame they system for designing the various traps that our people have fallen for (drugs, alcohol, welfare, section 8, etc). Everyone has a choice. It's all about choices.
As a people, we Choose not to vote.
We CHOOSE not to hold our elected officials accountable.
We CHOOSE to place too much valuse on materialistic things.
Life is all about choices. Choose wisely.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
It is obvious that the youth in our society need more nurturing and guidance. We must step up and take our communities back. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through mentoring. Yup - that old "Each one teach one" or Each one reach one" philosophy really does work. There have been many studies to prove this fact. But do we really need studies to prove what common sense and history have already taught us?
The Merriam-Webster definition simply says "to advise or train (someone).
The USC Alumni Society describes their mentoring progam as "a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. We all have a need for insight that is outside of our normal life and educational experience. The power of mentoring is that it creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem-solving."
I asked 5 people what they thought the meaning of mentoring is. I got 5 different ideas on HOW to mentor, but the basic ideas of mentoring was the same:
1. Mentoring is passing on knowledge and information
2. Mentoring teaches culture
4. Mentoring teaches life skills
5. Mentoring teaches career and employment skills
So, basically, mentoring is the passing of skills, knowledge and wisdom from one person to another.
It doesn't take much to be a mentor. Just a little time and compassion. The structure of the mentoring relationship is not important. What is important is the learning experience. Mentors can teach what schools don't. Mentors can make a powerful and positive impact in someone's life.
Now, I don't have on my rose colored glasses, so I'm not saying that mentoring is the answer to every situation. There may be some who we can't reach. But there are many that can be helped just by you talking to them for a few hours a week.
It's time people. And I'm not just talking about Americans, blacks, whites or green people. I'm talking about people in general. You don't need to belong to any organization to be a mentor. All you need to do is invest a little time and compassion.
The Merriam-Webster definition simply says "to advise or train (someone).
The USC Alumni Society describes their mentoring progam as "a developmental partnership through which one person shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of someone else. We all have a need for insight that is outside of our normal life and educational experience. The power of mentoring is that it creates a one-of-a-kind opportunity for collaboration, goal achievement and problem-solving."
I asked 5 people what they thought the meaning of mentoring is. I got 5 different ideas on HOW to mentor, but the basic ideas of mentoring was the same:
1. Mentoring is passing on knowledge and information
2. Mentoring teaches culture
4. Mentoring teaches life skills
5. Mentoring teaches career and employment skills
So, basically, mentoring is the passing of skills, knowledge and wisdom from one person to another.
It doesn't take much to be a mentor. Just a little time and compassion. The structure of the mentoring relationship is not important. What is important is the learning experience. Mentors can teach what schools don't. Mentors can make a powerful and positive impact in someone's life.
Now, I don't have on my rose colored glasses, so I'm not saying that mentoring is the answer to every situation. There may be some who we can't reach. But there are many that can be helped just by you talking to them for a few hours a week.
It's time people. And I'm not just talking about Americans, blacks, whites or green people. I'm talking about people in general. You don't need to belong to any organization to be a mentor. All you need to do is invest a little time and compassion.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Prime Time Sister Circle Program
Prime Time Sister Circle Program
In partnership with the
Black Women's Health Alliance and the
African American Museum of Philadelphia
Wednesday, August 10 6 p.m.
Drs. Marilyn Hughes-Gaston and Gayle Porter of Gaston & Porter Health Improvement Center, Inc. of Washington D. C., internationally known experts and creators of the Prime Time Sister Circle program will be the keynote speakers and provide information about the program.
Women in their "Prime Time", 40 - 70 years of age, will have an opportunity to register for one of seven upcoming PTSC's that will be offered in the Philadelphia area beginning Tuesday, August 23, thru December 19. AAMP will host a PTSC on Monday evenings at 6 p.m. from September 12 thru December 19.
PTSC is designed to improve healthy lifestyle choices and health outcomes of African American women through appropriate stress management techniques, increased physical activity and improved nutrition. Each PTSC meets for two hours over twelve consecutive weeks.
Black Women's Health Alliance has partnered with Drs. Gaston & Porter to coordinate and manage PTSC in the Philadelphia area. RSVP to bwhaorg@gmail.com. For more information contact:
Black Women's Health Alliance
3801 Market St.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104
In partnership with the
Black Women's Health Alliance and the
African American Museum of Philadelphia
Wednesday, August 10 6 p.m.
Drs. Marilyn Hughes-Gaston and Gayle Porter of Gaston & Porter Health Improvement Center, Inc. of Washington D. C., internationally known experts and creators of the Prime Time Sister Circle program will be the keynote speakers and provide information about the program.
Women in their "Prime Time", 40 - 70 years of age, will have an opportunity to register for one of seven upcoming PTSC's that will be offered in the Philadelphia area beginning Tuesday, August 23, thru December 19. AAMP will host a PTSC on Monday evenings at 6 p.m. from September 12 thru December 19.
PTSC is designed to improve healthy lifestyle choices and health outcomes of African American women through appropriate stress management techniques, increased physical activity and improved nutrition. Each PTSC meets for two hours over twelve consecutive weeks.
Black Women's Health Alliance has partnered with Drs. Gaston & Porter to coordinate and manage PTSC in the Philadelphia area. RSVP to bwhaorg@gmail.com. For more information contact:
Black Women's Health Alliance
3801 Market St.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19104
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Minority Contractor Training Program
Minority Contractor Training Program
Expand Your Capacity to Build Your Business
Sponsored by the City of Philadelphia and Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.
This free, six (6) month, (2 classes per month), course is designed to provide minority contractors with firsthand experience, market information, productive business relationships, and an opportunity to expand and enhance their business capacity. This program will enable minority contractors to work more independently on City-funded, public works projects. The program includes case studies from actual projects and offers insights to help business owners increase their competitive position.
The program has the capacity for sixty (60) companies, 120 participants. Each minority construction company may select two representatives to participate in the program. We encourage the owner to attend along with an employee.
Companies participating in this program will:
Increase their ability to profitably participate on public, non-profit and private sector contracts and
Be the first to receive invitations to participate in future capacity building programs. These programs could include bonding coverage, mentor/protégé, teaming partners, financial services, and a small business initiative.
The City of Philadelphia will award a certificate of completion to individuals during the graduation ceremony. OEO will acknowledge companies with graduating participants on the OEO website.
These interactive classes will begin on September 1 and run through February 16, 2012. All classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Enterprise Center located at 4548 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139. Parking is available.
Applicants will be selected based on experience. The deadline for applications is August 12.
Angela Dowd-Burton, MBA
Executive Director
Office of Economic Opportunity
One Parkway Building
1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office: 215-683-2055
Fax: 215-557-8538
Email: Angela Dowd-Burton@Phila.gov
Expand Your Capacity to Build Your Business
Sponsored by the City of Philadelphia and Ernest Bock & Sons, Inc.
This free, six (6) month, (2 classes per month), course is designed to provide minority contractors with firsthand experience, market information, productive business relationships, and an opportunity to expand and enhance their business capacity. This program will enable minority contractors to work more independently on City-funded, public works projects. The program includes case studies from actual projects and offers insights to help business owners increase their competitive position.
The program has the capacity for sixty (60) companies, 120 participants. Each minority construction company may select two representatives to participate in the program. We encourage the owner to attend along with an employee.
Companies participating in this program will:
Increase their ability to profitably participate on public, non-profit and private sector contracts and
Be the first to receive invitations to participate in future capacity building programs. These programs could include bonding coverage, mentor/protégé, teaming partners, financial services, and a small business initiative.
The City of Philadelphia will award a certificate of completion to individuals during the graduation ceremony. OEO will acknowledge companies with graduating participants on the OEO website.
These interactive classes will begin on September 1 and run through February 16, 2012. All classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Enterprise Center located at 4548 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139. Parking is available.
Applicants will be selected based on experience. The deadline for applications is August 12.
Angela Dowd-Burton, MBA
Executive Director
Office of Economic Opportunity
One Parkway Building
1515 Arch Street, 12th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office: 215-683-2055
Fax: 215-557-8538
Email: Angela Dowd-Burton@Phila.gov
Using the motivation excuse
by: Rob Bell
Someone told me last week, “I need YOU to motivate ME to exercise” Why? Why do you need ME to motivate YOU? If you can motivate yourself to get out of bed, do your daily routine of what ever, participate in all the things you LIKE to do then why do you need ME to motivate you?
Motivation is described as being the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or achieving a desired goal. Based on the aforementioned the only person you need to motivate you is YOU.
STOP using motivation as an excuse not to exercise. I'm sure you have come up a multitude of reasons why you can't. The real reason is you don't want to put in the time, effort and dedication it takes to do it on a consistent basis. I know it's hard, however, anything worth having is worth working for. When you wanted a nice house,a car, that good job, your degree you put the time in to make it happen. Isn't your health just as important as all of those things? Besides what's the point of having all of those things if you can't enjoy them.
If you expect to live a lifestyle free from stress, pain,and numerous health problems you must adapt a healthy way of living. The combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and strength training will get you there. It will help you lose weight, look and feel better and erase those trips to the doctor's office. Get on board and motivate yourself into living a healthier lifestyle.
Someone told me last week, “I need YOU to motivate ME to exercise” Why? Why do you need ME to motivate YOU? If you can motivate yourself to get out of bed, do your daily routine of what ever, participate in all the things you LIKE to do then why do you need ME to motivate you?
Motivation is described as being the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or achieving a desired goal. Based on the aforementioned the only person you need to motivate you is YOU.
STOP using motivation as an excuse not to exercise. I'm sure you have come up a multitude of reasons why you can't. The real reason is you don't want to put in the time, effort and dedication it takes to do it on a consistent basis. I know it's hard, however, anything worth having is worth working for. When you wanted a nice house,a car, that good job, your degree you put the time in to make it happen. Isn't your health just as important as all of those things? Besides what's the point of having all of those things if you can't enjoy them.
If you expect to live a lifestyle free from stress, pain,and numerous health problems you must adapt a healthy way of living. The combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and strength training will get you there. It will help you lose weight, look and feel better and erase those trips to the doctor's office. Get on board and motivate yourself into living a healthier lifestyle.
Monday, August 1, 2011
This Week in Washington
by: Big Steve "The Eighth Wonder"
The debt ceiling has been a looming issue since January when the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives. The Washington alarmist have warned the White House and the American people that if the debt ceiling is not raised it could lead to the United States defaulting on its debts, higher interest rates, and even economic apocalypse. Optimists believe that as the deadline neared both sides will come to a compromise and eventually approve a debt ceiling increase. The default scenario is a little over a week away and yet no agreement is on the table.
The Republicans are still digging in, demanding a package that includes spending cuts, but no revenue increase. This means that programs like Social Security and Medicare could possibly suffer decreases while the rich and wealthy still benefit from the Bush tax cuts. Democrats believe a more balanced approach must include revenue increases and the Democrats are opposed to necessitating another debt ceiling vote before the 2012 Presidential Election.
It will come down to the wire; and when the stopgap compromise is reached, many in Washington will declare victory and, in the process, claim credit for averting a national disaster. Yet the resolution will likely be temporary, and the damage will be real and long-lasting -- both of which render an already worrisome situation even more difficult going forward.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is constructing one plan that includes revenue increases and in the House Speaker John Boehner is preparing another plan which does not include tax increases. The problem is neither plan can actually become law without the cooperation of the other side.
Virtually most, if not all Americans worry about these problems and too many feel them acutely on a daily basis. Astonishingly, however, our elected representatives and their appointees are just bickering and, distressingly, failing miserably to communicate a vision that provides for even the smallest amount of medium-term
optimism. The endless political squabbles compel all to question whether politicians are aware of Main Street's realities, let alone up to the task of making things better. It is highly likely that the solution will be a band aid that has to be replaced in the coming months. In the meantime, America's structural injuries will deepen and, to an extent that was unthinkable, America's economic future will become even cloudier. One has to question whether the Republicans concerned about the welfare of the American people and the global reputation of America. Or is keeping a promise to make President Obama a one term President their main objective?
The debt ceiling has been a looming issue since January when the Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives. The Washington alarmist have warned the White House and the American people that if the debt ceiling is not raised it could lead to the United States defaulting on its debts, higher interest rates, and even economic apocalypse. Optimists believe that as the deadline neared both sides will come to a compromise and eventually approve a debt ceiling increase. The default scenario is a little over a week away and yet no agreement is on the table.
The Republicans are still digging in, demanding a package that includes spending cuts, but no revenue increase. This means that programs like Social Security and Medicare could possibly suffer decreases while the rich and wealthy still benefit from the Bush tax cuts. Democrats believe a more balanced approach must include revenue increases and the Democrats are opposed to necessitating another debt ceiling vote before the 2012 Presidential Election.
It will come down to the wire; and when the stopgap compromise is reached, many in Washington will declare victory and, in the process, claim credit for averting a national disaster. Yet the resolution will likely be temporary, and the damage will be real and long-lasting -- both of which render an already worrisome situation even more difficult going forward.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is constructing one plan that includes revenue increases and in the House Speaker John Boehner is preparing another plan which does not include tax increases. The problem is neither plan can actually become law without the cooperation of the other side.
Virtually most, if not all Americans worry about these problems and too many feel them acutely on a daily basis. Astonishingly, however, our elected representatives and their appointees are just bickering and, distressingly, failing miserably to communicate a vision that provides for even the smallest amount of medium-term
optimism. The endless political squabbles compel all to question whether politicians are aware of Main Street's realities, let alone up to the task of making things better. It is highly likely that the solution will be a band aid that has to be replaced in the coming months. In the meantime, America's structural injuries will deepen and, to an extent that was unthinkable, America's economic future will become even cloudier. One has to question whether the Republicans concerned about the welfare of the American people and the global reputation of America. Or is keeping a promise to make President Obama a one term President their main objective?
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