
Tuesday, January 21, 2025


As a 5 year dialysis patient and almost two year kidney transplant recipient and survivor, I have learned a lot about my body - the human body and the importance of certain vitamins, nutrients, physical and mental health. GOD KEPT ME and helped me to learn the importance of  self care and this knowledge; these are some things that have kept me alive, productive and positive throughout that very trying 5 years.

Most patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) are on dialysis due to diabetes.  I was an exception.  My cause of kidney failure was uncontrolled high blood pressure.  During my time on dialysis i was prescribed 4 meds for HBP. a friend of mine gave me some powdered beet root.  I started drinking 1 scoop in an 8 oz glass of water daily and whild on dialysis one day my pressure went so low, I couldn't hear and everything got black.  My pressure had gone down to 80/60!!!  Once they stabilized me I just sat there for about an hour. My pressure went up to 119/79 and they allowed me to go home.  They took me off Lipitor and another med and I've been off both every since. I believe it was the beet juice.

Fast forward post transplant, now my magnesium and potassium and all my numbers were great, but I stopped taking the mag because it gave me diarrhea. Just went right thru me. He told me how he fixes himself a cocktail of beet juice, magnesium and seltzer
water a few times a week to help him relax. (he doesn't drink alcohol) 


Benefits OF Beet Root


  • Prevents fatigue and muscle exhaustion during/after exercise if taken about 90 minutes prior to workout
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Improve digestive health
  • Great brain food by increasing oxygen flow including motor control, emotion and cognition.
  • Cancer fighting properties
  • Immunity Booster
  • Helps detox the body

Monday, January 20, 2025


What is IUL?

Indexed universal life insurance (IUL) is a type of permanent plan with a savings component. Unlike some traditional life insurance plans, indexed universal life insurance allows the policyholder more input on how the cash value grows. With indexed 

universal life insurance, you are able to place part of your savings in a standard, tax-deferred, cash-value account and segment another portion into an account that grows based on a chosen index.

This type of financial strategy is  most appealing to:

 Affluent or emerging affluent clients ages 30 to 65 years, looking for:

  • Higher returns on cash value
  • Permanent death benefit protection
  • Executive benefits and business planning
  • Supplemental savings
  • Long-term care coverage and living benefits
Maximum issue age:
  • Insured, 85 years
  • Owner, any age

FOCUS ON YOUR HEALTH - Magnesium Glycinate Supplement

 As we begin the year 2025, it is with enthusiasm for life, health,  productivity and financial freedom.  As we continue on our journey of HEALING, EMPOWERMENT AND RESTORATION, we increase in wisdom and age and our health begins to get our attention as our body goes through changes.

We have researched and partnered with specialists in the areas of the nutrients, vitamins and overall enhancements that can assist and aid our bodies in the transformation that comes with age.  

As a 5 year dialysis patient and almost two year kidney transplant recipient and survivor, I have learned a lot about my body - the human body and the importance of certain vitamins, nutrients, physical and mental health. GOD KEPT ME and helped me to learn the importance of  self care and this knowledge; these are some things that 
have kept me alive, productive and positive throughout that very trying 5 years.

After my successful kidney transplant, my magnesium and potassium were both dangerously low.  I was admitted back into the hospital 3 times to receive both intravenously.  The potassium was fine after the first 4 hour drip, but the magnesium needed an 8 hour drip weekly for the first month.

After my investigation (you have lots of time on your hands when recovering) I came to understand that there are different types of magnesium.  They were giving me Mag OXIDE which is not easily absorbed by the body.  It goes straight through you.  

Magnesium with Glycinate maximizes the absorption process giving your body maximum benefits of the magnesium.

This is the first of a series of posts that we will share to provide information about some of these nutrients and their benefits.  We will begin with 

Magnesium Glycinate Supplement


  • 1.      Glycinate provides better absorption
  • 2.      Gentle on the stomach. Non-laxative effect
  • 3.      Improves insomnia and promotes relaxation
  • 4.      Regulates blood pressure and calcium absorption
  • 5.      Increase Blood Sugar levels
  • 6.      Reduces stress
  • 7.      Regulates the body’s nervous system an insulin sensitivity
  • 8.      Aids in Weightloss

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Starting New Beginnings that will Never End

As we move into a new period in 2025 we will not merely survive, but we will surely Thrive.

Surviving is out. Thriving is in. We're starting new beginnings that will never end.

Many of you have been with me since I started HER back in 2009.  You’ve followed and read my blog with its diverse entries ranging from politics, to social, health and employment disparities and beyond.  We have covered a lot of ground and survived many ups and downs over the years.  That is because the JOURNEY to HEALING EMPOWERMENT AND RESTORATION is a never ending, on-going rollercoaster ride of excitement and adventure during which you learn lessons and subsequently learn how to use those lessons to make better decisions and improve our lives. 

When I planted the seed in 2009, I had no idea that the organization would be known worldwide.  It really didn’t hit me until we were approached to join a global movement for MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS.

We continue our focus on information and resources for Healing, Empowerment and Restoration with an emphasis on Mental Health as we gear up for Mental Health Awareness Day on May 15, 2025.

Philadelphia, PA  (January 1, 2025) --  HER Heal Empower Restore  today announced their participation, in partnership with more than 2,300 leading brands, nonprofits and cultural leaders globally, in the fourth-annual Mental Health Action Day, to be held on Thursday, May 16. Spearheaded by SHOWTIME/MTV Entertainment Studios and TaskForce, Mental Health Action Day is an open-source and decentralized global movement to encourage and empower people to take action for mental health. This year’s call to action is to dedicate one hour to social connection. 

Owner and Founder of HER Heal Empower Restore shared this.  “As a witness to the affects of mental illness at a very early age, as well as watching it manifest in family members and friends and even myself. I watched as we  maneuvered our way through life-altering events such as death, divorce, job loss, etc., These events most certainly affects a person's mental well-being.  I also realized that grief manifests itself in many ways and is often categorized as mental illness.  Mental Illness is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood.  It affects all aspects of your life including your mental, spiritual and physical health.” Mental Health has no respect of person.  It affects White, Black, Rick, Poor…Male or Female…Any and Everybody

“We are proud to come together with this diverse group of influential and purpose-driven partners who share our commitment to empowering and encouraging people to shift from mental health awareness to mental health action,” said Erika Soto Lamb, Vice President of Social Impact Strategy at MTV Entertainment Studios. “When we recognize that mental health is health, we have an opportunity to demystify, destigmatize and normalize taking actions to help ourselves and each other.”

This year’s call to action is to dedicate one hour to CONNECTION. Participants are encouraged to take their first steps towards mental health action — whether for themselves, for their loved ones or to advocate for systemic changes through a wide range of tools. Free resources and tools, such as an employer toolkit and platforms for hosting and organizing events, are available for organizations and groups to help support their audiences through a myriad of ways - from starting a meditation practice to learning how to support a friend to advocating for change.

Cultural leaders, brands and organizations including TikTok, Pinterest, The Trevor Project, and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, are among those joining Mental Health Action Day 2024. A full list of partners is available at


About Mental Health Action Day

Mental Health Action Day is an open-source movement of brands, organizations, government agencies, and cultural leaders to drive culture from mental health awareness to mental health action. The 2024 Mental Health Action Day will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2024 with a mission to encourage and empower people to take their first actions on mental health -- whether for themselves, for their loved ones, or for their communities, because mental health is health. Learn more at or you can follow along at #MentalHealthAction

About HER Heal Empower Restore

Established in 2009, HER started as a tool for Owner and Founder, Kendall Hayes Fullard, to deal with back-to-back – to- back sudden and life-altering losses Instead of sinking into a pit of depression and despair, she decided to share her story and found that she was not alone.  Since then she has counseled and mentored hundreds of women and girls through life’s challenges while providing free  programs as outlets.  Learn more at


As we  re-evaluated  our never-ending journey of Healing Empowerment and Restoration, we realized that a missing component of our quest is FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

The world is changing quickly.  Along with it the way the currency is used is changing.  Join us as we learn about the transitions taking place in global currency. We see 2025 as a time of great opportunity if you understand the game.  

We also continue to cultivate a vibration of ENTREPRENEURSHIP in our communities because that’s how the game begins.

This is just an introduction to HER 2025 THRIVE NOT SURVIVE mission.  Visit our website often to catch up on events, business resources and community engagement opportunities. Get a monthly membership to obtain access to much more relevant resources and important information.

Saturday, October 19, 2024


As I embark on re-launching HER podcast, I needed to go back to the beginning.  It's been 15 years since I began this journey of Healing, Empowerment and Restoration but somehow I feel that the journey has just begun.

Grief.  My journey started with grief.  Most often when we think of grief, we associated it with death of a loved one and that is right where my grief began...with the death of my mom in 2005.   Since then I've learned a lot about grief including that any type of loss brings grief.  That year I experienced 3 losses - loss of a loved one, loss of a marriage and loss of a job. So I was REALLY grieving and boy o by was I a basket case. Maybe I should have said 4 losses because in the midst of everything I lost myself.

For 16 years I had played the role of wife and mother.  I was very young when I married - 23 with an 18 month old daughter whom I loved more than life itself.  I was determined to be the mom that I always wanted and to give my children the family life that I always craved.  I immersed myself into being the best wift and mommy ever

 I thought I did everything right.  I was a member is good standing at church, kept a clean house, cooked healthy meals, 3 daughters always clean, well-dressed, hair done. Husband a well-respected deacon. I was a sabbath school teacher, choir member, bible study leader etc.  Living across the street from the church, our house was like Graham Central Station on Sabbath with church "family" gathering for potluck dinners

I was a supportive and encouraging wife  wife who helped him stare and run a business, To the outside world we were the picture perfect church going family running a successful business.  My reality was something different.

Looking back, I realize that those were all HIS people.  When I married him I not only took his name, but I accepted his religion, family and friends. I forsook people who I'd grown up with, my childhood friends and even some relatives because I thought I was in love and focused solely on my family life.

Don't get me wrong, my mom, g-mom, aunts, great-aunts and god-mother were always around; looking over me.  They'd seen and or experienced it all before.  They knew the intricate details that I tried to hide from the world.   They knew what I didn't know yet
 - that I had created a bubble for myself and my children and that one day that bubble would surely burst.  I turned 40 in February of 2005 and that is the year my bubble finally burst. Grandmom, great-aunts were gone by then and my mom would be gone later that year.  In March I finally got the courage to leave a loveless marriage that had turned out to be a total lie. That lead to me leaving my place of employment because that was tied to him and them mom died.  I was left to deal with the aftermath all alone. 

Being a product of a matriarchal family of strong black women, I had it in my blood to stand strong in what would be the journey of a lifetime.  This was the toughest period of my life and I was all alone. I tried to remain faithful and encouraged.  I thought " seven. Seven years and it will be done.  Seven is the number for completion according to the bible. Well 7 years came and went and my life was still in turmoil.  Now, to be honest, I bought a lot of it on myself.  All the anger, bitterness, sadness, betrayal made me onery and I became my own worst enemy. So 7 years came and went so I thought EIGHT! Eight is the number for new beginnings!  After 8 years things will get better. But I was still in a state of utter confusion, still very angry and hurt. I tried praying, writing - I did all kinds of things to keep myself busy and took it day by day.  I wrote a book which was therapeutic but I realized that I was blaming EVERYBODY for what I was going through and that no one was really to blame.  Not even me.  This was just life.  My life.  My journey. and I had to find my way to my destination. The destination was to be HEALED EMPOWERED AND RESTORED.

I now understand that it is not about the DESTINATION; it is about the JOURNEY for the journey is where you grow.  It is where the lessons are learned, wisdom is acquired and your character is developed.


Sunday, October 13, 2024